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HDB commits offence but ignores calls to rectify situation


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Remember to inform your Town Council, they are the only authorised party to issue summon to offenders in common property. HDB really have no say or power to issue any summon in this case, they can only bar the offending contractor from future projects. The HDB traffic warden cannot do anything because the dump container is not a Vehicle. So cannot booked or issue summon with regards to parking.


The other one is the SCDF for blockage of emergency access. (Which you mentioned you have done so)


Contact NEA if contractor committed offence that cause mosquito breeding, this will also cause Town Council to jump up and work as NEA will fine TC for neglect too, but then TC $$ comes from conservancy funds.


Remember when you knock at the wrong door, no matter how hard you knock or shout, the door's not going to open. Then if really open, occupant will say not such person.


Must know which agency do what before they can help you. Most will not refer to another as it is aditional job to do and will need to undertake the responsibility to ensure that your message get across to the right party.


Some staff really have no idea what other agencies are doing as some may not be even sure of their own responbility and job specification.


Good luck.

Edited by Atonchia
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try mass media if you really want to put pressure on authorities


but make sure you spin a interesting scenario that the media is interested in first

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