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I like Stephen Donaldson's Chronicles series for its anti-hero theme. Its long-windedness is there to "make sure" the reader "bonds" with each character before ... he crushes them. [laugh]



wow, rare to see another Stephen Donaldson fan. I really loved his 2 chronicles of Thomas Covenant. I have read almost all fantasy book mentioned here but I still find Stephen Donaldson the best. The series is really touching and different. I mean where you can find in a series whereby the Hero RAPES the first woman he saw, and in the second book f--kED his daughter, the product of the rape.


I REALLY hate those people who drags out stories. The wheel of time is the king.... write until the author died also never finish.... really irresponsible author. I mean common sense will tell you to end the series MAX 5-6 books....


Song of fire and ice is also another good series but also taking very long......


Dragonlance legends is nice if you are young....

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Dragon Lance - upset with it 20 years ago when Rastlin die


Well... what can I say... he died for a good cause [:p]


My fav is still Tanis. My handle says it all [:p] Its a re-hash of his name in common/english

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All saga by Raymond E.Feist

All saga by David Edding

Most by Robert Jordan.


Fav is David Edding.


Now waiting to finish the book 12,13 and 14 of the wheel of time series

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Knowing Feist...the final book may end with Pug becoming the major god of war and travelled in time to influence all event....and in turn become the god that manipulate De Macros right at the beginning...resulting in a chain of reaction that result in Pug becoming a magician...


Hehe but well...not complaining...infact Feist's novels are the only books I buy in hardcover. [;)]


FYI the latest book by him, some characters have been killed off.

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I find the War of Souls series to be incredibly boring, felt that it is just another money spinning venture by the authors :mellow:


Some of the Lost Chronicles series are very good though, too bad they came up very slow.


Robert Jordan.. first 3 books were good, the next 4-5 are super long winded, but finally picked up the pace at 10-11. Book 12 is out, just saw it at Borders this weekend.


Woo suddenly remembered: Wizards First Rule. The TV series, Legend of the Seeker, is based off this book. Highly recommended :D

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