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Car Insurance Cheats....WATCH OUT !!!


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I was recently involved in an accident and the other party was at fault however they changed their statement and even got an eye witness who happen to be a friend working in a workshop. Now my insurance company say that due to their statement I will most like get a 50-50 instead of a full claim against him. Is this legit ? I made a police report for this case as I felt that if they can get away with lying it will be unfair and many other drivers please be careful. Below is the tips that I got from the police during my police report


1) Always call 999 after accident, it is a must to report accident to police whether there is injury or not. The TP will be there to understand the situation and facilitate the exchange of particular. The other driver refuse to give me his particular until his friend came.

2) Take pictures of the whole accident in all angles.

3) Don't move the vehicle before TP comes if possible.

4) However it is still unfortunate if someone comes out and lie which is beyond control.





In case you wanna know who the guy you're dealing with is,



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I submitted the report to the insurer, didn't have the video at the time cause the SD card was corrupted (only recovered it later which I gave them also). Police report I ask the station, actually no injury they don't care, And pass 24 hours some more they lagi don't care. I just told the other party to scare them. Only after I got the video out they the other party say willing to privately settle.


Worse is once you report to insurers and they other party deny usually 50/50 even if you want to retract the report / claim the insurer will not allow it until the other party provides private claim letter. Which means if other party play punk and don't do anything your insurer will have that on your record as an accident.





Car insurance in Singapore is always " Head they win, tail you loss " !


Most important is no injury, and " soon soon" repair damage and everything back to normal!

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It's no longer who's right or wrong . It's people can get "eye witness" who not at scene just to cheat insurance claim. I just hope everyone who happen to see this thread be aware of such things happening. You think you got video they got eye witness...

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It's no longer who's right or wrong . It's people can get "eye witness" who not at scene just to cheat insurance claim. I just hope everyone who happen to see this thread be aware of such things happening. You think you got video they got eye witness...


I dun think witness is important here unless both challenge each other in court, before this happen, both insurance company will probably agree on 50-50, especially you do not have a car cam to support you claim.

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The guy who sent the message. Google the number and see what you find


Google 81210061 and this guy become a design executive or maybe he just join the workshop. Don't know what is real what is not !

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Are you parking on the right and what's the flow of traffic?

Did u parked/waited against the flow of traffic....


This is a one way road and I was driving pass his left hand side when he reversed into a parking lot. His car swung towards the left and his bumper hit my rear end. The statement was falsified. I reported to GIA ([email protected]) and made a police report and they say the insurance company will investigate. I will follow up on this and see what happen.

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I had learnt the hard way last time. Waste time, waste money, waste effort.


Now I just play safe, drive slower, give myself more time to reach destination so won't be rushing. Find it better in self control in such ways, more willing to forgive idiot drivers, always willing to let others cut into my lane, even if no signal at all. All these just to avoid accident, avoid any unnecessary confrontation and driving has been much easier and enjoyable task now.


Last time always think of who has right of way, die die must exercise my rights etc, curse idiot driving behaviours, middle fingers out there, haha. Pointless to argue with idiot drivers out there lah. We can't avoid them anyway.

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It's no longer who's right or wrong . It's people can get "eye witness" who not at scene just to cheat insurance claim. I just hope everyone who happen to see this thread be aware of such things happening. You think you got video they got eye witness...


Video will always triumph over "eye witness". As long as you have a video showing exactly what happened, their so called eye witness might even be charged for providing false information.

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This is a one way road and I was driving pass his left hand side when he reversed into a parking lot. His car swung towards the left and his bumper hit my rear end. The statement was falsified. I reported to GIA ([email protected]) and made a police report and they say the insurance company will investigate. I will follow up on this and see what happen.

Hold up a second here....


To make sure I understand -


1. The accident happened inside the carpark

2. He was reversing into a parking space

3. You drove past on the left while he was reversing into the parking space

4. When he swung into the parking space his nose hit your rear bumper?


Is this correct?


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Hold up a second here....


To make sure I understand -


1. The accident happened inside the carpark

2. He was reversing into a parking space

3. You drove past on the left while he was reversing into the parking space

4. When he swung into the parking space his nose hit your rear bumper?


Is this correct?




sounds like the case, next you will ask why didn't you wait for him to park? [laugh][laugh]

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sounds like the case, next you will ask why didn't you wait for him to park? [laugh][laugh]

You smart!!

Just wanna verify facts before start scolding...


Would praise your post - but now that you join "the establishment" - no point

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Before this accident while I was in my car waiting to come out of my lot I saw this Type R coming into the one way in the opposite direction. A merc was trying to go out and he reversed his Type R and gave way to this merc. When I came out of my lot towards the stop sign I saw this Type R already made a 3 point turn and facing the flow of traffic right before the stop line. He was stationary and his car is straight. Comfortable space for me to drive straight into the flow of traffic so I just drive straight. Anyway I am not trying to make everyone side my version of the accident. I just want people to be aware of insurance fraud. Anyway the other driver could have tell the truth and there is no need to make it seems like I am squeezing through the lorry and his car which is not the truth. I wish there is someone that had witness the accident or video it down to come forward to stop his workshop guy from getting away with lying. I just hope there is a righteous person out there.


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Before this accident while I was in my car waiting to come out of my lot I saw this Type R coming into the one way in the opposite direction. A merc was trying to go out and he reversed his Type R and gave way to this merc. When I came out of my lot towards the stop sign I saw this Type R already made a 3 point turn and facing the flow of traffic right before the stop line. He was stationary and his car is straight. Comfortable space for me to drive straight into the flow of traffic so I just drive straight. Anyway I am not trying to make everyone side my version of the accident. I just want people to be aware of insurance fraud. Anyway the other driver could have tell the truth and there is no need to make it seems like I am squeezing through the lorry and his car which is not the truth. I wish there is someone that had witness the accident or video it down to come forward to stop his workshop guy from getting away with lying. I just hope there is a righteous person out there.

The problem right now -


The way that you have been relating what happened, and the way you have explained with bits of relevant information coming out a little at a time, you are looking less than straightforward, and also a little confused.


If you can't get the details clear and concise, accurate and easy to understand then of course people are also going to doubt you on other matters.

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Seriously dun waste time and effort lah bro, just pay own damages. GIA or GI JOE won't do shit about it.. eventhough the other party is lying or not, still will 50/50. Even u get Subash act for you, still same thing.


Sometimes in life, you have to just let it go, just take it as bad luck and get on with your life. Cheers

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