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Skinky's Guide to Driving in Malaysia (Ver 2)


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Hi, I've been driving up to penang/kl/trengganu the past few years, I would like to share some tips and driving experience with anyone who might be interested. Anyone wishing to add more tips, please add on.


A. Preparation

I think the most important things will be making sure your engine oil is topped up, lights completely working, tyres free from any foreign objects and of course, fully gassed up. Other things that I usually bring is spare ringgits, (1 50 and a few 10s). At the toll booth, if u dun have ringgit, the operator will offer to change SGD with MYR, but exchange rate is 1 is to 1. So pls bring Ringgit.


Other things I usually put in my car include torch, warning triangle, wet wipes, water, first aid kit, spare clothes, toilet paper lining, tissue paper etc etc. As I go up every week, I tend to be abit more kiasu. So far I am lucky, I don't need to stop for any emergency. But who knows.


B. Toll Booths

You may choose to purchase a touch and go card at all 'PLUS' highway offices or tollbooths. If you see "TAMBAH NILAI" that means you can buy/top up your touch and go at these places. If you wanna buy the smart tag, visit the office and buy the smart tag machine. Last time I bought was about 80rm I think.


*Touch n Go cards are a must from October 09 onwards ! I lost mine and managed to purchase at the first toll I saw after SG customs.


Find out more here http://www.touchngo.com.my


C. Speed/Time

The speed limit is 110 most of the way, sometimes dropping to 90 (on windy roads but not on NS highway). There are speed cameras deployed here and there. Out of my 100 trips up and down per year, I get on average 3 - 5 speeding tickets at RM300 each (camera kind).


I am not condoning speeding but it is up to each individual how fast they wish to finish the journey. I have completed the SG > KL journey at 90km before, at 110km and at speeds way above the limit. 90KM took me about 4 hours plus to complete as my lights failed, and I was following behind this station wagon the entire nite. 110 took about 3 & 1/2 hours. I shall not discuss my record here yes ? haha.



If you happen to be caught my cops for speeding (even when ure not speeding). Pass him ur passport and smile at him. Call him encik and show your shoulders if u are female (or male with sexy shoulders). At this junction, you can either 1. Accept the ticket he will offer you 2. Talk kok with him till he gets bored and leaves you alone with no ticket or 3. Negotiate another option which again I shall not be so explicit about.


But what I would like to mention is that 50 ringgit that you have prepared should come in handy somewhere about now.



D. Weather vs Time vs Traffic



Best times to leave SG or KL


4 - 6am

Best time If you leave at 5am, ur car will get cold air and it'll feel much more smoother, youcan even switch off the aircon I hardly feel sleepy at this time.


10 - 11am

Sun is slowly rising, not that hot, but you will get the cops around these times.


2pm - 3pm

Depature sg is ok only, but trust me, you will get sleepy. Not much cops around cause they are sleeping, traffic is so-so.


Try to avoid hitting sg or kl anytime above 6(KL) or 7(SG). Cause all hell breaks loose and everyone comes out to play.



D1. Day driving

Usually, day driving esp afternoon, you will get abit sleepy. The roads are quite straight and boring. Wat I do to keep awake is to slap myself in the face really hard, or stop the car and wash my face. I remember one incident where my passenger was sleeping next to me, i also fell asleep for awhile. In my dream I realised i was driving and when i suddenly woke up, i was thankful my car was still going straight or else abes. Remember the wet wipes i ask u to prepare ? not for cleaning up your spunk but for wiping your face.


Remember to switch on your headlights If you are driving fast, you can also switch on ur high beam. Cars from afar will see you and you dun even need to signal right. It is not irritating to them at all, so dun worry. I tested before.


Day driving got more buses than trucks. Also expect army trucks and super slow cars on the right lane.



D2. Night Driving

Night driving will be more fun. You tend to be more alert but of course is more dangerous. Those cars that change to white light, sorry brothers, it wont' work very well in night/rainy/foggy weathers. So please take extra care. The torchlight u bring come in handy now, can shine at them and shine out if your light can't reach. Hahaha


There was one incident where i slowed down near some construction area, i saw one slab of concrete in front of me. I was very lucky to have seen it and managed to swerve in time. If i was driving my usual speed, i would most probably be using my mouth to type out this post. So conclusion is slow your ass down near work sites (quite alot), u wun know what the hell will pop out.


Night driving you will encounter more trucks vs buses. Some of these trucks no light so please bring some eye drops or clean the crap from ur eyes. Two pairs of eyes will be best, and I am not refering to spectacles. Ask your passenger dun be lazy and help keep a watch out. Cars tend to turn out for no rhyme or reason without signalling. Cars that have all kinds of weird lights all over the car, finally you have a good and valid reason to use it. Its better to be safe and sorry, make sure the lorries and kancils see your batmobile when you overtake them.


D3. Wet Weather

Expect rain to happen anytime of the day. When that happens, Pray your tyres have enough grip on the road. For cars with tyres width >225, hold your steering wheel tight because aquaplanning will happen. FYI Aquaplanning is not planning activities with transvestites for a day out. It happens when too much water forms an extra layer onthe road and not enough water can be flushed out by the tyre grooves. You will loose control but counter steer slightly and continue driving on. If you plan to slow down to 80 -90, please for goodness sake move to the left lane. Don't be a hogger.


Sometimes, the rain comes down so bad that it's better to pull at a rest stop before continuing on journey.


I keep a pair of yellow sunglasses that helps me see during rainy/foggy weather. Yellow spectrum penetrates rain/fog much better.



E. Driving Etiquette


There are some unwritten rules about driving on the north south highways. Most msian cars simply hate singaporen cars, nothing we can do about that because we complain about their cars when they come in. I'm not exactly an angel, but I try my best to adhere to the below rules (when i can)



E1. Signalling

Signal right if you wish to overtake. If bugger refuses to move, overtake from left. No point being upset. Some of these cars have no side view mirrors, dirty rear view mirrors. They may have no idea you are even there. You may horn but dun over horn. Slight tap will be good. First course of action is signal right. High beam (if at nite), then horn is last.


E2. Flashing

Keep it to a minimum as the opposite traffic really gets blinded by your highbeam. Don't do a long irritating high beam. Do 2 quick ones like how you use your mouse to double left click. Those who wish to flash their body can do so at their own discretion.


E3. Horning

Seriously, on such long highways and speeds, your horn wun really matter much unless you're directly behind them, horning a poor kelisa that decided to overtake you. So keep that to a minimum unless its an emergency.


E4. Cursing

Cursing is very much accepted in msia, so long you do it in your own car. At the end fo the day, is there a point slowing down to the offending car and letting off profanities ? After so many years of driving up and down, i just tap my horn to show my displeasure or give a sexy stare.


E4i. When all else fails, and the receiver of your cursing doesn't understand what you are trying to bring across, use the universal sign of bad faith.


To do a good finger, wind down window, extend arm and twist wrist. Slowly unleash the bird and jerk it once to show you mean it. Once point has been brought across (make sure he/she sees it) then bring arm back into the car. Use this only when cursing under breath has failed, or the receiver is 100% wrong (who are we to judge *shrugs). But use it sparingly, we are only allowed to use it 7 times in our lifetime before it's no longer cool.


Do take note, by doing the above, you may be getting yourself into more trouble than you probably wish for. It's sometimes best just to walk away unscathed.



E5. Racing

If you tend to drive at high speeds, or you are driving any car that looks fast (or faster that it actually is), expect to get raced by all kinds of cars. I have had Porsche GT2s, F430s, Wajas, civics (funniest one was a bike) try and race (play punk) with me because simply I was driving fast. Just ignore and continue at ur own pace. If they come up fast behind you, just move over to the left and let them pass. Slow down if you have to. It's not worth it. Once they leave, you may chooose to do E4i.



E6. Hogging

If you drive anywhere from 0 - 250km/h on the right lane, and insist on keeping on the right lane even when someone comes up behind you, you are a hogger. Hoggers are drivers who have brains the size of my left testicle, who most probably can't score a screw with a hooker, who probably jerks off to the picture of elmo. In Msia, or even SG, just activate your signal, signal left then move left swiftly. Avoid straddling lanes as cars will just prepare to pass you as you are moving left. That may cause an accident so dun straddle !



E7. Tailgating

If someone is tailgating you, and you are in the first lane. Hit yourself in the balls. That means you're hogging ! Same thing, Signal left, then move left swiftly. If you're in the slow lane, and someone is tailgating you with no rhyme or reason, you may chooose to do E4i.



E8 Roads/Obstacles/Animals

Through out your journey, if you are travelling at high speed, expect to see various forms of insects, bugs and slightly smaller animals stuck in your intercooler. For those turbo charged cars, you may wish to install some kind of additional filter.


I have had cats, dead dogs, legs, arms, blood, stones, ROCKS !!, tyres, bugs, insects, HUGE insects hit my car. During your petrol stop, you can spend the time while waiting for your refuel by trying to identify the names of the insects, bugs or what not that have collided with your windscreen, intercooler, bumper, side view mirrors. If you have kids or children in the car, bring them out and have a nice family activity at the petrol station !


Obstacles are far too many on the NS highway. Avoid hitting carcasses (dead animals)as they stick to the undercarriage and cause a stink when cooked. Wash it off quickly when that happens unless you want to smell like bbq at your destination. It's good to bring some bug spray or some water to get rid of the insects that hit your car. Wash it off quick because they become stubborn when left out too long.


You may meet various forms of wildlife on your trip up north. It's not exactly meeting them, but rather your bumper will have a bonding session with them. These include but are not limited to monitor lizards (abt 2m long), snakes, dogs, cats, monkeys, squirrels, birds, wild boar etc etc. Slow down and horn to chase them away, if you are driving at speeds above 100, just hit them and drive straight through. If you hit the brakes and swirve, you will get into an accident. Remember to say a small prayer for them when you pass.


Yesterday, I came across a cat lying in the middle of the road at a petrol station licking itself (Such a cool cat). It just totally ignored me as a I neared. I had to stop my car, horn and rev my engine before it even looked up. Finally, a petrol attendant ran over and took him out of the way.


Watch out for exploded tyres from lorries, and lorries that just stop in the middle of the road. I happened to hit an exploded tyre doing about 160 and my right bumper just disintegrated, luckily my car didnt change direction or i would have crashed. Thanks to Yew Lip, my car is back to its pristine condition.


I just heard from my friend that her aunt died when their car hit a stationery lorry that just broke down on the road without any lights. Even while driving at the speed limit the driver died, so just keep that in mind.



F. Driving further up to Ipoh/Kuantan/Penang/Terrengganu


For those driving up to KL, you may stop here. Your drives are comfortable and the roads are well made. You have nothing to fear and it is rather safe.


To East Coast

For those venturing further, to the east coast of KL, good luck. You need it. Big highways become single lane trunk roads. You will spend alot of time overtaking in fear and anticipation that another car doesnt suddenly come face to face with you. Or you will spend alot of time waiting behind a lorry. Try and avoid doing this trip at nite.


To penang/Ipoh

From KL to Ipoh/Penang, the roads become winding and there are lots of slight turns. These turns can accomodate speeds at up to 180 - 190 and remember not to brake or panic when you enter these turns. Just let your car turn in slowly. The views here become wonderful. Ask your passenger to prepare a camera as some of the views are just breathtaking, esp before ipoh. When you are heading to Penang, remember to stop n have the wonderful ipoh hor fun. I cant describe how wonderful it is. Ipoh Hor Fun turns me on and gives me wet dreams.



G. East Coast Driving


For those who are slightly more adventurous, you can choose to drive from SG to Mersing to Kuantan to Terrengganu. This will take you approximately 10 hours (I finished in about 8 - 9 hours from Tggu to SG). From Kuantan to SG, the coastal roads are beautiful. The trees are green (and red) and the roads are almost completely empty. You can choose to take photos near Cherating area and Mersing town area especially for those with modern looking cars (on a backdrop of a fishing village.)


Do remember the drive (after 4 hours) becomes slightly tedious because the roads are very windy and there are cows that wander onto the roads.



H. Special tools


When I hit the tyre, my bumper came lose and it was hanging on one side. Thanks to the bandages on my first aid kit, i managed to tie it up onto my fender and it wasnt too bad. It was flapping around when I did over 150 so i added more bandages. It was quite funny. But the tools that come in handy would be


1. 1 - 2 Screwdrivers, small and big

2. Pliers

3. Cutters

4. Some simple wires and strings.

5. Torch

6. Tape


These would be the most basic things that anyone have in the car, it will help no matter what the problems are, unless of course ur car flip upside down.


I. Checking your car.


I cant emphasize how important it is to check your tyres, please do that. If you don't know your tyre pressure, go ask your tyre shop guy, write it down somewhere. In the meantime, check your thread depths to see whether it is too bald, if its bald, go change your tyres, you don't want to be caught in the cross winds + heavy rain + poor visibility.


Other things that I try (i do try when i remember) to check is my oil, you don't want to suddenly have a shortage of oil while driving as ur engine will be damaged. Keep a small 1litre bottle in the boot at all times.


J. Petrol Stations


To be updated, left my other phone in my car :/



Drivers, enjoy the drive ! Your car will feel much smoother after your 330km drive.

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I would like to add bring along a can of those pressurised tyre sealant. This will come in handy when stopping at the roadside to change tyre is dangerous due to speeding vehicle, or it is dark at night, or it is not safe to stop by the road. So, just pump the whole can into the punctured tyre and continue driving to the next safe stop.


One more thing (I may be wrong), some stretch of NSH near to Malacca is a 90 km/h limit.

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Updated Information


Toll Booth Amounts (Touch n Go Payable only)


From SG > KL


Customs > SGD4.80


First Toll - Rm 10.80

Second Toll - Rm 3.10

Third Toll (at KL) - Rm 36.70



For Petrol Kiosk Locations


SG to KL (on E2 highway)


33km, 75km, 146km, 205km, 225km, 271km, 308km


KL to SG


274km, 210km, 136km, 74km



Lastly, for any emergency cases which requires towing of your car >


Call Mr Yeoh from Faster Transport & Crane Services Sdn Bhd, +6017 351 8816 / +6012 780 8913


I've used him before, introduced by BMW Singapore, very nice chap.



If you are in Kuala Lumpur, and you require tyre changing service on sundays,


Call Mr Wong, From Heap Wo Tyre & Battery Services


+603 6257 5492 / +603 6257 1902


I managed to get my tyre changed when I had tyre puncture on public holiday. Luckily I found him via the internet.

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I go up to KL / Penang very often (like 3 - 4 times a month), if anyone needs a guide, i will be happy to show them the way. Those that wish to have a roadtrip buddy is happy to join me.

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Neutral Newbie

The highways tolls can cost quite alot. What about - to save costs - not taking the highways but take the old ways roads thru the towns? Slower maybe if you're not in a hurry.

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The highways tolls can cost quite alot. What about - to save costs - not taking the highways but take the old ways roads thru the towns? Slower maybe if you're not in a hurry.


Hi dude,


If you dun want to take the NS highway, you can take the coastal road which is totally free. But trust me, the time taken is not worth it. Unless you really like looking at the scenery !

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I once travelled from SG to KL using the old roads. Was my 1st time going up and follow my bro in law who also 1st time using GPS to guild him there. Blur blur set GPS wrong use old road.


Vomit blood...road bad condition, many lorry, pot holes, traffic lights.


Avoid I say

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Thinking of making a trip up north via 2nd link (Tuas) over this long weekend holiday.

When is a reasonable time to start the journey to avoid massive jam?


When coming back to Singapore on Sunday, I expect the custom to be crowded too.

Is it necessary to make arrangements to come home early on Sunday to avoid the jam?


Do share your experience, thanks!

Edited by Albeniz
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