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Athletics-Marathon runners promised Singapore cash on time


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so its all about money again....does sportmanship still exists in this century? and does all the money from registration etc goes into the pocket of the so call "Elite athletes"?



Most probably. But having said that, the situation is the same across all sports. You watch BPL and complain the high fees, but a lot actually goes into the pockets of those footballers, broadcasters, etc.

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so its all about money again....does sportmanship still exists in this century? and does all the money from registration etc goes into the pocket of the so call "Elite athletes"?


This has been happening for so many years now, only NOW then has it come out into the open, well....

sort of now.....as far back as I can remember, $$$ has played a part in such races.

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Nothing wrong with wanting money. Ppl still need to eat and feed their family.

You know why Singapore Soccer cannot make it? The reason is money paid to them is not good enough. Imagine you are a pro for 10 years with income of 2~4K. After 10 years, you are out of job. Do you want to be a soccer player?

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Records have been broken times and times again on each major tournaments and it's getting much tougher to be the top. To excel, you really need lots of money and effort and I can even say inborn advantage. So, you cannot really compare 50 years or even 20 years ago level of competition and now. I think if you bring back those champions back in those times to compete now, I don't think they will even qualify the heats.


So, what I'm trying to say is, back in those days, even part timer sportsman can excel, but now, do you seriously think you can do that? You really need to focus fulltime into the sports. So who would want to invest not only full time but the prime of your life into sports and not wanting any monetary rewards? Would you????

Edited by Tjkbeluga
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its sportmanship all the same, but 'professional' sportsmanship...


anyway i don't envy them.... having to train and run 42km just to collect a paycheck.... all the best to them



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