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Malay wedding at void deck how much Ang Pow???


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  On 1/27/2010 at 1:23 PM, Tkseah said:

u so kiam siap one ah... [:p]


No lah, I scare give to little malu but give too much lugi. But is colleague although not close but still have to go. Ask around few of my colleagues we go together they all also dunno how much to give. [gossip]

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  On 1/27/2010 at 1:25 PM, Bigg said:

aiyoh! so kiam siap leh..

I dont think race matters. give what you usually give for weddings lah.


Wah usually I go Chinese wedding is hotel I give $100-$200 see how close is the person. HDB void deck eat nasi padang give $100?? [hur]

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  On 1/27/2010 at 1:27 PM, Hammerhammer said:

Wah usually I go Chinese wedding is hotel I give $100-$200 see how close is the person. HDB void deck eat nasi padang give $100?? [hur]


say until like tat u bao $5 la.. [wave]

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  On 1/27/2010 at 1:30 PM, Swingarm said:

i have a lot of malay frens and they say normally 10bucks is sufficent...


Wah really so little. Think I will give $50 since me and wifey going. Like that wun malu liao [laugh]

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malay weddings give $10 is enuf. not really particular, unless very close relative or fren. but if u wanna give more...y not? give wif a kind heart la of cos. don give n den after dat KPKB. i'm a malay...so u can take my word.

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  On 1/27/2010 at 1:42 PM, Shorty said:

malay weddings give $10 is enuf. not really particular, unless very close relative or fren. but if u wanna give more...y not? give wif a kind heart la of cos. don give n den after dat KPKB. i'm a malay...so u can take my word.


Ya truth. I seen malay wedding before at void decks all the people there are like really enjoying the occasion especially the host I see they smile until dun see the eyes. But at chinese wedding first thing you go there is to go to a table and there are some volunteers whom seem to be helping you to check the guest list and tell you which table to sit and usually there is a map to show you on the spot and at the same time ask you to sign a guest book and take a souvenir or some sort and then collect the Ang Pow for you and then usually there is an assistant will put the Ang Pow to a box for safe keeping and "register" your name on the Ang Pow at the same time. KNN so they know who give how much. So we lan lan dun dare to give too little. Chinese wedding dinner is all about making money [blush]

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  On 1/27/2010 at 1:43 PM, Hammerhammer said:

Wah you very 大手笔 [flowerface]

Not really lah...just that ang box for Chinese wedding (void deck/ CC included) is usually $80-$160...so don't see why have to give less cos it is malay wedding at the void deck.

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think have to see how they makeup the void deck, i have seen some extraordinary design which i believe the couple would have spent alot just to decorate the void deck to look like a palace

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aiya chinese weddings have seriously degraded...in the past its abt giving treat, get married INVITE pple...now sigh...my grp one guy act consciously tell us how much his table is...ok la ok la we know how much to bao la....jialat sia..

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