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Does 9 to 5 really exist?


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nb...tonight you better sleep w light on hor [cool][cool]


[laugh] nvm la i never see one before tonight come find me leh. I get my camera ready. Opps camera can catch ur image bo? [laugh]

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[laugh] nvm la i never see one before tonight come find me leh. I get my camera ready. Opps camera can catch ur image bo? [laugh]



i cannot come so I call my kakinang

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mine by right its 9-6pm but arh if im lucky... 7pm i leave office. suay suay peak period. 9pm is early. can be as late as 11 or mn.

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The 9-to-5 term used to describe office working hours in the past, as opposed to a shift (implied blue-collar) job which can run for 12 hours.


You can still have 9-to-5 hours with the following conditions:

(1) Your direct superior is understanding and allows you to arrive for work slightly later. This is quite normal especially for those married with kids, have to send wife to work, children to school, etc.

(2) You pack up and go home on the dot. But of course, it's just bringing the leftover work home to finish up on your own time. But it definitely beats staying in the office, and you get to have dinner with the family, spend the earlier part of the evening with the kids, etc.


I'm one of those 9-6 daily, unless I have to have face-to-face time with some other parties, otherwise I don't stick around at the workplace. Go off on the dot and beat the traffic jam. But later in the night I will clear leftover e-mails, work on the longer term projects, stuff like that. I think this is acceptable and good enough for work-life balance. It's good enough for me that the boss doesn't insist we have to stay back to do our work. What for? This is the advantage of technology... work whenever and wherever you want to.


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If 9 to 5, that's 7 hours per day (minus lunch hour). One week is 35 hours. Here's what is stated on MOM website


Part-time Employment


A part-time employee is one who is required under his/her contract of service with an employer, to work for less than 35 hours a week.


Source : http://www.mom.gov.sg/publish/momportal/en...loyment.html#cs


Maybe it started cos of this 9 to 5 song from Dolly Parton.





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mine by right its 9-6pm but arh if im lucky... 7pm i leave office. suay suay peak period. 9pm is early. can be as late as 11 or mn.


Wow, more than 12 hrs at work!! What are u working as?

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actually who really spend the full 9-10 hours working?


my previous job, the real actual hour i spend to work is 2-3 hours the most..


the rest is surf net and kopi [laugh] and gay siao...



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