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3rd Eye (aka Yin Yang eye)


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Juz to share another spot, last time my army friend with 3rd eyes say the merging lane toward sungei gedong camp got many gathering around there. He say that place is their gathering area, that merging lane, all standing along the road side, so at nite travel along there pls slow down. Ask him how they look, he say juz a grp of ghost standing there do nothing. N after we ORD, he tell me all the secret, he say our bunk (sungei gedong camp) every nite will have a kid running around in and out of every single bunk, outside the bunk has another uncle looking at the kid. He say sungei gedong camp a lot. See until sian.


Gdness ! I am a Gedong kia during NS and now reservist also there..well, thou that place is super errie when I first posted there..but after awhile used to it even during ghost month when I take bus book in, there will be priest doing service outside the cemetry and the 40Tiang road is full of joss papers and smoke ! majaim those classic HK ghost movie..


During outfield, be it day or nite I always say "execuse me, pai sei! pls allow me to relieve myself ." ie peeing


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not necessary such event wud only take place in hotel bro.


in bolehland, up to early-7O, after "O" level exam, during school holiday, it was e most relaxing/precious last gathering time with classmates.


prior arrangements were been made between teachers with diff schools in diff states so that we students

actually borrow e school hostel as hotel during our vst to that places of interest in that particular states, jz like tourists, but low budget/economical tourists.


even school bus that we chartered oso muz hv approval fr local state "LTA" 4permission 2go outstations.

wat 2do, as we students acting like tourists, dont hv alot of $$$ 2spend while vstng places of interest in diff states.


e.g: if u r fr JB school,intends 2vst places of interests like Malaka/KL/Ipoh/penang/Kelantan/Kuantan/, the most economical method is by school bus, staying in school hostel, but muz accompanied by a male teacher.


it was overnite in a Kuantan secondary sch hostel. few of us went bk 2hostel slightly earlier at abt 8.3Opm. our beds were jz next 2 wash rms, near 2end of building.


we heard some1 bathing with big jugs of water pouring down fr a small cemented water catchment inside e bathroom, it took so long to quiet down, as we pressumed other students came bk earlier than us.


1of our classmate went for a shower, but ran bk to us with pale face. [bigcry]

we askd: KNN see meet thy ghee ? spider bite ur balls or wat ?

he signalled us 2follow him 2 bathroom, with light on, it was empty inside, wat e Fark u ?


he pointed 2 floor, & shown quiet sign over his lips. we were so kundos that we catch no balls.

we went bk 2room, n he said: u idiots, y the "tall-kah"=floor, is so dry ? even after after some1 bathing!


none of us take bath that nite [furious]

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sorry, my mistake.


the name of that taman is taman "Lien Chern", 4-5km fr KLUANG town.


u travel fr KLUANG town towards north by OLD road, NOT by NSHWay.

that taman is on ur right hand side, with e entrance hvng a petrol station.


jz ask around the ppl, they wud be able to guide u as this "consultant" is popular there.


at that point of time, the medium was an old lady (age 7Oplus yrs), heard she "retired" liow,

the D.I.Law took over now.

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used to have it....came with birth.....got used to it and lost it at age 15..


most look human...a bit faded..





curious, do they know that you can see them? will them come and disturb or talk to you? the idea of seeing "good bros" among us is scary

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curious, do they know that you can see them? will them come and disturb or talk to you? the idea of seeing "good bros" among us is scary


Doubt so. Unless they follow you and u siam here siam there. Then of course IT will know lar. haha.


Just like wify's incident @ DSO Science Park Hill. She had to do OT to prepare a urgent experiment in a lab before knocking off. KNN....got this lady IT keep following her. From basement to tiolet to 2nd floor, even until the outside of the building.


Imagine this....u do your work and this thing stand at the corner starring at you. You go tiolet, IT is already standing at the corner. Press lift to 2nd floor.........again its there at the corner. Thats what wify experience. haha.


Wify come back sleep with TV turn on. And me..........playing computer games until 2-3am as per usual for the past many years. Never seen shiit before lei. haha.


Just last nite was asking wify to recall all those encounters.............hmmm. About 10+ encounters since 2003. Me big fat ZERO. [laugh]


Dont think wify has the 3rd eye. Cos these encounters always occurs when she is sick or having flu, bad cough blah blah blah. When she is healthy, she wont see these things.

Edited by Hiphiphoray
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curious, do they know that you can see them? will them come and disturb or talk to you? the idea of seeing "good bros" among us is scary


in my case, i dun think they can "see" me....sounds weird but dunno how to explain.

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i dont mean to offend any one here:


have you guys heard of indian ghosts? i've never in my life.

for chinese, malay, even ang moh and pinoy i know/heard of their ghosts stories.



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Anymore to share??


Its so nice to read!


Got Got. [laugh]


Today first time wify saw a ghost car! A black one drove past her while she was wiping our car.


Can feel a rush of cold wind under the bright hot sun. :blink:


Car numbers are sort of upside down with numbers 1 & 2. 4D kang-tao for this weekend! [laugh]


Later u go buy 1212 combo bet. ^_^

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