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Votes of attitude which piss u off on the road


Voting which one you hate most on the road  

158 members have voted

  1. 1. Multiple choice Question ( can tick more than onces )

    • People who drive slower than speed limit by 30km/hr ( road hogging )
    • People who drive behind you all the time ( tail gating )
    • People who cut across lanes dangerously ( without signal or with signal but 0.1sec reactions )
    • People who speed pass you and look and u ( middle finger )
    • People who vroom vroom you at a stop point ( traffic light or junction )
    • People who dont give way to you even you signal like 1minute on normal road ( purposely block your way )
    • People who scold you when u hint them they are wrong ( never on headlight in the night )
    • People who beat people over small issue ( road bully )

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try click max 3 from the choices to give a fair vote


Edited by Introz
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Can add

Taxi who suddenly change lane and jam brake to pick up passenger or alight passenger. As this never fail to piss me off.

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no lane discipline, people who drive middle or right lane and even if (at 100km/h) above the speed limit, think that they can drive on the right since they are fast(er) than the limit already, this is absolute bollocks, lane discipline should be more important, if the expressway is clear, who cares even if you doing 95km/h, stick to left most lane please;


everyone forgot "keep left unless overtaking" rule, that's why lead to those in a hurry start-zig-zagging dangerously weaving in and out to go faster--if motorists observe "keep left" rule, there will always be a faster lane on the right for overtaking safely, otherwise CTE become 8-lane wide also no use, all 8 lanes hogged at 70km/h sure jam;


i have no other experience elsewhere, only these: the Autostrada in Italy or the Autobahn in Germany are great examples of very well-behaved motorists, that's why speed limit becomes irrelevant, everyone can travel fast, AND safely; actually Malaysia NSH already (though discipline not as good as Europe) is much more conducive/relaxing to drive than our local roads;


Another beef: no-signal, those people who change lanes/turn without signal, or brake until almost making the turn then signal---in such case signal for f--k still? as good as no signalling!


TP should not be so hard-ass with speed limits, having officers perch on overhead bridges, but instead, make NOT KEEPING LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING, and NO-SIGNALLING a fine-able and demerit points offences!


to take it even one step further, NO OVERTAKING or travelling on the right of another vehicle unless you are at least 10km/h faster than him/her (applies to expressway), I believe got such law in other parts of the world, and once overtaken, keep back left




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no lane discipline, people who drive middle or right lane and even if (at 100km/h) above the speed limit, think that they can drive on the right since they are fast(er) than the limit already, this is absolute bollocks, lane discipline should be more important, if the expressway is clear, who cares even if you doing 95km/h, stick to left most lane please;


everyone forgot "keep left unless overtaking" rule, that's why lead to those in a hurry start-zig-zagging dangerously weaving in and out to go faster--if motorists observe "keep left" rule, there will always be a faster lane on the right for overtaking safely, otherwise CTE become 8-lane wide also no use, all 8 lanes hogged at 70km/h sure jam;


i have no other experience elsewhere, only these: the Autostrada in Italy or the Autobahn in Germany are great examples of very well-behaved motorists, that's why speed limit becomes irrelevant, everyone can travel fast, AND safely; actually Malaysia NSH already (though discipline not as good as Europe) is much more conducive/relaxing to drive than our local roads;


Another beef: no-signal, those people who change lanes/turn without signal, or brake until almost making the turn then signal---in such case signal for f--k still? as good as no signalling!


TP should not be so hard-ass with speed limits, having officers perch on overhead bridges, but instead, make NOT KEEPING LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING, and NO-SIGNALLING a fine-able and demerit points offences!


to take it even one step further, NO OVERTAKING or travelling on the right of another vehicle unless you are at least 10km/h faster than him/her (applies to expressway), I believe got such law in other parts of the world, and once overtaken, keep back left





Very good points. But the last one, seems like very hard to enforce.

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no lane discipline, people who drive middle or right lane and even if (at 100km/h) above the speed limit, think that they can drive on the right since they are fast(er) than the limit already, this is absolute bollocks, lane discipline should be more important, if the expressway is clear, who cares even if you doing 95km/h, stick to left most lane please;


everyone forgot "keep left unless overtaking" rule, that's why lead to those in a hurry start-zig-zagging dangerously weaving in and out to go faster--if motorists observe "keep left" rule, there will always be a faster lane on the right for overtaking safely, otherwise CTE become 8-lane wide also no use, all 8 lanes hogged at 70km/h sure jam;


i have no other experience elsewhere, only these: the Autostrada in Italy or the Autobahn in Germany are great examples of very well-behaved motorists, that's why speed limit becomes irrelevant, everyone can travel fast, AND safely; actually Malaysia NSH already (though discipline not as good as Europe) is much more conducive/relaxing to drive than our local roads;


Another beef: no-signal, those people who change lanes/turn without signal, or brake until almost making the turn then signal---in such case signal for f--k still? as good as no signalling!


TP should not be so hard-ass with speed limits, having officers perch on overhead bridges, but instead, make NOT KEEPING LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING, and NO-SIGNALLING a fine-able and demerit points offences!


to take it even one step further, NO OVERTAKING or travelling on the right of another vehicle unless you are at least 10km/h faster than him/her (applies to expressway), I believe got such law in other parts of the world, and once overtaken, keep back left





haha i usually will horn and them then let them feel the smoke


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no lane discipline, people who drive middle or right lane and even if (at 100km/h) above the speed limit, think that they can drive on the right since they are fast(er) than the limit already, this is absolute bollocks, lane discipline should be more important, if the expressway is clear, who cares even if you doing 95km/h, stick to left most lane please;


everyone forgot "keep left unless overtaking" rule, that's why lead to those in a hurry start-zig-zagging dangerously weaving in and out to go faster--if motorists observe "keep left" rule, there will always be a faster lane on the right for overtaking safely, otherwise CTE become 8-lane wide also no use, all 8 lanes hogged at 70km/h sure jam;


i have no other experience elsewhere, only these: the Autostrada in Italy or the Autobahn in Germany are great examples of very well-behaved motorists, that's why speed limit becomes irrelevant, everyone can travel fast, AND safely; actually Malaysia NSH already (though discipline not as good as Europe) is much more conducive/relaxing to drive than our local roads;


Another beef: no-signal, those people who change lanes/turn without signal, or brake until almost making the turn then signal---in such case signal for f--k still? as good as no signalling!


TP should not be so hard-ass with speed limits, having officers perch on overhead bridges, but instead, make NOT KEEPING LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING, and NO-SIGNALLING a fine-able and demerit points offences!


to take it even one step further, NO OVERTAKING or travelling on the right of another vehicle unless you are at least 10km/h faster than him/her (applies to expressway), I believe got such law in other parts of the world, and once overtaken, keep back left





You made some very good points. [thumbsup]


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can i vote for everything except last one.. i doubt singapore have frequent road bully or road rage.


erm try not to.. wait not balance.. try the most 3 make you boil


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Got one more... ppl who road hog and keep stepping on brake when they drive 1 km/Hr more than speed limit


lol jammerbreaker like camel on the road

i hate that too but i think can put under road hogging bah

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On the flip side, the least irritating as voted in MCF is "People who vrooom vroom at traffic lights."


Is dat becoz we can vroom vroom back?

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On the flip side, the least irritating as voted in MCF is "People who vrooom vroom at traffic lights."


Is dat becoz we can vroom vroom back?


maybe [:/]

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