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3rd Eye (aka Yin Yang eye)


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sounds like Tian Jiao....they chant and burn ur name to the heaven so that when u died, u can find ur name outside the gate and from there, gain entry to mediate....

Its probably another Heavenly address, not the same as Christians' one for sure.


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I have a question to those who have 3rd eye or friend or relative who have 3rd eye. I was told that if these ppl can see them, they also know that you can see them, is it true? Cos my bro's friend told him when she was hospitalized, she always had uninvited guest sit next to her for chit chat.

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my mother always tell me that when i am v young, my ah gong who love to play with me a lot pass away. the 1st 7 days of his death, i was still " playing" with him... my parents they all ask me like what am i doing, i say i am playing with ah gong. they ask where is ah gong, i say there... but after the 1st 7 days no more le.. but that time i still vv young... about 2-3 yrs old? but i still remeber now my ah gong face and he always bring me go sit "pot pot" that kind put 20cents then got sound aand move de .....


in BMT that time, i was in G company.. my fren after we pop say he everynight see got red eye beside me along the window.. and i am sleeping the most corner with the window facing the road to outfield.. the last building of BMT sch.. the worst thing is that my buddy OOT and i am sleeping alone on 2 bed as our bed r joined.. the next nearest bed is maybe 5 m away.... our company only got 3 platoon and 5th floor is empty... and was told not to go up.. but those smokers always go up there to smoke and say upstair like normal bunk just abit scary looking with high ceiling. our company oso have a famous ah ma and kid in our block and the ger at the jacko ladder...


our layout of the window and door at the corridor is window door window...there is one night 1saw like a person(dunno is shadow or wat )walking pass 1 window and the door and i nv see it walk pass the next window.. being abit freak out and scared is SGT trying to catch us using handphone, i went to sleep.. the next day, i ask my good fren in my bunk who is sleeping 2 bed beside me and he say he saw it too.. both of us kept quiet and didnt tell anyone.. untill last week of BMT another 2 fren from another section saw and told everyone.. thats when we freaked out...

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to all bros,


i've got a question.

is it possible to speak to 'them'?


like say someone v dear to u passed away, is it possible to be able to talk to them if u do see them around(like say 1st 7days etc)

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Not sure if it is true that a dying person can actually see those 'things'. I remember my grandfather toward his last few days tend to talk while staring at the ceiling, sometime at middle of the night. My relative told me that bcos he is able to see those things and it is a sign that his time will be up soon and true enough he passed away few days after.

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None of my family has this gift, just 2-3 hours after my grandfather passed away, the door bell rings and all of us, 7 or 8 of us all heard it. My wife opened the door, but there was nobody there. The funeral service manager arrived about 10 mins later, and said he didn't see anyone else on his way there.


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Not sure if it is true that a dying person can actually see those 'things'. I remember my grandfather toward his last few days tend to talk while staring at the ceiling, sometime at middle of the night. My relative told me that bcos he is able to see those things and it is a sign that his time will be up soon and true enough he passed away few days after.

Long ago when I still in Sec school, my father got Heart Bypass.

He was recovering in the 4 Bedder SGH room and told me that he saw Dark shadow hovering in the Ceiling and sudden goes to the wall of the guy opposite him and within mins, the relatives call doctor as the guy heartbeat meter flat line. That guy died as the doctors failed to revive him.


This is the Death Angel I was told.


My father passed away several years later in his sleep * another story that changed my life...

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I can believe, because I found my baby girl sometimes look at one location for a long time.

Anyway, as long as she is fine, I'm ok.


yea, that's why i think there's some concern when kids start talking lots to stuff toys or make imaginary friends. while it can be part of growing up, overdoing it is a cause for concern too.

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Not sure if it is true that a dying person can actually see those 'things'. I remember my grandfather toward his last few days tend to talk while staring at the ceiling, sometime at middle of the night. My relative told me that bcos he is able to see those things and it is a sign that his time will be up soon and true enough he passed away few days after.



A relative of mine also claimed to have seen ghosts both in hospital & at home days before departure. We were kind of puzzled but docs say that it was hallucination due to stroke... Now thinking back there's a possibility of one's tendency to see things from the other realm when nearing death... Depletion of the yang & being overwhelmed by the yin energy... Something cannot be explained scientifically & hence attributed to hallucination by the 'experts'....

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how come so many ppl interested in seeing ghosts....are they nicer to look at than live people?


how come so many people concerned about ghosts harming alive people, i think we should be more concerned about alive people harming each other with guns lol

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Long ago when I still in Sec school, my father got Heart Bypass.

He was recovering in the 4 Bedder SGH room and told me that he saw Dark shadow hovering in the Ceiling and sudden goes to the wall of the guy opposite him and within mins, the relatives call doctor as the guy heartbeat meter flat line. That guy died as the doctors failed to revive him.


This is the Death Angel I was told.


My father passed away several years later in his sleep * another story that changed my life...



i have heard several stories about this death angel too


my grandmother saw it just before she passed away... she was old and bed ridden, and moments before she passed on, she was pointing hysterically at the main gate of her house, and saying that they are here. the maid who was with her at that time looked at the gate where she was pointing to but cant see anything or anybody, so she asked my grandmother, and my granny replied, cant u see them? those dressed in black and white.... minutes later she passed on

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Death God brudder. Actually its Kurosaki Ichigo. Think he brought along his zanpakuto for soul burial also :D After that go Soul Society :D

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Whenever I drive thru ECP (ard keppel area), my 2yr old will scream in fear n tell us to go another road... we tell him to close his eyes then he he sqeeze his eyes so tight in fear... for months it is like that so we aviod taking ECP... one day my wife ask why he is afraid and he said that there is alot of white whit thing flying around, my wife ask if the white thing is cute? and he say it is not cute n he don't like...


ANybody knows anybody who can c "thing" on ECP particularly at Keppel area near the train station??




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hmm it seems my dad prob can see such things after his heart attack some yrs back..anyw his encounter was at taipei qilin hotel, saw a lady figure rushed out fr the toilet when they checked into the room, the figure then stood facing the main door for a good few mins..


apparently the figure is quite clear, like my dad could tell the dress is white with blue flowers and like some bros mention only the face is blur..

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if given a chance to speak to a recently deceased love ones, i wouldnt mind


at least i know they still exist as ghost.


at least i can tell them to go in peace and i will also feel more happy.


it is better than seeing him dead and wondering where he/she going next.

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Last time my school friend got stuck in a breakdown lift by himself. According to him, the lights flickered, went out and there before him were a pair of glowing red eyes. My friend turned away, covered his eyes /wept/ trembled/mumbled prayers until the lights came back on and he was rescued. Whether he was telling the truth, trying to pull our leg or needs a visit to IMH is open to debate.

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