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Success for Large Hadron Collider as first atom smashed


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Hope that it won't really generate a big black hole and suck the whole earth up. Although the expert said the possiblity is low but....


If they really can find the so call god particle and get to know how the universal is born that will be great.

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great leap man! really hope that this can yield further discoveries of energy [speechless]


Dunno whether they created anti-matter like in the movie "Angels and Demons"?


Cheem man . . . [sleeping]

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really really chem stuff....really goes to show how much we don know [speechless]


Hooray!! LHC is finally in operation, although only at one sixth of it's full potential.


An indication of how much we really don't know: Everything that makes up the Universe, all the atoms and sub-atomic particles, all the elements in the periodic table, everything we actually understand, can only account for 4% of the total amount of matter in the Universe! [shocked]


96% of the Universe is missing! 21% is said to consist of Dark Matter which we cannot detect and have no understanding of it's nature. 75% is Dark Energy which is driving the Universe to accelerate in it's expansion, once again we know nothing about the nature and origin of this strange energy which will lead to the ultimate death of our Universe in Darkness and in Ice [smallcry]


Dark Energy/Matter only exist in theory and is actually an equation, inserted into supercomputer simulators to make the Universe work as it does today. Without these equations, the simulations are incoherent, and the whole Universe just flies apart! Anyway, with the LHC now in operation, hopefully we get to understand a little bit more about how it all works [scholar]



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I have always been fascinated with the energy of the universe and really, there is only so much we know. Life definitely lies out there

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Once the mystery of the universe is discovered, the present known world will end and we will enter into a new era at 2012.

.........I am just speculating..... hehe.

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For a moment, i tot u copied something from Angels & Demons..... [sweatdrop]


Haha! Angels & Demons is based on scientific facts and recognised theories. A theory needs to be proven through demonstrable, repeatable experiments (ala 'mythbusters' style) in order to become a fact. But it is still recognised by the scientific community as a distinct possibility.


Anti-matter is a fact, whereas the encapsulation of anti-matter in a stable condition (as in the movie) is pure fiction. No one has collected that much anti-matter so that it is visible to the naked eye. It has been observed only in minute amounts, at atomic/sub-atomic levels, and is negated almost immediately by ordinary matter. But that doesn't change the fact that anti-matter does exist and if we are able to stabilise it and use it to our advantage, alot of the world's energy problems can be solved. Energy conversion for anti-matter, based on the Einstein's mass-energy equivalence (E=mc2), is 100% efficient!! Unlike ordinary matter, which gives us only 25% efficiency through nuclear fission.


However, obtaining anti-matter in any sizeable amount is currently not acheivable due to it's incredible cost to produce. It would cost around US$63 billion to produce 1 gram of anti-hydrogen :o

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Lovely sequence of pix bro listerry! This we must let the road-hoggers see!! Humble their inflated egos abit! [thumbsup]



I also say!!! Excellent images putting in perspective. We are but SPERMS, literally [laugh][laugh]

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Dark Energy/Matter only exist in theory and is actually an equation, inserted into supercomputer simulators to make the Universe work as it does today. Without these equations, the simulations are incoherent, and the whole Universe just flies apart! Anyway, with the LHC now in operation, hopefully we get to understand a little bit more about how it all works [scholar]



Dark energy also existed in Star Wars. It is a force use by the Dark side.


Perhaps George Lucas already solve this dark energy thing 30 years ago.



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