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Household Budget


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She is not working, she's a housewife.


Giv her a credit card and watch her spendings from there. Juz give the credit card a lower limit. U would be able to tell where the $ went.

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For a family of 4, living in a EA, no maids, 1 car. My wife is asking for nearly $8k this month. This would include bills, untilities, childrens pre-school fees, groceries. Other expenses like her hairdo, medical, and other adhoc items are excluded.


Is it too much? Somehow I'm suspected I am contributing to the economic recovery through her spending :-(


Could this be the source of your wife's problem?

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Women


An extract for the above link:

"Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women may begin as early as the late 20's to the 40's. Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women tend to increase as a woman ages, especially if ignored in the earlier years. Hormone imbalance symptoms can be any one or more of the following:



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Bro...I am just thinking...


Sometimes housewife ask for a huge % of their hubby's income because for some reasons (whether justifiable or non justisfiable), she has doubts on her hubby's loyalty and one of the way to curb his 'percieved' misbehaviour is to significantly slash his disposal income....


Could it be she saw some of your postings which you done in jest but she thought otherwise?


Anyway I am just speculating and my apologies if I am wrong....but it will be probably a good idea if you can give some thoughts to the above....

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Whenever I see a quotation that deviates too much from what I expected, the first thing I would do is to ask for a detailed break down.:)


On top of asking for a detailed breakdown.. shd also ask around for other quotations.. [:p]

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I asked her for breakdown... end up getting a black face, she said I don't trust her wor!


Thing is her budget increases by 10% every bloody month. Last month was about $7k.... I know there's inflation, but this is rediculous!


You already said it.

it's ridiculous. not the amount but the rate of increase.


Reply that if she cannot tell you does it mean she doesnt trust you?

Both parties need to be open about it.


Anyway, as the man of the house, your questions on household budget is valid and should be periodically asked and fairly answered.


If this increase has only been happening very recently, some event must have triggered it.

You need to know what happened.


She could simply be saving her "si fang chian" by all means but she should still let you know.


Also ask yourself what you've done lately......heh.















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just a thought from a loving wife view (IF she is):


Do you have saving on your own and do you spend impulsively, especially on big ticket item? woman can be either good or bad in money management. but if you are not good at it, she better be. if she is asking more for saving purpose, she is doing good for the family. imaging one day you loss your job with debt and no saving, she is able to take out few hundred k to tide things over, wouldn't you be touch?


but if you really know her so well that she is not saving the extras, then it's time to have a family meeting!


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ts please go and get a detailed breakdown... $8k a month is way too high for an household. also please do it gently... cuz she's ya wifey.. understand her situation cuz i feel she just wanna save a little for her own to make herself feel more secure.


i guess this is normal. but let her know 8k is wayy too high. u might wanna try and set a amount for necessities and an amt for her personal expenses.


just like an auditor asking questions and expect to get a justified answer.

Edited by Robo
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Thank you bro! This broom is getting very irritating too...


Why the heck did I marry a S'pore girl?

Nothing to do with marrying a Singaporean girl. My friend, also Singaporean wife, earn 5k+ I think, HOD sec school working for 7 years. Wife also housewife, 1 son starting school soon. They get by.


If you really think she is spending so much that you can't afford it, then you need to talk to her. It is possible to survive with a 2-3k monthly household budget, and there are also ways to spend 10k-20k also.

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For a family of 4, living in a EA, no maids, 1 car. My wife is asking for nearly $8k this month. This would include bills, untilities, childrens pre-school fees, groceries. Other expenses like her hairdo, medical, and other adhoc items are excluded.


Is it too much? Somehow I'm suspected I am contributing to the economic recovery through her spending :-(



[shocked] wah lao eh! well the good thing is ur paycheck is fat enough, but them still $8k!


unless u child going to some high class pre-school with all the expats kids (like my boss daughther, think school fees is $2k/mth, n there is a gurkhas guarding the school) or ur wife buys lobster, birdnest, sharkfin for her grocery shopping... otherwise seems like she's out to eat u, keeping the cash for herself..

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the straight forward answer first, yes 8k is def too much. in my view, without the car loan in it and maid expenses, even 4k is high.


next, i do agree with some of the bros that tis is purely a private issue bet u and your wife. so wat are you gonna do now since many are also saying the whole thing is fishy?


lastly, help all the bros help you by elaborating your current lifestyle (eg. Bro Thargor's questions such as any branded pre-school? good food?)



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bro, don get threaten by her "u dont trust me is it?" question. insist on getting the breakdown. it's ur family afterall. u deserve to know wat ur kids r getting, how much of the money go to the necessary bills, etc etc.


if she does not want to tell u, obviously she is hiding something. n woman r smart, they will point it all back to u. n end up, u feel u r in the wrong. i'm sure u receive all the household bills by post. hv a look at them. see how much they r. n look ard in the house...see if all the things u own now justify the money that u've put in.


see her wardrobe for branded stuffs. see if there's a change in her attitude n dressing. talk to ur kids, ask them how much ur wife is giving them. don b afraid to get into an argument over this. if u r always giving in...u'll soon end up living by the roadside if nothing on u.

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bro, don get threaten by her "u dont trust me is it?" question. insist on getting the breakdown. it's ur family afterall. u deserve to know wat ur kids r getting, how much of the money go to the necessary bills, etc etc.




If the wife demands 8k, then the husband should have right to know the detailed breakdown of the expenditures. If everything really adds up to 8k, then it is also time to analyze which are the items to let go.


Never allow the wife's emotional blackmail to work on the husband. It will be eternal, thereafter.


BTW: If the wife is a stay-at-home mum, she could coach her own children, that should cut down quite a lot on private tuitions. A housewife should help to save and manage the expenditure of the family. Otherwise it might be better for her to go out to work.




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