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thanks guys, some nice games last night..

most memorable was the one with ni_ni and luckytan where we destroyed the mcom with one live left..lolz

also the one where we lost with mcom needing just one more strike with unlimited


kena accident so last night was a gd night to kill some enemies



take care... at least all is safe....

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thanks guys, some nice games last night..

most memorable was the one with ni_ni and luckytan where we destroyed the mcom with one live left..lolz

also the one where we lost with mcom needing just one more strike with unlimited


kena accident so last night was a gd night to kill some enemies


Yeah, the last strike wasted, but that game like really no other teammates. All the mcom and stuff we destroy and move forward, the other teammates seem to be just striking from afar to get points.


If only have 1 more anti tank mine inside!


Btw what happened? Any injury? Take care!


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qishan is at far east plaza?


need to bargain from them?


Go qisahn.com


Far east shopping centre, not far east plaza.


Cannot bargin, don't even think about it.


If want can get member card

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qishan is at far east plaza?


need to bargain from them?


No need... their prices are one of the lowest... juz that u need to collect in town lor....

The diff of prices is abit only so if u include erp and carpark charges.... for me, might as well i buy near my place....


If ur in the east, juz get fr the shop at Tampines Mall(top floor) or Eastpoint(World of JJ)(both under same owner)...

max price should be mid 400s...

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staying near town area....


Is there any diff for the 120GB and the 250GB one?

It acts as a hardisk?


Some games install within hard disk.... but u dun need so much space actually... coz i haven even maxed my 80GB fat one...


If not too sure if there is a diff in processor chip.... i know fat ps3 have diff....

Even if have diff, it does not affect online play...


Welcome to MCF PS3 clan.... :D

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just buy 80gb 1st, you can buy 2.5" harddisk and upgrade later.

heard now GPU using 40nm instead of 45nm, do check with shop before buying.

i believe qisahn is 1 of the lowest price around. 80gb slim $455 include HDMI cable...

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no injury, actually very minor

side swipe and I believe I am 100% in the right..$100-200 can settle my scratches already..other party's car scratch less than 2cm I reckon..


but too bad other party was driven by a chauffuer..he don't really care and his boss who wasn't even in the car insisted is my fault..wanted me to pay for both my own and his damage which is super absurd la

so no choice, go insurance route..everybody loses


anyway, I am treating it as past experience already..pay whatever comes and get it over with

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Neutral Newbie

jus now scrapped my car against carpark wall.. not concentrating on driving than kenna. now the back wheel part got some paint scratch... heart pain.


anyway i bought my ps3! + 4 games at qishann..$618.

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Neutral Newbie

guys i bought BC2.. wondering how to connect to play with you guys.. pls shou xia liu qing ah!

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Neutral Newbie

thread move too fast liao cant catch up.. any kind soul wanna tell me contact by pm ba. thanks!

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guys i bought BC2.. wondering how to connect to play with you guys.. pls shou xia liu qing ah!



1st you must add us as friends.... then when you see who is online then you join us... or alteratively you can invite us to your squad.... bear in mind.. max of 4 pax per squad and 12 pax per team... if you see is full... then dun invite.......


do you have bluetooth.. connect to you PS3 also....... there is alot of communications to be done..... bear in mind all is in good fun even when vulgarities are spewed.... especially from me and DJ.... we are just very emotional people [laugh]


the list of PS3 nicks can be found in sardin's signature or below....



1) Dj_spike:Dj_Shahril 2) Fireball0088:hsb0088 3) Tarzan666:sardin69 4) Tonyhawk:yaharoko 5) Ah_Cow:Ah_Cow 6) Kingcopa:thegod09 7) Freestylers09:freestylers09 8) Wreckwrx:wreckwrx 9) Galantspeedz:accordH22A 10) Unltd:Unltd8 11) Ixus:luckytan 12) Limahmao:limahmao 13) Skylander:rico7ch3t 14) Little_prince:The_king137 15) Hub_n_mona:trebuh007 16) Angguguay:r3d-agg 17) Ni_Ni10: ni_ni10 18) Windchoco : windchoco 19) King : Ah_nei


Edited by Galantspeedz
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thread move too fast liao cant catch up.. any kind soul wanna tell me contact by pm ba. thanks!

if u interested to be part of FAF, can consider to name ur psn id with any animal. FAF still have position open to fill.

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Glad my signature came in handy...


Sori nini for not responding to ur invites, was having a time of my bc2 life raping and sodomising. Got a good partner and play recon can get 3k+ a game. Haha...1/2 way mark to unlocking last weapon Liao.

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if u interested to be part of FAF, can consider to name ur psn id with any animal. FAF still have position open to fill.


Stop asking ppl to join your aminal squad la... Should join my talented squad... But first must have blueblood ok! [laugh]

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