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Pls give these dogs a home..


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Cats require a different way of training/reprimand due to their smaller physical size and temperament.


Normally a loud firm No will do. sometimes a little smack on their thigh as a warning if they continue to misbehave. I used to have a teng tiao and when they play punk, 1 whip on the floor resulting in a loud whack will send them scampering. Now that teng tiao is one of their toys. They have been well behaved for many years now. Very few fights between them, max once per month and it is usually resulting from anger displacement or overly rough play.

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i also ask my friend to adopt other dogs since he still yearn to keep big dogs.

he used to have a huge german shepard.

passed away due to old age.


my friend cry like river.

now still keeping the collar and dog bowl.


he say he scared he dont want to deal with another blow like this.

makes sense too.

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Cats require a different way of training/reprimand due to their smaller physical size and temperament.


Normally a loud firm No will do. sometimes a little smack on their thigh as a warning if they continue to misbehave. I used to have a teng tiao and when they play punk, 1 whip on the floor resulting in a loud whack will send them scampering. Now that teng tiao is one of their toys. They have been well behaved for many years now. Very few fights between them, max once per month and it is usually resulting from anger displacement or overly rough play.

oh. can see your cats?

they sound so ultra adorable!!


sometimes when he run in the house when my mum at home,

she find out she will angry.

so i must wayang for my mum to see..

if not she will cane him herself. :ph34r:


so i use my slipper to beat his thigh.

can tell is not pain.

but good enough to get him to sit down and listen.


weird thing is that,

he start to use the slipper as a pillow.

always bring back to his cage and sleep together.


maybe cause got my smell? [confused]


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Neutral Newbie

Agree. For mid to large dogs, space is always a constraint.


if only the government lift up ban on cats in HDB and also allow bigger breeds for HDB, more dogs can be saved and prevent unnecessary killing.

Mongrels can be equally happy in apartments.What dogs really need most is loving care from their owner.


It sadden me to see so many dogs being abandoned, abused and surrendered to SPCA which usually end up being euthanized.These people are irresponsible!


worst is AVA going round culling stray dogs and cats.Pest control companies are also part of it, and usually using inhumane methods to catch them [:(]


where is animal welfare in Singapore? sigh

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if only the government lift up ban on cats in HDB and also allow bigger breeds for HDB, more dogs can be saved and prevent unnecessary killing.

Mongrels can be equally happy in apartments.What dogs really need most is loving care from their owner.


It sadden me to see so many dogs being abandoned, abused and surrendered to SPCA which usually end up being euthanized.These people are irresponsible!


worst is AVA going round culling stray dogs and cats.Pest control companies are also part of it, and usually using inhumane methods to catch them [:(]


where is animal welfare in Singapore? sigh

if i'm not wrong you were the one who saved ollie right?


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if only the government lift up ban on cats in HDB and also allow bigger breeds for HDB, more dogs can be saved and prevent unnecessary killing.

Mongrels can be equally happy in apartments.What dogs really need most is loving care from their owner.


It sadden me to see so many dogs being abandoned, abused and surrendered to SPCA which usually end up being euthanized.These people are irresponsible!


worst is AVA going round culling stray dogs and cats.Pest control companies are also part of it, and usually using inhumane methods to catch them [:(]


where is animal welfare in Singapore? sigh

Pets =/= economic value to the govt folks. You think it will ever happen? Hell no.


Prob if I ever become the PM. But it will never happen because I ain't no elite class.

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if only the government lift up ban on cats in HDB and also allow bigger breeds for HDB, more dogs can be saved and prevent unnecessary killing.

Mongrels can be equally happy in apartments.What dogs really need most is loving care from their owner.


It sadden me to see so many dogs being abandoned, abused and surrendered to SPCA which usually end up being euthanized.These people are irresponsible!


worst is AVA going round culling stray dogs and cats.Pest control companies are also part of it, and usually using inhumane methods to catch them [:(]


where is animal welfare in Singapore? sigh

I prefer mongrels to pure breeds esp dogs.


The few cat breeds I prefer are the singapura, abysinnian and BSH. But the longkang cats lord over them in order of preference. ^_^

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Neutral Newbie

Pets =/= economic value to the govt folks. You think it will ever happen? Hell no.


Prob if I ever become the PM. But it will never happen because I ain't no elite class.


haha..that will never happen..if so I think the sun can rise from the west


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my hdb block has this China couple. this guy brought a golden retriever and after a few mths, he said he cant manage the dog and brought to SPCA and was SURPRISED they may put it to sleep so in the end he didnt give to SPCA *stupid ass*


den few weeks later he told me he gave the dog to his fren.


BTW i have made a small $10 via credit card paypal. do they charge u any % from the donation u collected?

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Neutral Newbie

my hdb block has this China couple. this guy brought a golden retriever and after a few mths, he said he cant manage the dog and brought to SPCA and was SURPRISED they may put it to sleep so in the end he didnt give to SPCA *stupid ass*


den few weeks later he told me he gave the dog to his fren.


BTW i have made a small $10 via credit card paypal. do they charge u any % from the donation u collected?


Unfortunately, most of the dogs that are sent to SPCA are being put to sleep due to lack of space and too many dogs are sent in everyday.If you are free, spend half a day at SPCA and u will see many dogs and cats being surrendered to SPCA either by owners or found from streets.Some humans even worse..dun even want to pay the $50+ surrender fees so the easiest way is abandon them lor.


As for donation, I'm not sure if they charge any $.

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I guess so. Best is you send them a cheque to remove the commission.


I sometimes will donate to CWS via AXS machine also.

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i want to donate via ibanking but need input bank code etc etc..so they have paypal so i tot easier way out.


i wonder those ppl who inject animals to sleep in SPCA...how they feel and why they want to do that job...dont think they r highly paid.


some famous person once said to see the gracefulness of a society, look at how they treat the animals first.

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i want to donate via ibanking but need input bank code etc etc..so they have paypal so i tot easier way out.


i wonder those ppl who inject animals to sleep in SPCA...how they feel and why they want to do that job...dont think they r highly paid.

They should be the volunteer vets. I don't think they enjoy that aspect of their job but if not done, SPCA really has no space to house so many "given up" dogs and cats. That's why I always advocate adoption. save one life from the pen. Adopted animals give the same, if not more, love than one bought from the pet shop.

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some famous person once said to see the gracefulness of a society, look at how they treat the animals first.

Have you seen/heard any foreigner saying Singapore is a graceful society? If there is such a time, I think pigs can fly liao.

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