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3rd Eye (aka Yin Yang eye)


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before my sleep paralysis,


i usually hear very funny/strange sounds....

wailing cries... dunno "man"-made or wind or wat la....


then i know, tio liao....

then can't move....

then recover... or fall into real sleep



i am being an expert on this (which i hope i am not)


u always kena?

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Neutral Newbie

before my sleep paralysis,


i usually hear very funny/strange sounds....

wailing cries... dunno "man"-made or wind or wat la....


then i know, tio liao....

then can't move....

then recover... or fall into real sleep



i am being an expert on this (which i hope i am not)

Then bro, you are at the 'advance' stage where you know it will happen before it does. I used to kena it a lot during my younger days. I like to think its sleep paralysis but sleep paralysis doesnt explain a lot of things....like seeing black things...or seeing my body lying next to me as i rolled out....

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Neutral Newbie

I was curious enough to log in..normally on stealth mode all these years..

Cos i would like to ask whether anyone xp the following before.

Late 90s. Midnight training at LCK cemetery..Chinese section. We guys were moving in a section.

Being young and curious..

I looked at those tombs at the hilltop. One tombstone struck me as there was a LUMINOUS GREEN LIGHT

coming from one particular tombstone. And i think it did not twinkle..cant remember this. Jade green colour..

Made a one word remark "luminous" to my fren beside me...hoping he saw what i had seen..

He just kept quiet.


Wondering what that was now..i hope i have the answer in 2012 after all these years..

I wasnt afraid at that time but as we walked a further distance..howling dogs approached us in front of us

mind u, they AINT BARKING but howling into the air!! It felt errie all of a sudden. While the dogs stopped us in our track..

We stopped momemtarily and petformed eqpt check. We proceed towards the dogs which did let us cross and went away. Dogs only appeared in the Chinese section..surprisingly.


Just my story to share and at same time looking for an answer to that luminous green light on a tombstone at the hillside.


Nothing ghostly, but when bones are decomposed, phosperous gases are released and when it comes into contact with the air, it has a greenish glow. This is normal actually. But with modern day tombs, it is less likely for this gas to escape above the ground.


As the others have commented, it might also have been a green cyalume stick or glow stick left there by other troops.


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u always kena?


sec sch,

almost daily on non-ECA days (ECA tells my age... cos peopel now say CCA... hahaha)


cos finish school at 1+

reach home after lunch 2+, 3

then take nap wake up 5+ start doing hw and etc.....


then at night 11 sleep


my personal reason,

body damn shacked

but mind still fresh from the afternoon nap.



its not a matter of expert or advance stage,

more like, kena until immuned liao cos nothing else will happen,

so just sleep through it lo

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can anyone control their dreams?


not control what you dream... but just that once you dream.. you can control what you doing in the dream....



few times,.....collect money, but wake up dunno where gone [bigcry] [bigcry]

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few times,.....collect money, but wake up dunno where gone [bigcry] [bigcry]


dream i tio group 1

and somehow knew its a dream,

so die die memorise the numbers


but damn,,,,

wake up totally forgot the numbers


but felt damn confident

bought my usual number some quickpick.

then that evening tio 4 numbers out of 6

collected $30


the feeling is damn funny,

not happy not sad.

cos kinda expected to tio

(but damn sian only tio $30)

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can anyone control their dreams?


not control what you dream... but just that once you dream.. you can control what you doing in the dream....


Its like a story unfolding... you react as it happen, how to control?


I dreamt of tsunami in Singapore last week, i only managed to save my daugther but my wife got swept away... [knife][bigcry]

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can anyone control their dreams?


not control what you dream... but just that once you dream.. you can control what you doing in the dream....


used to be able to, when the mind /will is much stronger.

not control, but realized its a dream and I am zzz .... and learnt to wonder arnd in the env.


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used to be able to, when the mind /will is much stronger.

not control, but realized its a dream and I am zzz .... and learnt to wonder arnd in the env.



similar... know it's a dream then I can determine what o want to do in the dream

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Its like a story unfolding... you react as it happen, how to control?


I dreamt of tsunami in Singapore last week, i only managed to save my daugther but my wife got swept away... [knife][bigcry]


control as in what I want to do in the dream not what is actually unfolding in the dream

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few times,.....collect money, but wake up dunno where gone [bigcry] [bigcry]


anyway yours is hell money so no difference.. you can't use it here anyway... lol


I used to have the sleep paralysis thingy but slowly I realise I can force myself to move out of it... but with alot of brute force... then now no more sleep paralysis liao

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few times,.....collect money, but wake up dunno where gone [bigcry] [bigcry]


anyway yours is hell money so no difference.. you can't use it here anyway... lol


I used to have the sleep paralysis thingy but slowly I realise I can force myself to move out of it... but with alot of brute force... then now no more sleep paralysis liao

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can anyone control their dreams?


not control what you dream... but just that once you dream.. you can control what you doing in the dream....


i dream of horse racing, and remembered the name and went to turf club and walked out 10K richer


STRIKE TO GLORY !!!! thank you thank you


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able to make decisions in the dream and then "change" the course of it, sometimes the "expected" outcome.


ya ya.. you know what I am saying... so I am not the only one

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Neutral Newbie

This happened to my bunk mate during Sispec at Pasir Labar Camp before it was renovated.


which company? u stayed in those "long house" type of bunk is it?

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