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Somali pirates seize Singaporean ship


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Our naval vessels are too small and desperate situation calls for desperate measures.

If the pirates decide to ram Kota Wajar head on, that will be disastrous.

Like the case years ago near Pedra Branca.


They will protect the naval boat like we sayang our cars.

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Singapore Navy already got a ship standby there. Sure will tackle this problem.


If they bother that is.


1 ship? not enough leh..i remember some time ago they got exercise involved multiple ships and frigates to tackle some terror on a sampan [laugh]

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Besides joking, sniggering behind keyboards and putting down Singapore Armed Forces, have any of you even heard about RSN's participation in the Gulf of Aden?


Or about SAF's response to calls for humanitarian aids and disaster relief operations? Most times, they were there and ready even before the affected country could get their act together.

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You have to remember that our Navy also bo tai bo zi go out to South China Sea to fight pirates (successfully or not is another case), so at the very least they got the experience to handle this kind of thing.

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Somalian pirates are rampant in those regions. Our RSN ships have been deployed in the Gulf of Aden as part of the International effort to address this concern. And yes, RSN ships have engaged the pirates in past missions.

Edited by Vblaster_w211
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Haiz. All the human rights and international law rubbish... cause anti-piracy efforts to take place so indecisively and inefficiently.


Should just throw bomb/grenade at them whenever they are spotted... like that no more pirates liao. [cool]

Edited by Alfisti168
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I wonder how many of you have been out to sea, ok, for pleasure.....


When you are in the middle of the ocean, you visibile range, at a 30 metres height on a very clear day, would be about 15 nautical miles...... that is if the distant object is a large vessel.....


Your radar range for a small sampan like craft will be maybe 6 miles, if the sea is calm..... otherwise, hopefully you can visually identify the sampan when she is about 3 or 4 miles away....


The Gulf of Aden to Seycelles is hundreds of miles apart.... most of the coalition forces are concentrated at the Gulf of Aden, that's why the pirates have move further away to Seycelles area..... that vast sea surface, it will be impossible for any naval presence at all areas all times....


It is same with us driving on the roads,..... we always lament, where is the TP when we need them.....






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I wonder how many of you have been out to sea, ok, for pleasure.....


When you are in the middle of the ocean, you visibile range, at a 30 metres height on a very clear day, would be about 15 nautical miles...... that is if the distant object is a large vessel.....


Your radar range for a small sampan like craft will be maybe 6 miles, if the sea is calm..... otherwise, hopefully you can visually identify the sampan when she is about 3 or 4 miles away....


The Gulf of Aden to Seycelles is hundreds of miles apart.... most of the coalition forces are concentrated at the Gulf of Aden, that's why the pirates have move further away to Seycelles area..... that vast sea surface, it will be impossible for any naval presence at all areas all times....


It is same with us driving on the roads,..... we always lament, where is the TP when we need them.....


Should send our team of SOF go in and rescue them, like blackhawk down like that, send an airborne heli assault follow by amphibious assault supported by air airstrike. If not how to know if our doctrine actually works? use this as an excuse and test it on the hijacker mah..

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Mine is going to be a totally ignoramus comment but what baffles me is that how come we can send a man to the moon, launch all sorts of Mars probe, take all sorts of wonderful picture from the Hubble space telescope and yet there is no way we can track somali sampans here on our very own planet earth???


I mean where has all the space age technology or those hi-tech satellite imagery systems blah..blah...blah.... gone to? [confused]



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Actually you ask a very good question. Its just like how USA have such a high tech army but they can't flush out a handful of slipper wearing terrorists hiding in the hills.

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Actually you ask a very good question. Its just like how USA have such a high tech army but they can't flush out a handful of slipper wearing terrorists hiding in the hills.


At least the USA Army have the equipment and means to defend themselves against these terrorists....


These commercial vessels are completely defenceless against the pirates... All the have is some water guns to hose the pirates down to "deter" them from boarding the vessel.... I think the pirates take it as a free shower before they hijack the vessel... [shakehead]

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r u telling me u expect the RSN to secure malaysian and indon waters?



Nah...I am not telling you that mate...


What I am really saying is RSN has in the past & present many instances of pirate engagements....but we have nvr been successful (or nvr reportedly so). In our region, the reason is simple...politics and not taking the risk to offend our sensitive neighbours. I trust we are well equipped to task but there is no will.


In the Int'l arena, our deployments to everywhere so far has been a limited one. Mainly medical, logistical or police monitoring. If and when they do decide to take a more aggressive stance, that'll open the door on pressures for such "active" deployments down the road.I don't think SAF wants to take that road....


That's my personal take.... [pirate]

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Our naval vessels are too small and desperate situation calls for desperate measures.

If the pirates decide to ram Kota Wajar head on, that will be disastrous.

Like the case years ago near Pedra Branca.


They will protect the naval boat like we sayang our cars.


Do u hav any idea wat ship we sent there? Its a 141m landing ship... its a naval transport vessel with some small guns and carrying helicopters & special forces on board.


Btw, in modern war, all navies are trying to reduce the size of ship.


Bigger ship = bigger radar signature = easier to detect. Now is modern warfare, its all about electronics & missiles. Not about the size.

Edited by Rickster
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Kindda sad when we cannot even secure this region from the Indon pirates...much less Somali....My guess is don't expect too much


Its not possible to secure this region totally.


If a ship kena hijacked, unless the warship is nearby (<50km), then it will be able to send a helicopter in time to deter the attack.


Else, there is nothing much the warship can do.

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