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Unhappy for being horned at...


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If horned as I cut into their lane or do something careless, or as warning, like reversing. I am fine.


I do feel irritated when I got horned at the lights, if I didn't moved off just before the lights turn, or if the lights turn, but I play safe to make sure the cars at the other side slowed or stop. I seen my fair share of red light bashers to risk a collision just to gain 0.5 sec of time.


But I let them horn, I just bochap. For me safety first. I however, feel a little sad, at how impatient our drivers are, & the impression we left for foreigners.


When I was in England, they say I must be a "racer", as I am from Singapore, as its their perception of us. But, you can't blame them at all.



i like ur style bro safety comes 1st rather dashing out from the lights..cheers

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Think he was trying to tell you [furious] ' I saw you lah and I know you are going to pass me lah'


perhaps that moron thought u r not happy wt him lor btw its just a precaution for him n other rd user (pedestrians mayb)...bo chap him lah bro..

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When horned at, must keep cool and not let it spoil your day. If the other fella like to horn and it makes him/her happy, do a good deed and let them horn....Relak Lah

yar lor i agreed...no losin end at all for those morons who luved to horn..

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It depends.... A short tap on the horn or a long one? Long one means buay song....



Usually I do one or two high beam to warn drivers on the oncoming cars or if they are "dreaming" in their own land when iti s time to drive!


A short horn only if they do not notice the high beam.


A VERY long horn if the driver tried to be funny and act like a king on the road


MULTIPLE LONG HORNS if the driver nearly caused any car accidents ESP in CHECKPOINT.


A MIDDLE FINGER if you still try to be YA-YA after mutiple long horns.

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I usully tap a light horn for a friendly reminder that the other car is about to drift to my lane for eg.


A hard horn is for those drivers who abruptly swtch lane and the horn is more for alarm.


If I high beam my HID then I am mad becos of inconsiderate driving.



Haha, maybe the car infront thinks you are giving way to him.... In OZ land, high beam menas give way. in spore, it means get out of my way...


Honking is still the easiest way of warning other party and usually less offensive as we know that it means danger somewhere.


but i do really hate those who drive aggressively and still honk at other ppple as if they own the roads.

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[rifle] hi forumers just wanna get some feedbck from u all guys...is it true that most drivers dont like to be horned at ?????a sound of horn is just a warning or the danger that they might cause to other motorist n its just a courtesy gestures for warning them.....y most singaporeans behave these ways...dunt like to be horned at just stay in the mountain area as there will no single veh on the mountain... [rifle]


My perspective is a little strange... haha I dun like being honked at... not because I feel irritated but it evokes the paranoid feelings in me that ppl honk at me to warn me that there's something wrong with my car... like a loose bumper or a flat tyre etc... haha so I guess its no honk means i'm fine kinda thinking... [:p]

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Sometimes, people use the horn in situtations where it's actually easier and safer to use the BRAKE!! Ya know, that big pedal in the middle which slows down your car?! Honestly folks, don't understand the mentality! Someone cuts into your lane, slow down to keep a safe distance by using the BRAKE! Or take evasive action by using the BRAKES, followed by a quick flick of the steering wheel. The horn is useless in these situations except to aggravate!

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Sometimes, people use the horn in situtations where it's actually easier and safer to use the BRAKE!! Ya know, that big pedal in the middle which slows down your car?! Honestly folks, don't understand the mentality! Someone cuts into your lane, slow down to keep a safe distance by using the BRAKE! Or take evasive action by using the BRAKES, followed by a quick flick of the steering wheel. The horn is useless in these situations except to aggravate!


Agreed bro

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[rifle] hi forumers just wanna get some feedbck from u all guys...is it true that most drivers dont like to be horned at ?????a sound of horn is just a warning or the danger that they might cause to other motorist n its just a courtesy gestures for warning them.....y most singaporeans behave these ways...dunt like to be horned at just stay in the mountain area as there will no single veh on the mountain... [rifle]


singaporeans get irritated easily... a horn will just make it worse.



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[rifle] hi forumers just wanna get some feedbck from u all guys...is it true that most drivers dont like to be horned at ?????a sound of horn is just a warning or the danger that they might cause to other motorist n its just a courtesy gestures for warning them.....y most singaporeans behave these ways...dunt like to be horned at just stay in the mountain area as there will no single veh on the mountain... [rifle]



for me its depend on situations.

some people can just horn over minor things.

while sometimes iam at fault and i understand why people horned so i can accept it.

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Neutral Newbie

i was on 2nd lane and got a aunty driving kia cerato, drive super slow on the white line between 2nd and 1st lane!

so i tap my horn to 'alert' her. thinking mayb she died at the steering wheel or what.


after i horn her she swerve back to 1st lane, n after tht she change lane to behind me, soeed up and horned back at me! crazy!


y these ppl kanna horn liao mus horn back at ppl for no reason!


i also cant stand TAXI DRIVERS tht horn immediately after red light change to green. they rushing to where? to "tou tai"?



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lots of stressed, blur and sensitive drivers on the road nowadays... they get easily pissed off with just one/two honks. 1 thing I noticed is that more and more people are using handphones while driving. think the TP is no longer clamping down as hard so people are getting more daring

Edited by Jamesgetz
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Usually I do one or two high beam to warn drivers on the oncoming cars or if they are "dreaming" in their own land when iti s time to drive!


A short horn only if they do not notice the high beam.


A VERY long horn if the driver tried to be funny and act like a king on the road


MULTIPLE LONG HORNS if the driver nearly caused any car accidents ESP in CHECKPOINT.


A MIDDLE FINGER if you still try to be YA-YA after mutiple long horns.

Think many like to use the simple and fast way to communicate. They go directly to your last step [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Sometimes, people use the horn in situtations where it's actually easier and safer to use the BRAKE!! Ya know, that big pedal in the middle which slows down your car?! Honestly folks, don't understand the mentality! Someone cuts into your lane, slow down to keep a safe distance by using the BRAKE! Or take evasive action by using the BRAKES, followed by a quick flick of the steering wheel. The horn is useless in these situations except to aggravate!


I use both...

Brakes to prevent hitting the one infront


Horn to tell the one behind me... please don't hit me.....


(don't want to be caught in the middle of a sandwich)

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