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What are your wishes/goals/aspiration for 2010?


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1. Be a good husband and father.

2. Better paying stable job

3. Good health and go back to long distance running again

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hmmm.. a timely call for reflection and taking stock


i wish for ... correction ... aim for


1. more growth opportunities in my business, be it my current expertise or other business areas.

globalization adds a lot of pressure on my current business.

a lot of new competitors.

need to develop new markets and offer new products.


2. more courage. i feel fear as business slows down and as i step into new things that i had not attempted before.


3. more time for my wife. i dont like to wear hats, esp green ones.


4. teaching my boy and girl more ideas about life, life beyond the next exam or common test.

if time permits, i want to take them on a volunteer trip to some hardship country.


5. improve my health. eating out in a foreign land is bad for your heart and cholestrol levels and business entertainment doesnt help


maybe plan for early retirement


i know i sound very oxymoron having so many wants and having them conflicting each other.


well, this was only supposed to be an aspiration after all right ?


PS ... i hope to hire a good secretary soon (sorry, not those kind that you are imagining right away)


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1. Hope my ah girl can cope with primary 1 culture come Jan.

2. My ah boy not to fight too much with his sister. Limit to 3 times per day will be excellent.

3. To have it once a week instead of the current 1-2mths.

4. Good bonus news come End Jan. haha.

5. Wify to have double promotion so that we can change our taxi to a T5.

6. Whole family maintain good health. po-bi po-bi


Im a simple person rah. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

Edited by Hiphiphoray
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Neutral Newbie

1. Reinstated our pay which got cut during recession.

2. Pay-rise for the past 4 years that didn't happen.

3. Pay-rise for the past 4 years that didn't happen.

4. Pay-rise for the past 4 years that didn't happen.

5. Pay-rise for the past 4 years that didn't happen.

6. Pay-rise for the past 4 years that didn't happen.

7. Pay-rise for the past 4 years that didn't happen.

8. Pay-rise for the past 4 years that didn't happen.

9. Pay-rise for the past 4 years that didn't happen.

10. Pay-rise for the past 4 years that didn't happen.


My top 10 wish for 2010...

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1. SG get out of the economy crunch earlier.


2. world cup telecast (affordable rates)


3. World peace, boomz shingz.


4. Good health


5. I wish to speak to the PM want to ask him to wake up his ministers' ideas on some of their policies. Civil service is serving the public. Let those who sincerely wants to contribute not because of material gains to step forward.


6. Restore employer CPF contribution rates. If you want to encourage business, please offer them grants, do not cut our share. I know the grants come from taxes, just ask GIC to skip losing money on their next GREAT PLAN and pay.

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for vextan in no particular order,


to be a better dad and husband

to be able to change to an audi

to quit gambling

to slim down, or rather, lose at least 5kg

Edited by Vextan
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1) Family maintain good health, especially my 2 kids.

2) Spend quality time with family, planning to bring them for tour next year.

3) Bonus and increment

4) Start modding my car...hahaha

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