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Elite and you may be spare...?


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eh... u living overseas for the past 10 yrs?


anyway its an honest mistake... lets move one shall we


Afterall, it was something that shouldn't have happened but it did, right? [sly]

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Dr Irene Lim Kay Hian, a senior consultant radiologist at the KK Women's and Children's Hospital, looked relieved after her appeal was allowed. -- PHOTO: SHIN MIN


Someone must have messed up the picture and caption. Who wears until like that to attend court?



Pic looks kinda retro, maybe it's taken in the 80s

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With power, authority and money

anything is possible

that is why so many fight, sacrifice and kill for it

unfortunately, this is a FACT since the very day MAN was made


I think to KPKB about elite, is really a slap in our own face

it points to the FACT that we are jealous about them or we are just a bunch of unachievers

at any rate


being rich and powerful is not evverything

the truth is the quicker one accepts one's position in life and stop chasing an never ending quest for money, power and authority,

sudden life become easier and beautiful


ask yourself

does 1 million dollar will it change your lifestyle

in some cases may destroy your life, sudden new found riches have lead to infidelity, gambling and health issues (booze and cigarettes)


i am NOT a defeatist BUT reality is reality

this is something I learn from Buddhism even though I am NOT a Buddhist



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im sorry but anyone has any updates on this case?

any ppl within the law circles?

any links can see the 'And let us wait to hear from Appeal Judge Chao Hick Tin who said that he will give a written judgment to explain why he set aside the jail term, a penalty usually given to drink-driving motorists with high alcohol levels.'

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rem the bread talk guy?


drunk and ram in patrol car at road block.


donated 1 million and no jail!


1 mio can buy 5 GTR patrol cars?? :wub:

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