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Fasted Training



Interesting blog post from Mark Sisson about the purported benefits of fasted training:


Fasted Workout Benefits | Mark Sisson


His article along with others listed below challenge the conventional wisdom that an early morning breakfast is critical for weight loss and the idea that you should always eat something before you exercise to "fuel" your workout.


I always thought this advice was counterintuitive. Most people just want to lose weight, and when they say 'weight,' they mean body fat. Trainers and dietitians alike will talk about being in the "fat-burning zone." The fat burning zone isn't a myth, it's basically telling you that the lower the intensity of your workout, the higher percentage of body fat will be used as a source for fuel.


To use a couple of extreme examples, say one workout is walking on a treadmill at 2 miles per hour with a 2 percent grade. Compare that to the same person running at 10 miles per hour at a 2 percent grade. Generally speaking, the walking is going to utilize a larger percentage of body fat for fuel than running, which is going to be utilizing more glycogen, or carbs, and some amino acids or protein. Obviously, in absolute terms, even if the runner was burning a significantly lower percentage of fat as fuel, he would still be almost assuredly burning more total fat during the workout if the amount of time is constant between the walking and running workout.


If you're Lance Armstrong and looking for peak performance in the Tour de France on a hill climb, then you want to make sure you have enough glycogen (which is stored in the muscle and liver and for the general public the storage limit can be about 500 grams). By all means, if you're in the Alps doing a maximal effort climbing switchbacks in the dead of Summer, you're going to want to "fuel" your workout, i.e., you don't want to deplete your glycogen stores because it can hamper performance at maximal and near-max efforts. However, if you're like the remaining 95-99% of the population, you want to maximize fat loss in general.


If you want to go out for a brisk walk, or hop on the treadmill and walk at say 3 miles per hour and a 6 percent grade for 30 minutes, what's the point of drinking a gatorade or having a "balanced" meal before your workout? Are you really not going to have the energy to walk for half an hour without eating a banana and having a bowl of cereal? If you don't eat before your walk in the morning, your body will have to rely on its own fuel, mostly body fat. If you eat before the walk, it's likely that instead of using your fat stores, your body will use the energy from the meal to fuel your workout.


In other words, trainers, nutritionists, and the diet experts basically tell you to let a bagel fuel your workout rather than your body fat when the goal for everyone is fat loss. From an evolutionary standpoint it also seems a bit backwards: our hunter-gatherer ancestors would hunt and forage so that they could eat, they didn't eat so they could hunt and forage. Although you could make the argument that in the broad sense they did both. They hunted so that they could eat and hunt another day so that they can survive.


This may all be moot because the body compensates after exercise and generally will try to replenish the lost fat from the workout. Gary Taubes explained this in an article for New York Magazine entitled Does Exercise Really Make Us Thinner? If you're the hunter-gatherer participating in hunt-eat cycles, fat-burning, fuel-partitioning, and meal-timing aren't topics of discussion other than "it's time to go find a meal," and the rest takes care of itself. The body will partition fuel in the long run such that excess fat doesn't accumulate and muscle mass isn't wasted...so long that the body remains healthy and there are no underlying or developed metabolic disturbances.


However, if we're trying to build an optimal strategy for fat loss and for most people that means losing excess fat, we would want to maximize fat mobilization as well limit the inhibition of fat mobilization while maintaining muscle mass. Eating right before a workout would curtail these goals while exercising on an empty stomach would support them.


Related articles


Fasted Training for Superior Insulin Sensitivity And Nutrient Partitioning | Martin Berkhan


The Benefits of Exercising Before Breakfast | New York Times | Gretchen Reynolds



Related Journal Articles


Training in the Fasted State Improves Glucose Tolerance during fat-rich diet | Van Proeyen et al. 2010 | Journal of Physiology


Exercise in the Fasted State Facilitates Fiber Type-Specific Intramyocellular Lipid Breakdown and Stimulates Glycogen Resynthesis in Humans | De Bock. et al. 2005 | Journal of Physiology


Effect of Carbohydrate Ingestion on Exercise-Induced Alterations in Metabolic Gene Expression | Cluberton et al. 2005 | Journal of Applied Physiology


Adaptations to Skeletal Muscle with Endurance Exercise Training in The Acutely Fed Versus Overnight-Fasted State | Stannard et al. 2010 | Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport

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It's good that you know that you have made a few mistakes...


That's always the first step in our path to nirvana [laugh]


Anyway, I don't think I enter into ketosis - my ketone strips always come out negative


is it necessary to check for ketosis? being able to feel a diff, and seeing it on the weighing scale should tell me something is going in the right direction?


Got myself a weighing machine that's pretty gadgety...


edit: distilled 70pages to find out my current mistakes [crazy] and now the rest of the 300 page for the other mistakes.... [;)]

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is it necessary to check for ketosis? being able to feel a diff, and seeing it on the weighing scale should tell me something is going in the right direction?


Got myself a weighing machine that's pretty gadgety...


edit: distilled 70pages to find out my current mistakes [crazy] and now the rest of the 300 page for the other mistakes.... [;)]


Ok I tell you what is the MOST common mistake for a newbie.


It is adopting a high Protein diet rather than a high Fat diet. Remember this.


Try to get at least 40-50% from fats, about 30 or 40% from protein and not more than 10% from carbs.



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No need to check for ketosis or even your weight for that matter.


Check by how your clothes fit and how you feel. Remember to give whatever you try a fair amount of time to work.




Ok I tell you what is the MOST common mistake for a newbie.


It is adopting a high Protein diet rather than a high Fat diet. Remember this.


Try to get at least 40-50% from fats, about 30 or 40% from protein and not more than 10% from carbs. [:)]


i sort of got the picture from reading the drinking of coconut oils/cream. it just takes a while for the amount of it to actually hit home.... and then some for trying to hit that ratio...



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Hi guys,


So far have not seen any info where to do your shopping besides the ntuc, cold storage etc. Would like to share the following:


Www.qbfood.com.sg for meats (going to buy from them soon... Cheaper)

Song fish dealer @fishery port road for wholesale seafood (better quality and cheaper, frozen) always buy here for family.



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They no longer open to the public.


Hi guys,


So far have not seen any info where to do your shopping besides the ntuc, cold storage etc. Would like to share the following:




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I do know them....and it's come to bear that it's not worth the risk for them either.

Let it be bro. We all know otherwise. [sly]

Can order from Internet still.


If you know the boss, they might still sneak you in... But chances of that happening is low.


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Neutral Newbie

Hi guys,


So far have not seen any info where to do your shopping besides the ntuc, cold storage etc. Would like to share the following:


Www.qbfood.com.sg for meats (going to buy from them soon... Cheaper)

Song fish dealer @fishery port road for wholesale seafood (better quality and cheaper, frozen) always buy here for family.





I used to go to qbfood at their factory in Chin Bee Cresent but they r not allowed to retail at factory since last Oct/Nov. If u know what u want u still can visit them, tell them what you want they will bring it out for u...just that u dun get to choose.


Alternatively, u can visit next door BH fresh food. They r the one that runs MMMMs and they have good cuts of meat too. Nowadays i get my grassfed beef, pork belly from them.


U can also get good meat cuts from The Butcher - i think recent weeks ago there is a newspaper writeout on the boss (a 70+ grandpa believing in providing good meat to consumer).


For butter(anchor brand), i get them in JB Giant when i go over for appointments/golf. This u need to bring in cooler container n get in bulk to feel the good discounted pricing - i usually get around 50 blocks.

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:blink::wacko: 50? ok... again it seems I am still underestimating the proportions.... how long does 50blocks last? I managed to only drink perhaps edit: more like 20% of a block this morning... strangely, even my pee smells of butter (i think).


and I thought 12 bottles of CNO was going overboard when I ordered it... :D


do you guys have chest freezers?

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:blink::wacko: 50? ok... again it seems I am still underestimating the proportions.... how long does 50blocks last? I managed to only drink perhaps edit: more like 20% of a block this morning... strangely, even my pee smells of butter (i think).


and I thought 12 bottles of CNO was going overboard when I ordered it... :D


do you guys have chest freezers?


When anchor butter on sale, just grab as many as your fridge can take.


BTW, you drink butter? Why dun you just pop it in ur mouth and eat it or use it to fry eggs. Get some fish and coconut oil capsules. I mean a lot. Go to the dark side for details.

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When I sleep under the fan, my chest gets very cold, does that count? :D

:blink::wacko: 50? ok... again it seems I am still underestimating the proportions.... how long does 50blocks last? I managed to only drink perhaps edit: more like 20% of a block this morning... strangely, even my pee smells of butter (i think).


and I thought 12 bottles of CNO was going overboard when I ordered it... :D


do you guys have chest freezers?


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When anchor butter on sale, just grab as many as your fridge can take.


BTW, you drink butter? Why dun you just pop it in ur mouth and eat it or use it to fry eggs. Get some fish and coconut oil capsules. I mean a lot. Go to the dark side for details.


will take note of Anchor. I drink it a la ah peh style with Nespresso. ^_^


I'm taking 5 + 5 of OM3 morning night. OMG, the fish burps almost make me puke. [dead]


my 12 bottles of CO Caps just ordered today. + a ton of other stuff...

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Neutral Newbie

Depends on the consumption rate at home...if i alone at home 50 blocks last me roughly 2 months...if include my mum n bro family less than a month. My mum is slowly converting to this diet too after seeing me loosing weight...now she cooks with butter n eat lesser carbs.


i have 2 refrigerators at home..so storing my meats n butter is not a problem.




:blink::wacko: 50? ok... again it seems I am still underestimating the proportions.... how long does 50blocks last?


do you guys have chest freezers?


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When I sleep under the fan, my chest gets very cold, does that count? :D


:o do your nipples get hard??! [laugh]:wub:


but seriously, I'm not a 'hot' person, body temp is always below 36.9, low 36 probably cos lack of exercise. when I wake up in the mornings, i can feel myself cold to the touch. are any of you like that?


on the contrary, my woman is 'hot', zapped her with the thermometer and her palm is always 37ish. and always under a blankie, no matter how warm the night is...


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Depends on the consumption rate at home...if i alone at home 50 blocks last me roughly 2 months...if include my mum n bro family less than a month. My mum is slowly converting to this diet too after seeing me loosing weight...now she cooks with butter n eat lesser carbs.


i have 2 refrigerators at home..so storing my meats n butter is not a problem.


that's 4/5 of a block a day!!! okok. i'm starting to see some light here... and on top of it you have other high fat food.

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Depends on the mood. [laugh]


:o do your nipples get hard??! [laugh]:wub:


but seriously, I'm not a 'hot' person, body temp is always below 36.9, low 36 probably cos lack of exercise. when I wake up in the mornings, i can feel myself cold to the touch. are any of you like that?


on the contrary, my woman is 'hot', zapped her with the thermometer and her palm is always 37ish. and always under a blankie, no matter how warm the night is...


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