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Road Hog = Noob ?


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Just now along AYE lane 1. Spotted 1 road hogger, best thing is he/she didnt switch on headlights. How i know? becos i was behind him, the rear lights not on either. So i flash him to remind him to switch on headlights and also that he is hogging. Guess the message didnt get across, so i overtake him from the left and when i was in front of him, i switch off my lights and on again hoping he catch wat i mean. no response from him either, dun care leow, i sped off to head home. From far, i can see in rear view mirror, a taxi behind him this time with FULL hi beam on him, but he still no reaction..... this kinda noob driver also have [shakehead]

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He has been "attacked" by you and the taxi driver on " high beaming", so he stands firm and maintain what he was at during that time. I ever kena before but I was the one who did not switch on the lights, a driver from my rear gave me a short horn and a "flash" of high beam, I "wake" up( a little panicked in the sense) and see whats happening around me and in the end realized my headlight was in off mode. I move to the left lane and while this driver passes me , I waved and smiled at him, he waved back too......................thanks to him anyway for this gesture.

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He has been "attacked" by you and the taxi driver on " high beaming", so he stands firm and maintain what he was at during that time. I ever kena before but I was the one who did not switch on the lights, a driver from my rear gave me a short horn and a "flash" of high beam, I "wake" up( a little panicked in the sense) and see whats happening around me and in the end realized my headlight was in off mode. I move to the left lane and while this driver passes me , I waved and smiled at him, he waved back too......................thanks to him anyway for this gesture.


Nice to know that there are helpful and considerate drivers on Singapore roads after all.

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Just now along AYE lane 1. Spotted 1 road hogger, best thing is he/she didnt switch on headlights. How i know? becos i was behind him, the rear lights not on either. So i flash him to remind him to switch on headlights and also that he is hogging. Guess the message didnt get across, so i overtake him from the left and when i was in front of him, i switch off my lights and on again hoping he catch wat i mean. no response from him either, dun care leow, i sped off to head home. From far, i can see in rear view mirror, a taxi behind him this time with FULL hi beam on him, but he still no reaction..... this kinda noob driver also have [shakehead]


Maybe he thought it is still daytime [laugh] and he had the right of way in his lane....So oblivious to the surroundings and so irresponsible to other road users..... [thumbsdown][shakehead]

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He has been "attacked" by you and the taxi driver on " high beaming", so he stands firm and maintain what he was at during that time. I ever kena before but I was the one who did not switch on the lights, a driver from my rear gave me a short horn and a "flash" of high beam, I "wake" up( a little panicked in the sense) and see whats happening around me and in the end realized my headlight was in off mode. I move to the left lane and while this driver passes me , I waved and smiled at him, he waved back too......................thanks to him anyway for this gesture.


no attack lah, i only flash once niah. the taxi then attack, he full hi beam [sweatdrop]

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Seems like road hogger everywhere. Just met one at PIE, P-plate doing 60k/m in centre lane of 90km/h speed limit


Should set new rule to revoke those idiot then see they dare to hog or not. If newbie just pass dun dare go fast please stay on the lorry lane pls [mad]

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The taxi then " hiong " lah......well, but to some, when they received a flash of high beam, they will tends to become defensive, thinking they have been" attacked".......and will be in" on guard " position standby to counter-back, if they became " hiong" as well, then they will play with you lor.......sometime we just want to caution other drivers by a flash of high beam to alert them but usually, its like we are the " busybodies"

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Do you think minimum speed limits on the highways will work in SG? (Something I noticed when driving in Australia)


Lane 1: 80-90 km/h

Lane 2: 60-80 km/h

Lane 3: 50-60 km/h


I may drive at 90km/h all the time but I'm annoyed as those chiongsters with people hogging @ 80km/h and below speeds on lane 1.



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US cops have a device that can transmit their warnings to you while you are tuned to any radio frequency. Maybe need to find a shop in singapore that sells this device, u can go on a vigilante mission to get screw all of all these noobs thru their own radio!

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Maybe need to find a shop in singapore that sells this device, u can go on a vigilante mission to get screw all of all these noobs thru their own radio!


Maybe these noobs [and other hoggers] are actually on their vigilante mission to regulate speeds on lane 1 to the speed limit or lower.

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US cops have a device that can transmit their warnings to you while you are tuned to any radio frequency. Maybe need to find a shop in singapore that sells this device, u can go on a vigilante mission to get screw all of all these noobs thru their own radio!


Modified mp3 player with FM transmitter. :ph34r:

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