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Taxi drivers practice double standards


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how many here ever kena horn by taxi drivers or kena flash high beam by taxi drivers jus bcoz dey no patience or jus wana bully? but wen v horn or flash dem, wow dey not happy hahahahha y i never encounter any taxi driver who will put the hand up and say sorry wen dey make a mistake? i do it n hv seen other drivers do it..... u tink taxi drivers tend 2 b road bullies coz insurance companies would rather take 50/50 blame n jus pay out 4 accidents eventhou u r not at fault???? [furious][smash][rifle][whip]

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You actually bothered by all these. I numb liao. I just find the chance to overtake them. I find high bean or horning them pointless. But I do agree about the double standard. If you are driving a luxury or performance car, the chances of them high beam or horn you is almost non existence. Or maybe you kayu driver that's why kenna? Not very convincing when comes to one sided story.

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Well, they are an aggravated bunch of folk these taxi drivers. But sometimes, cannot really blame them lah. How much time do we spend on the roads daily? 2 - 4 hours? How much time do cabbies have to put-in per day, at least 8!


So imagine yourself having to be on the roads with kuku drivers, road-hoggers, choingsters, JB bikers, P-Platers, L-drivers etc...etc... for 8 hours every single day! Think even the most patient person in the world will get fed-up once in a while!!

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how many here ever kena horn by taxi drivers or kena flash high beam by taxi drivers jus bcoz dey no patience or jus wana bully? but wen v horn or flash dem, wow dey not happy hahahahha y i never encounter any taxi driver who will put the hand up and say sorry wen dey make a mistake? i do it n hv seen other drivers do it..... u tink taxi drivers tend 2 b road bullies coz insurance companies would rather take 50/50 blame n jus pay out 4 accidents eventhou u r not at fault???? [furious][smash][rifle][whip]



its common lah. its the same from other cars (sedan, bus, lorries as well). . . . . not only taxi

I have a SUV, a coupe & a getz - & I got different treatments on each ride.

I have no problem moving onto right lane on my SUV - I somehow managed to get into lane with signals & gradual speed (of cos not 100% lah)

but when I'm on my getz, I kana pushed, or refusal (even if I signalled with adequate distance and fast enuff speed).

I dun hog, but they just like to sped forward & at horn me as if I have no right on the lane

I will watch out on big trucks when I'm on coupe - they love to roll their wheels next to coupe, dunno why


. . . .

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Taxi drivers tend to stop by the roadside at their convenience (mostly to pick passengers) - traffic behind them be damned.


However, when private cars do the same, many taxi drivers will sound their horn at the offending private cars for obstructing their way. [confused]

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yesterday the taxi in front of me was flagged down by a family. then the family started a conference outside the taxi, taking their own sweet time to board. after 2-3 minutes i horned and the family ran away. the taxi must be damn dulan but lan2 drive off [flowerface]


a bit evil but nice to get back once in a while.

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To a certain extent, I have to agree. Most of the taxi drivers all drive like king of the road and quite recklessly.


However, every now and then i do encounter good taxi drivers that will give way to me or wave a thanks when i give way to them.

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what i can say is sometimes not really Taxi are on faults la, can be some buger passengers lo.


Yes this one i totally agree. Esp when the passengers are not even sure where to stop and keep on changing/giving last minute instructions [furious]

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yesterday the taxi in front of me was flagged down by a family. then the family started a conference outside the taxi, taking their own sweet time to board. after 2-3 minutes i horned and the family ran away. the taxi must be damn dulan but lan2 drive off [flowerface]


a bit evil but nice to get back once in a while.


How come they ran away after u horn.. did u do something else? [sly]

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