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Pls give these dogs a home..


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Neutral Newbie

WTF is this serious....hate this type of inhumane bussiness practice...


when the dog give birth to a litter, those with defects or very ill will be thrown into rubbish bin like table food scrap.




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Can stop. Once the demand dries up, so will the supply. But there will be one/two generation of dogs being abandoned.


That said, it will never happen because Singaporeans have this thinking that only pure breeds are the best which is not true at all. All pure breeds have some inherent genetic defects unlike mongrels whereby Darwin's law of survival of the fittest comes into play more. Mongrels with genetic defects either die at puppy stage or are not born at all.


From what I see from friends etc, the potential Singapore dog/cat/animal owner do not bother to read up and understand the animal they want to have as part of their life. They make the wrong choice and ultimately, the animal suffers.


I was a good example. The Wife and I read up on the net, from books etc and think we understood a typical cat's behavior. Adopted a tom cat from SPCA. He was a terror and we were greenhorns. My wife was so stressed handling him she lost 2 kg in 1 week. We had no choice but to return him. But that did not deter us. One month later after more reading up, we adopted another in 2001 and now, we have 5. On hindsight, our first was not a terror. He was just more rough and aggressive in his play. If we have him now, no problem handling him at all.

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Neutral Newbie

Im fine with ppl feeding these cats as long as they are sterlise.


But helping them reproduce and multiply is not right. Wana spend $ feed them, better do a bit more to get them sterlise.


Orelse cant really blame others(non-cat lovers) from calling in whoever to solve the growing population problem.


There have to be a reasonable compromise somewhere/somehow.


sterilizing a cat/ dog on average cost between $150-$300.In fact many stray feeders and rescuers have been sterilizing the strays but the AVA still catch them wat...


I see many stray feeders going SPCA to ballot for free sterilization voucher..most of these stray feeders are not rich..they use up most of their $ on food and sterilization and vet bills on these animals.


read this blog of a group of dog rescuers who brought the strays they feed for sterilization.One of the dog Georgie was recently caught by AVA and almost put to sleep but the rescuer manage to rescue him out of AVA and paid close to $500 for impound fees and coz the dog is a STRAY .Note he's sterilized, friendly and never disturb the humans at all....



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Im fine with ppl feeding these cats as long as they are sterlise.


But helping them reproduce and multiply is not right. Wana spend $ feed them, better do a bit more to get them sterlise.


Orelse cant really blame others(non-cat lovers) from calling in whoever to solve the growing population problem.


There have to be a reasonable compromise somewhere/somehow.

There are many responsible feeders living in each estate. Most if not all, fork out money from their own pockets to feed them and send them for neutering. H/w, cats are notoriously hard to trap because most do not trust humans (which is good in a way).


Anyway, whether they are not neutered or not, they will still need to eat. If no one feeds them, they will rumage and in the process, create a mess. I rather they be fed and the leftovers cleared immediately.


We both have differing views on animals, esp cats. [:)] You are protective of your kids and you do not understand how the cats react. I know how cats react so I am ok with my very young niece and nephew playing with my cats or even stray cats because I can intervene if I see the very subtle warning signs from the cats. Either way, agree to disagree. But I do not condone the senseless killing of stray cats/dogs by the TC/AVA over human complaints.

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Neutral Newbie

Can stop. Once the demand dries up, so will the supply. But there will be one/two generation of dogs being abandoned.


That said, it will never happen because Singaporeans have this thinking that only pure breeds are the best which is not true at all. All pure breeds have some inherent genetic defects unlike mongrels whereby Darwin's law of survival of the fittest comes into play more. Mongrels with genetic defects either die at puppy stage or are not born at all.


From what I see from friends etc, the potential Singapore dog/cat/animal owner do not bother to read up and understand the animal they want to have as part of their life. They make the wrong choice and ultimately, the animal suffers.


I was a good example. The Wife and I read up on the net, from books etc and think we understood a typical cat's behavior. Adopted a tom cat from SPCA. He was a terror and we were greenhorns. My wife was so stressed handling him she lost 2 kg in 1 week. We had no choice but to return him. But that did not deter us. One month later after more reading up, we adopted another in 2001 and now, we have 5. On hindsight, our first was not a terror. He was just more rough and aggressive in his play. If we have him now, no problem handling him at all.


[thumbsup] bro


sadly not many people understand.In fact well fed strays are usually more bochup to disturb people lah..they won't go dig the rubbish for food at least.

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I do keep my younger boy far away from them ever since.


No harm done to both sides so far. ^_^


I guess my neighbourhood are not lucky to have repsonsible feeders. Cos i believe the stray cat population would easily swell to over 20 if not for the MP visits. [dizzy]


Honestly speaking, sterlisation or hoping for responsible feeders is not going to solve the problem.


But you do have my respect for adopting some of these strays. [thumbsup]


There are many responsible feeders living in each estate. Most if not all, fork out money from their own pockets to feed them and send them for neutering. H/w, cats are notoriously hard to trap because most do not trust humans (which is good in a way).


Anyway, whether they are not neutered or not, they will still need to eat. If no one feeds them, they will rumage and in the process, create a mess. I rather they be fed and the leftovers cleared immediately.


We both have differing views on animals, esp cats. [:)] You are protective of your kids and you do not understand how the cats react. I know how cats react so I am ok with my very young niece and nephew playing with my cats or even stray cats because I can intervene if I see the very subtle warning signs from the cats. Either way, agree to disagree. But I do not condone the senseless killing of stray cats/dogs by the TC/AVA over human complaints.


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The beige one looks like Marley...hahah


Anyway, I already got 2 at home liao - think that's the max for an apartment...


Will ask around for you

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up again for tonight~

hope the dogs get a good home.

the cream one looks like there's some lab bloodline in him.


HDB should allows flats to keep strays dogs as well instead of putting them to sleep.

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Hi bro,


just saw your pictures but my CO see liao buey gumz.... so sorrie sorrie

For me, the animal's character wins over its looks. Maybe can persuade her to see it "live"? Its antics and character may win her over?

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