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Does Poly give you a head start for University Life or JC?


Does Poly give you a head start for University Life or JC?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Poly or JC prepares you for University Life better?

    • Polytechnic
    • Junior College
    • Both are equal when entering university
  2. 2. If you happened to get admitted into a local government university, which path did you go thru to reach there?

    • JC to Uni
    • Poly to Uni
    • ITE to Poly to Uni

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Hi bro, I just curious about what are the usual path people take to go to local university (NUS,NTU and SMU).


Currently, I am a year 1 student @ SMU and I am basically struggling with everything. Prior to that, I was from NYP and I did quite well with an overall GPA of 3.5. Most of my peers from polytechnic are also struggling to make a mark for ourselves in SMU. I did not know about other universities that why I am trying to find some opinions from you guys here.


I came from a neighbourhood pri and sec school, My O level results aren't that fantastic. 23 pointer... English only C6. But my Hokkien sure A1. hahaha...


Does 2 years in JC helps you adopting life in University better or 3 years in polytechnic? What is your choice?


Anyway, my personal view, I think that JC students have strong command in english languages, be it verbally or written. They are very good at expressing themselves and are very vocal when it comes to class participation in SMU.


Polytechnic students like us does not have such a strong command in english. When I submit my individual projects, my prof actually pin point all my grammers! It damn saddening to say that us polytechnic students has such lousy english standard or is it just me? The only advantages we have is prior experience to technology stuff which means that we are more tech-savvy, that's all.


And I really admired those JC student who can speak professional english. How I wish I could be like them.


Oh yah, not forgetting our foreign students. SMU has a lot of foreign students from Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and China. Some of the more weird one are people from South Africa, South Korea and Japan studying here full time. I really have to say that other than their command of english, they are way smarter than all of us Singaporeans. Many came here thru scholarship and we singaporean have to take loan from CPF or Bank to study. How sad can it be isn't it? [scholar][scholar][scholar][scholar]


Hope to see more response to this tread!

Edited by Powerkeong
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  On 10/1/2009 at 12:34 AM, Watwheels said:

You ask in the wrong forum. Down here all chao beng, N level nia. No one went to poly or uni.



yah lor...me pribaree 4 oni... [rolleyes]

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  On 10/1/2009 at 12:35 AM, Pentium said:

It doesn't matter. In real life, its is who you know and not what you know that is important



N-leber face [laugh][laugh]


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I tink I got the worst result here. [lipsrsealed] So cant really advise u.


PSLE only score 180. Went on to N level and then O level. Did just enough to get my poly diploma and then direct second yr to NUS(Mechanical Engineering) and dropped out b4 the course starts. :D I survived w/o a degree so far. :D

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no need to envy their english... i mean my english oso on average standard and if i enter into JC, i might even flung my GP so wat's the point??? read more books and hav ur conversations more in english, tis will help...

btw, having more technical mind dan those from JC is already a big help... analytical skill might be even better dan ur peers... [thumbsup]

and oh ya, wat is there to admire when those ppl speak like and trying to ang mo when actually they are chinese and on top of tat their chinese sux big time...



Edited by Zniper
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Why so kiasu that everything must have the best head-start? Don't see why you can't improve on your English though you're from poly. If you're so interested, you can enrol yourself in an English course with the British Council what!


No need to envy foreigners with the supposingly 'professional' English, even if they speak the Queen's English you think majority here will understand??? [confused]

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  On 9/30/2009 at 6:23 PM, Powerkeong said:

Hi bro, I just curious about what are the usual path people take to go to local university (NUS,NTU and SMU).


Currently, I am a year 1 student @ SMU and I am basically struggling with everything. Prior to that, I was from NYP and I did quite well with an overall GPA of 3.5. Most of my peers from polytechnic are also struggling to make a mark for ourselves in SMU. I did not know about other universities that why I am trying to find some opinions from you guys here.


I came from a neighbourhood pri and sec school, My O level results aren't that fantastic. 23 pointer... English only C6. But my Hokkien sure A1. hahaha...


Does 2 years in JC helps you adopting life in University better or 3 years in polytechnic? What is your choice?


Anyway, my personal view, I think that JC students have strong command in english languages, be it verbally or written. They are very good at expressing themselves and are very vocal when it comes to class participation in SMU.


Polytechnic students like us does not have such a strong command in english. When I submit my individual projects, my prof actually pin point all my grammers! It damn saddening to say that us polytechnic students has such lousy english standard or is it just me? The only advantages we have is prior experience to technology stuff which means that we are more tech-savvy, that's all.


And I really admired those JC student who can speak professional english. How I wish I could be like them.


Oh yah, not forgetting our foreign students. SMU has a lot of foreign students from Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and China. Some of the more weird one are people from South Africa, South Korea and Japan studying here full time. I really have to say that other than their command of english, they are way smarter than all of us Singaporeans. Many came here thru scholarship and we singaporean have to take loan from CPF or Bank to study. How sad can it be isn't it? [scholar][scholar][scholar][scholar]


Hope to see more response to this tread!


To certain extent, good english does give a edge over those engineer in work life. In my company, my boss likes those who writes good report and present them. The ones who always spend more time on useless projects and presentation and does not have a real job are the ones that usually climb the ladder faster

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Don't generalise all poly kia have bad command in English leh.


If your command of the English language is bad, you can still improve it. And the fact that you are struggling in school, it doesn't prove that you are weak but that you are learning something in school. Life isn't a walk in the park, there are struggles. You have got to know that and deal with it.


So no need to look at people. Look at yourself and do something about it.


JC kia or Poly kia, both are at the same level of playing ground in the university.


Anyhow, there are many other poly kias who have went on to do well in the university. If they can do it, you can too.

Edited by Whatthe
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bro just my personal POV, i think JC will have an edge over poly stud when going for uni studies, its the cold hard truth, cos the uni syllabus is catered towards a more academic approach, very different from the way we study at poly


poly no need to write essays in a critical manner or argumentative way, ultimately, it depends on individual capacity to learn which i think JC studs got advantage haiz...so my take is JC better head start

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  On 9/30/2009 at 6:23 PM, Powerkeong said:

Hi bro, I just curious about what are the usual path people take to go to local university (NUS,NTU and SMU).


Currently, I am a year 1 student @ SMU and I am basically struggling with everything. Prior to that, I was from NYP and I did quite well with an overall GPA of 3.5. Most of my peers from polytechnic are also struggling to make a mark for ourselves in SMU. I did not know about other universities that why I am trying to find some opinions from you guys here.


I came from a neighbourhood pri and sec school, My O level results aren't that fantastic. 23 pointer... English only C6. But my Hokkien sure A1. hahaha...


Does 2 years in JC helps you adopting life in University better or 3 years in polytechnic? What is your choice?


Anyway, my personal view, I think that JC students have strong command in english languages, be it verbally or written. They are very good at expressing themselves and are very vocal when it comes to class participation in SMU.


Polytechnic students like us does not have such a strong command in english. When I submit my individual projects, my prof actually pin point all my grammers! It damn saddening to say that us polytechnic students has such lousy english standard or is it just me? The only advantages we have is prior experience to technology stuff which means that we are more tech-savvy, that's all.


And I really admired those JC student who can speak professional english. How I wish I could be like them.


Oh yah, not forgetting our foreign students. SMU has a lot of foreign students from Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and China. Some of the more weird one are people from South Africa, South Korea and Japan studying here full time. I really have to say that other than their command of english, they are way smarter than all of us Singaporeans. Many came here thru scholarship and we singaporean have to take loan from CPF or Bank to study. How sad can it be isn't it? [scholar][scholar][scholar][scholar]


Hope to see more response to this tread!



Speaking of FT, it's beginning to be quite threatening, imagine these people are as smart or smarter, work 100% harder than u, and expect 20% less pay......


What competitive edge do we have over them?


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  On 10/1/2009 at 12:35 AM, RadX said:

yah lor...me pribaree 4 oni... [rolleyes]


the options not relevant to you then, cos he didn't include


-- Pri 4 to Master degree


[scholar] [scholar]


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to TS, since you already in SMU , why wonder if you had taken the better route or not ?


Speaking from experience, when you just switch to University from a Poly, the change is quite drastic and the standard is a big gulf. So as first you will be overwhelmed and have difficulty catching up. But if you hang on there and do what the romans do, you can catch up with them in 2 to 3 months time, and then get used to the pace. When I was in Poly, I hardly study, when in university, everyday studied till 4am and attend lecture next day at 9am. During my first few weeks in uni, me and my poly course mates also nearly quit the course, feeling unable to cope.


So my advise is, dont worry, just hang on there and you will eventually wont feel 'useless' again.

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Depends on what course you are in at SMU, where u might gain some advantages.


But if my chow ah beng friend can go from ITE to Poly to Uni and grad with 2nd upper in BEng, I think alot depends on the individuals.

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  On 9/30/2009 at 6:23 PM, Powerkeong said:

Hi bro, I just curious about what are the usual path people take to go to local university (NUS,NTU and SMU).


Currently, I am a year 1 student @ SMU and I am basically struggling with everything. Prior to that, I was from NYP and I did quite well with an overall GPA of 3.5. Most of my peers from polytechnic are also struggling to make a mark for ourselves in SMU. I did not know about other universities that why I am trying to find some opinions from you guys here.


I came from a neighbourhood pri and sec school, My O level results aren't that fantastic. 23 pointer... English only C6. But my Hokkien sure A1. hahaha...


Does 2 years in JC helps you adopting life in University better or 3 years in polytechnic? What is your choice?


Anyway, my personal view, I think that JC students have strong command in english languages, be it verbally or written. They are very good at expressing themselves and are very vocal when it comes to class participation in SMU.


Polytechnic students like us does not have such a strong command in english. When I submit my individual projects, my prof actually pin point all my grammers! It damn saddening to say that us polytechnic students has such lousy english standard or is it just me? The only advantages we have is prior experience to technology stuff which means that we are more tech-savvy, that's all.


And I really admired those JC student who can speak professional english. How I wish I could be like them.


Oh yah, not forgetting our foreign students. SMU has a lot of foreign students from Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and China. Some of the more weird one are people from South Africa, South Korea and Japan studying here full time. I really have to say that other than their command of english, they are way smarter than all of us Singaporeans. Many came here thru scholarship and we singaporean have to take loan from CPF or Bank to study. How sad can it be isn't it? [scholar][scholar][scholar][scholar]


Hope to see more response to this tread!


Bro...what did you study in Poly? If it is some technical courses, then shouldn't you be going to NTU or NUS instead?


When I was in NTU studying engineering, I find that the ex-poly students are so much more better technically. Who cares if they have good or bad english? In engineering, except for a few subjects, english skills are not so important (perhaps they should change that too)


But if you are in SMU, then you really should have good grammar skills.....I mean their subjects are more towards management and business.


But think on the brighter side. Use this opportunity to mix with your classmates and learn good english from them. Good english is important when you move up the ladder because it will come to a point that you need to communicate/write effectively to your team, to your upper management, to your customers and some may have to also address the public and media.



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JC kids have an edge over poly grads for no other reason than either they are naturally dam quick at catching theory/concepts, or they are hardcore muggers. YES THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE, before anybody accuse me of stereotyping, but this is the general sense. its coz JC syllabus is hardcore theory/concept based, so only the super-quick theory learners or the hardcore muggers can score well enough in A's to qualify for uni.


the idea that JC students are good in english is rubbish. i suspect mebbe coz SMU is business-based, then you see the JC grads good in english. go NTU or NUS engineering schools and you will see the JC students who cant speak or write english for nuts.


but what the JC syllabus make their grads good in, the skills that JC neglect also become the weakness of JC students. JC students are not grounded in real-life skills. they have no idea how the industries work despite studying for a degree for that particular industry. and for faculties that require some token practical skills like engineering, their 'hand-skills' are practically zero. sometimes its dam comical seeing JC student beside poly grad in the lab using a machine to produce something.


unfortunately most uni courses are still mostly theory-based, so the advantage of poly grads does not always overcome the JC student. but i always believe, the poly grads who learn to pick up 'mugging' skills will in the end, end up performing even better than their JC counterparts in uni. i have seen it. just that most of my poly grad frens absolutely hate the idea of mugging, so they mug just enough to clear the course and rarely go as hardcore as the JC grads.

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