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Take the poll - Has H1N1 affected you in any way?


Has H1N1 taken its toll on you?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you even concerned about its spread?

    • VERY!
    • Quite
    • Neutral
    • Just a little
    • I fear nothing!
  2. 2. If there's such a product for usage in cars to annihilate bacteria/germs/impurities, will you buy it?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe
  3. 3. What is/are the factors will you take into consideration before you purchase the product? (You may choose more than 1)

    • Price
    • Scent
    • Side effects (after prolong exposure)
    • Effectiveness
    • Messy/tedious application

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Neutral Newbie

Dear friends,


In line with the recent spate of H1N1 cases [smash] , I thought it would be good to see how is everyone here coping

with it.


Do take the poll and post if you have any concerns or woulld ike to share your experiences! =)



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Neutral Newbie

Wah.. it seems like no one is really quite affected by it...


Lol.. just something off this topic: Has anyone been to JB recently?

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Neutral Newbie


I was across the border last week and you should've seen the number of people on surgical masks!

I'm just thinking, its just a causeway apart and we do have many Malaysian working here.


It just baffles me to think why aren't we that concerned...

Edited by E_b_l_s
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hope the replies here can be sensitive


my firm had a very close and friendly colleague who got H1N1, she went on MC for about a week and passed away too suddenly..

she has kids and was still nursing one


her passing was 12 august and many of us are still in shock

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Neutral Newbie

Hey bro, sorry to hear about that.


I feel for her kids, especially so when they are too young to truly understand the

meaning of losing a loved one. My deepest condolences to their family and friends.


Well, lesson learnt - we can never take pandemics like these for granted, not matter how

small-scale they seem.


Thank you Hub_n_mona for opening up and sharing this with all of us at MCF...

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I am more worried for my parents and my 2 little ones, i hope the scientists can quickly come out with a vaccine before the 2nd wave comes.

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Neutral Newbie

Just try to heed the advice for MOH? Get them to stay indoors and do not go out if necessary.. And maintain personal hygiene at its highest.

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