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Tks Darryn (spelt wrongly earlier post - sorlie).


Travelling out of NZ is far, agree. But it will likely be once or twice a year affair so I prob can bear with it.



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Do your research.


Sometimes if you go and work or study there first, you can get higher points or a better chance of PR.


During wifey time, having a New Zealand degree was worth a few points, and then if you had worked after your degree in a related field for 2 years that was worth another few points.


I tried the "points indicator" on the nz immigration website and got 165 points... :D. But just an indicator only.....


Bascially one need to get at least 100 points to be considered under the skill migrant route.


If you get above 140 points, you will be almost "automatic" to get a place.

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I tried the "points indicator" on the nz immigration website and got 165 points... :D. But just an indicator only.....


Bascially one need to get at least 100 points to be considered under the skill migrant route.


If you get above 140 points, you will be almost "automatic" to get a place.



you sure you want to go there and only get to talk to sheep all day? [:(]

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I tried the "points indicator" on the nz immigration website and got 165 points... :D. But just an indicator only.....


Bascially one need to get at least 100 points to be considered under the skill migrant route.


If you get above 140 points, you will be almost "automatic" to get a place.




This is for you....

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At least they don't answer back...



talking prevent old people from getting dementia, staring at sheep will not :D :D

Edited by Jman888
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I feel that our taxes r equally high, there r many funny funny taxes here, i also regard CPF as a form of tax. Money that dun belong to u


True.. but as i found out the hard way.. CPF can be Godsend..


My late father was treated for cancer at Mt E hospital.. total bills for this final stay (3 days) there is almost 19k.. of all these, we only need yo fork out 600+.. the rest paid by Medisave

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I tried the "points indicator" on the nz immigration website and got 165 points... :D. But just an indicator only.....


Bascially one need to get at least 100 points to be considered under the skill migrant route.


If you get above 140 points, you will be almost "automatic" to get a place.


My indicator is 180.. [:p]


They're severely lacking of engineers there.. All forms of engineers.. [laugh]

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My indicator is 180.. [:p]


They're severely lacking of engineers there.. All forms of engineers.. [laugh]


Yeah, they been here before looking for engineers...


You will have a pretty cool lifestyle - but is far far to jakarta [:)]

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Is the GST still at 12.5% in NZ?


Not sure....I been here for 12 years now, so may have changed since I was last up to date...


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Just a few points.


What you can however say is that when we look at other places (intially, like when touring), we usually think only of the nice parts, only when you lived there (long enough), then you will see the bad part. You could (or not) like the place more than Singapore, or you deem easy access to local delights, & warm weather, beach etc more important for instance.

This part is very true!

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Not sure....I been here for 12 years now, so may have changed since I was last up to date...



yah because of you came over, GST here from 0% 12 yrs ago to 7% now <_<

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R there still 2 main political parties there....and election is once-every 3 years?


Winston Peters still around? :o

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R there still 2 main political parties there....and election is once-every 3 years?


Winston Peters still around? :o


Winny is still around, the damn xenophobic muck raker.


Now much much more than two parties. Is Proportional representation in NZ, so parties get seats in proportion of their votes.


We also have a Sikh in parliament, there has also be a transexual mayor in NZ before, and they have legalised gay marriage.


Quite a progressive country.


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Wow so much has changed huh! Good also...when there is minority race in Parliament, the Asian community will be better off.


Still have only 3 TV stations in NZ?


Still the same road tax for all types of cars, be it a Merc or Mini?

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My indicator is 180.. [:p]


They're severely lacking of engineers there.. All forms of engineers.. [laugh]


My indicator is 165...

Do they need accountants?? [grin]


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Wow so much has changed huh! Good also...when there is minority race in Parliament, the Asian community will be better off.


Still have only 3 TV stations in NZ?


Still the same road tax for all types of cars, be it a Merc or Mini?

Have had a Chinese lady in parliament for long long already. Got many many tv station. Yes road basically the same for all size of cars.

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