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Lets Own the Elites and their cars on the road!!


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You can call me elite hater. I don't care. But you see me on the road you better siam. Else you will cry or get heart attack....


Whenever I see elites and their big cars, confirm I won't give way. They block my way I will horn and highbeam. Still don't give way? I go infront and jam brake. Scare them to death...lol....


don't need to scare of elites and their cars wans...... just own them on the road.

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You can call me elite hater. I don't care. But you see me on the road you better siam. Else you will cry or get heart attack....


Whenever I see elites and their big cars, confirm I won't give way. They block my way I will horn and highbeam. Still don't give way? I go infront and jam brake. Scare them to death...lol....


don't need to scare of elites and their cars wans...... just own them on the road.


define elite..

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u 3yo?

r u sure u r allowed to use the computer and surf net little kid?


You no guts? Only dare to hide behind computer and cry father cry mother.....


got guts to race?

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You can call me elite hater. I don't care. But you see me on the road you better siam. Else you will cry or get heart attack....


Whenever I see elites and their big cars, confirm I won't give way. They block my way I will horn and highbeam. Still don't give way? I go infront and jam brake. Scare them to death...lol....


don't need to scare of elites and their cars wans...... just own them on the road.


Don't come here and talk rubbish lah.. [sleeping]

This is a car forum for serious discussion, not rubbish...

Edited by Tohto
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is this another real JerrrKK persona? create new nick just to post rubbish? zzzz


Lol.... look at yourself before you comment....


4 yellow cards.... Enuff said.....

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You no guts? Only dare to hide behind computer and cry father cry mother.....


got guts to race?


hmmm.... trying hard to recall someone crying father mother alot abt elites and COE...

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simi elite hater?.. did someone steal ur gf/ wife?.. si bei bo liao ..


i hope the sch holidays faster end.. less such crap


don't know don't care. See me come just get lost and don't block my way.

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You can call me elite hater. I don't care. But you see me on the road you better siam. Else you will cry or get heart attack....


Whenever I see elites and their big cars, confirm I won't give way. They block my way I will horn and highbeam. Still don't give way? I go infront and jam brake. Scare them to death...lol....


don't need to scare of elites and their cars wans...... just own them on the road.



when security command SUVs high beam you with the wording "Give Way" see you siam or not...


remember they not need to say "please".....

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when security command SUVs high beam you with the wording "Give Way" see you siam or not...


remember they not need to say "please".....


That depends on my mood.....

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Neutral Newbie

You can call me elite hater. I don't care. But you see me on the road you better siam. Else you will cry or get heart attack....


Whenever I see elites and their big cars, confirm I won't give way. They block my way I will horn and highbeam. Still don't give way? I go infront and jam brake. Scare them to death...lol....


don't need to scare of elites and their cars wans...... just own them on the road.




What's wrong with you?


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