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Child adoption


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hi Friends


a friend and wife are childless .

They have worked out between themselves and decided they want to adopt a child instead.


They are upper middle income family and normal people, not sicko bastxxx.

They do not want children of foreign countries, only singapore born locals.


Does anyone know the procedure and whom to contact ?

Thanks in advance !


** Ps : spare me the song and dance about natural or unnatural or why they discrimination against babies from other countries or how they are going to break the news to the child in future.


we had already discussed this topic extensively so i am sure of their mental state before i agreed to walk this journey together with them

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its very difficult to raise a child that is not a couple's own flesh and blood. they may think that its ok for the present. how about in 5 yrs time? they may regret the decision.

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obviously some forummer/s here are intellectually challenged and cannot read [hur][hur] Am surprised they can even use the internet...


** Ps : spare me the song and dance about natural or unnatural or why they discrimination against babies from other countries or how they are going to break the news to the child in future.


we had already discussed this topic extensively so i am sure of their mental state before i agreed to walk this journey together with them

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obviously some forummer/s here are intellectually challenged and cannot read [hur][hur] Am surprised they can even use the internet...


** Ps : spare me the song and dance about natural or unnatural or why they discrimination against babies from other countries or how they are going to break the news to the child in future.


we had already discussed this topic extensively so i am sure of their mental state before i agreed to walk this journey together with them


people are still entitled to their own comments. if buay song, dun read. if you want to adopt, get a dog.


thank you for non replying.


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people are still entitled to their own comments. if buay song, dun read. if you want to adopt, get a dog.


thank you for non replying.



Edited.....as it is pointless to debate with IMH inmates [rolleyes]

Edited by RadX
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My very close-friend adopted a baby-girl this January from Malaysia, paid agent fee S$23k in all.


Several trips to related agency for paper-work and home visit by social agents...all done.

Quite easy if adoption agent is involved, maybe higher fee for the service.





we had already discussed this topic extensively so i am sure of their mental state before i agreed to walk this journey together with them


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Marymount convent, opp Mt Alvernia hospital. They house unwed mothers to be there...IIRC


To add to this,


TS, since you did not mention the ethnic group of your friend, I'm suggesting they can take a look at the Pertapis Centre for Women and Girls. They house muslim women.


Here's the contact information



42 Surin Avenue, Singapore 535638

Tel: 6284 4707 Fax: 6289 4508




Good luck.

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Edited.....as it is pointless to debate with IMH inmates [rolleyes]


exactly ... it is pointless to debate w IMH inmates like you



*ok stop ... joke only.

the reason why i put PS is bcos i know the fellow forummers can really go OT with their Yah Bah Yah Bah ... yours was a fine example.


nevertheless Radx ... thanks for your contribution about Mt Alv. [thumbsup]



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To add to this,


TS, since you did not mention the ethnic group of your friend, I'm suggesting they can take a look at the Pertapis Centre for Women and Girls. They house muslim women.


Here's the contact information



42 Surin Avenue, Singapore 535638

Tel: 6284 4707 Fax: 6289 4508




Good luck.


hi Leslie


thanks for the heads up !!

they are chinese.



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its very difficult to raise a child that is not a couple's own flesh and blood. they may think that its ok for the present. how about in 5 yrs time? they may regret the decision.


we also discussed that point extensively and they are aware of the risks.


i think right now to them, the hardest part is telling the truth to the child and the child decides to turn away from them


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we also discussed that point extensively and they are aware of the risks.


i think right now to them, the hardest part is telling the truth to the child and the child decides to turn away from them


Don't do it as the "big reveal" when the kid turns 13 or 18 or whatever. If they child always knows they were adopted for as far back as they can remember it won't be an issue.


And its not hard to explain even to a four year old.


Mummy and Daddy couldn't grow a baby like other mummies and daddies, so they got you from a lady that couldn't take proper care of you - because we love you so much.



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I think u really need a very big heart to adopt a child [thumbsup] .i have get to know a few caucasian families who adopted kids from different back ground.1 for example,the couple have 1 boy which is their own,1(boy) adopted from vietnam,1(boy) from india,and 1(girl) from russia.but they were all treated equally.no bias.If im not wrong,our very own local DJ,Rod,has also adopted a boy [thumbsup] .

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we also discussed that point extensively and they are aware of the risks.


i think right now to them, the hardest part is telling the truth to the child and the child decides to turn away from them


at this point of the couple's life, i think they should go ahead and do what they think is right.

if not, they may regret not making the correct decsion later on in life.

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