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They burn, it rains. Any rationale?


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because people tend to choose to burn paper money when the weather is fair, and not when it is hot and sunny. so it is more likely to rain than other time.


another reason being that people when burning paper money, tend to pray not to rain but their pessimistic self believe it will, and believing it will cause it to happen. this is call self fulling prophecy. for example, if a fellow always think he has cancer or going to have cancer, chances are it will develope.

Edited by Vextan
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rain is made up of clouds and vapour.


when you burn, you adding more water vapour to the air.


have you also noticed that in singapore, the east gets less rain than the north and the west?


ever study about why in tropical region like singapore, convectional rain is more common and happens more in the late afternoon?



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i notice that each time they burn paper money, it rains.


anyone knows why ah? [confused]


The receipient acknowledge that they have recieved but whether its a cry of joy or otherwise, I am unable to answer.

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