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Blackmail Scam by Ah Tiong Bu


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Taken from: EDMW


The below email has been circulating around in cyberspace and was forwarded to us for publication. For those of you who knows the identity of the author, please keep it strictly confidential.


Please forward this to all your male Singaporean loved ones and friends. This is something that actually happened to me and I feel that it needs to be shared. I believe my experience will help your male loved one stay out of trouble.


On the morning of 18th February at about 9.50 am I was standing at Coffee Bean (Novena Square) counter, ordering my usual cup of mocha latte before heading into the office as usual. Behind me was a row of leather cushions that the mall has provided. In the corner of my eyes, I noticed a middle aged Chinese lady with an umbrella and a cold storage plastic bag, looking really nervous, glancing around every now and then.


The lady had shoulder length hair tied up neatly in a pony tail and looked pretty plain, wearing just a normal t-shirt and jeans - nothing too revealing. She was about mid 20s to early 30s and pretty pleasant looking I must say. But her eyes were scary when she stared intently at me for a short moment I did not pay much attention to her as I thought she was waiting for the slimming centre to open. I carried on my business as usual, glancing through the Today newspaper.


As I made my way towards the direction of Banquet coffee shop, she stood up and walked towards my direction. What happened next caught me completely by surprise.


The lady stopped directly in front me of, stared at me and suddenly screamed "Why you touch me?" Only then did I realise from her unmistakable accent that she is from China. I said "Sorry? What are you talking about?" I was more in shock then angry. The first thing that came to my mind was, is this some woman that I accidentally brushed on the train this morning?


She did not bother to explain but kept on screaming and pointing her index finger at me "Why you touch me!" about 4 or 5 times. She then squatted, covering her face and cried, crying out over and over again that I had touched her. I was really lost. There were some people walking past me and I felt like a criminal standing there, while people gave me this disgusted look. All the while I was trying to talk to the China lady but she remains in a squatted position, covering her face and crying.


At this point of time, a Malay bang in light blue coloured uniform walked over from Banquet. Seeing the situation he asked me what happened. The lady stood up and said that I had "touched" her. She then told the Malay bang that I need to giver her $500 to "see doctor" or else she would report me to the Chinese Embassy. She took out her hand phone and took several photos of me.


The Malay bang then said, "Bro, I think we better call the police".


At this point of time, I have gotten over my shock and anger was slowly taking over. I nodded to the Malay bang in agreement. I took out my hand phone too. But instead of taking her photo, I dialled 999 immediately. "I am calling the police myself. Let them settle the matter". I said calmly to the both of them. At this point of time, she picked up her plastic bag and umbrella, and swiftly left towards the direction of Tan Tock Seng hospital - even before my call could connect!


We were left there puzzled. Somehow I was relieved that it was over and did not want to proceed with the call. The Malay bang asked me if I was ok. All I said was "Thanks". He patted my shoulder and walked away towards the direction of Coffee Bean. Several patrons inside banquet were already witnessing the commotion. I just wanted to get out of there.


In case something like this happens to you or your loved ones, do not make the same mistake I did, trying to console the woman. Immediately take out your hand phone, take a photo of her and call the police. Please help to spread this around to our Singaporean husbands, sons, brothers and friends.


Please, my dear Singaporeans, look around you, what has happened to our country? Where have all these pests come from? Think about your loved ones and your other Singaporean friends. Forward this story and make sure that they know what to do when the same thing happens to them.

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From the same thread:


hmmm there is another trick these Ah tiong bu try in casino in genting.

They will go around tables waiting for their chance to pick the chips on the table that do not belong to them. when you claim its yours, they will scream at the top of their voice saying its theirs, and say why you steal their money, and make all sorts of commotion.


just stay calm and state the chips are yours and ask for security if teh problem persists, they can check the security videos for evidence.


dont let these scums of teh earth take advantage of you.

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  On 3/9/2010 at 8:20 AM, Jman888 said:

the story not new leh, should have been posted here before, not sure ask J22, he station 24/7 :D


oie... not 24/7 hor... i am here only 8 to 5/ and 5 days a week. on 1/2 duty one sat a month.

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  On 3/9/2010 at 8:16 AM, Introz said:


[furious] her to death

neway ty for the info dude


in their country where women are not protected, they cannot choot this kinda pattern. here women charter is strong, so they make use of this weakness [:|]

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i think normally these tiongs target chinese men....coz they know they have no chance w malay and indian coz dun speak mandarin haha.

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My friend's friend kenna before, at Yishun MRT, he just drove into the pick up point wanted to pick up his girlfriend than this China woman start screaming in pain. he hurried down and check and the stupid woman accuse him of drving his car over her feet!!!! WTF


She demand that that guy pay medical fees to her, but her feet looks ok, and she still can argue and demand from him. Than when the GF appears she suggest they will send her to A & E and that China woman refuse, just say want $$$.


Than same thing, pick up phone call police, and she left just like that.


[furious][furious] All brother better be careful.

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these ah tiongs always like this. so disgusting.

dont come and tell me what my forefathers are from there.

even if they are dead already, i'm damn sure they wouldnt want to be grouped together with those ah tiongs that disgrace the name of china.


those ah tiongs always like to scam singaporean guys cause got a certain group of sg guys very stupid..

willing to let them scam LOL..


is because of that group of stupid sg guys thats why these ah tiong bu keep coming in. cause the ah tiong bu also know they STUPID haha.



and that certain group of sg guys always turn around and blame sg girls for being materialistic.

ya ya ya~

anything just conveniently blame other people. so useless.




i know there are good china citizens such as the group of Anti-Poachers in mongolia etc etc.

i'm sure anyone with common sense knows that i'm obviously not referring to the good china citizens.

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your post had all ground covered, even come with disclaimer! want to sue you also cannot, can join politic liao [laugh] [laugh]

Edited by Jman888
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wtf...... i think if she did that to me i will slap her face really hard... fcuking bitch...


reminds me of the not so long ago geylang scam when those fcukers chinamen/ladies... bungalah pretend to get knocked by you and demand compansation... once i was reversing at Lor 16... then bumped into this bungalah... i got out of my car... looked at his 'want to kill me' face... i walked towards him asked him what u want? he turned away and ignored me...


maybe there's a syndicate... :huh:

Edited by Ken4555
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  On 3/9/2010 at 9:04 AM, Jman888 said:

your post had all ground covered, even come with disclaimer! can join politic liao [laugh] [laugh]


cause i know that there are quite a few ah tiong supporters in here



i do hope it is idiot proof.

cause you know right, some idiots dont understand simple logic one hahaa.


and somemore, today i abit bad mood LOL.

in office nothing to do, come mcf to forget my unhappiness really works.


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Don't mess with people with no shame. If you slap the conster, that is like writing her a blank cheque. Don't be suprised if she rolls all over the floor holding her face like Mike Tyson punched her.

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  On 3/9/2010 at 9:20 AM, Ahtong said:

Don't mess with people with no shame. If you slap the conster, that is like writing her a blank cheque. Don't be suprised if she rolls all over the floor holding her face like Mike Tyson punched her.


wahahahahahaha.... i'm trying to imagine the scene.... hilarious!!!!!!


okok i know it wont be funny if i get sued for assult.... [mad] but must teach the conster a lesson... maybe straight away invite her to call police loudly... then will look like i am innocent... [laugh]


by the way if mikey punched her i think she would be dead... i mean the bull also kanna KO by him... :huh:

Edited by Ken4555
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