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Pre-Citizenship Test Questions


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Please give some suggestions for questions.. [scholar]


1) Which local politician said these famous words "It's an honest mistake. Let's move on."?

2) Is the Merlion real?

3) Who create the local dish "Mee Siam Mai Hum"?




questions not important. importantly, the test is in singlish, and its aural.

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If I am not wrong, "Honest mistake ... let's move on" is a composite of 2 seperate quotes. Can't remember who made the original honest mistake but "move on" was first used by GCT to hint that we should stop discussing about gays in the civil service.

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Please state the differences between :


Teh, Teh C, Teh O, Teh C Siew Dai, Teh O Kao, Teh Poh, Teh Tarik, Teh Alia, Teh Kosong, Teh Peng, Teh NeiNei


Please spot the odd one out... [bounce1] [bounce1] [bounce1]

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Please state the differences between :


Teh, Teh C, Teh O, Teh C Siew Dai, Teh O Kao, Teh Poh, Teh Tarik, Teh Alia, Teh Kosong, Teh Peng, Teh NeiNei



The question for this should be.. Which of the following is not a beverage.. [cool]

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Please state the differences between :


Teh, Teh C, Teh O, Teh C Siew Dai, Teh O Kao, Teh Poh, Teh Tarik, Teh Alia, Teh Kosong, Teh Peng, Teh NeiNei



Please spot the odd one out... [bounce1] [bounce1] [bounce1]



all can lim, other than tnn, but then again, maybe u tnn enuf, got milk squirt out!


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oral test?


for the china mei mei?


i'm pretty sure that their oral is very very good..... hahaha


I believe if all it take for the china mei mei to get citizenship is an oral test. Sg will be fill to the brim with cu... + China mei mei

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I believe if all it take for the china mei mei to get citizenship is an oral test. Sg will be fill to the brim with cu... + China mei mei


there must first be a visual test.

subsequent oral test must still be up to certain standards.....



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there must first be a visual test.

subsequent oral test must still be up to certain standards.....


Also must brush teeth before the oral [laugh]

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