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Immediate Actions by the Romanian Government in an Accident


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And heck... who goes to KTV and after that go back to work. Faggot!


a big fat liar, that's who.


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From Wikipedia:


Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity and a policy held between governments, which ensures that diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws (although they can be expelled).


It is possible for the official's home country to waive immunity; this tends to only happen when the individual has committed a serious crime, unconnected with their diplomatic role (as opposed to, say, allegations of spying), or has witnessed such a crime. Alternatively, the home country may prosecute the individual. Many countries refuse to waive immunity as a matter of course; individuals have no authority to waive their own immunity (except perhaps in cases of defection).



So whether Mr Diplomat can be tried in our courts will depend on the decision of the Romania government.


But I think the Romania government will probably sack him and prosecute him in Romania rather than waive his immunity and send him back.


But who knows, we'll just have to wait for the outcome of the investigation report and the decision of the Romania government.

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I never study law, i only know we are known as "lesser mortals"...... [grin]



that guy who kena hit also an ordinary man in the street. if its an elite or relatives of the elites, the outcome may be different.

from the way i see it, that diplomat be may let off the hook.

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"Do unto others what others do unto you." Since the clown killed the victim with a car, should do likewise. In case one time hit never die, must repeat again

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Imagine the fella kena bang is world best debator?

U this driver can run away?


u mean bang master debator?


no big deal, throw a stone and u'll hit one [laugh]


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I thought we have the ISA?? Or is that only use for Singaporeans? OR Diplomats are not subjected to that?

Edited by Ghostami
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why the heck they allow him to leave spore in the 1st place? can someone shed light on this? i read a lot of newpapers but no journalist did a report on this.

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I thought we have the ISA?? Or is that only use for Singaporeans? OR Diplomats are not subjected to that?


ISA is Internal Security Act. Nothing to do with what he did.


What he did involved SPF.

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anybody knows what's the penalty for traffic accident in Romania, since he will be prosecuted in his own country?


might just be a few days jail or community service hours..even lesser if he pleads guilty..an inkling from the accidents involving those BPL players


seems like it's out of our country's hands now..feel sad for Mr Tong

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I c, thanks for the enlightenment. Darn.... I thought we are progressing from our past, but seems like the example of this is that we are actually not progressing much.

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In UK, they say "for king and country". Here it's "for Lee and country". So unless you happen to be Lee-lated, won't bother too much about the common people. really pissed innocent lost and NATO by our gov.

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Just wondering can we cut off diplomatic ties with them and hold their embassy staffs in the changi chalet maximum protection unit until the other party actually sent that guy back to singapore for investigation assistance? [furious]

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