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hahaha... stock all the way leh. Hahaha... the only psst psst is from my mouth loh [rolleyes]


can do pssst pssst sound mod, its legal [laugh]

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Just a fair comment , i believe no matter how a SSS mods .. i don't think they can add enough BHP to even smell GTR. Personally , i would think given on a racing track a fully modded SSS would still lose to a stock GTR assuming if driving skills are the same.


Assuming if the GTR is full modded , frankly speaking lah .. don't say i look down on SSS .. no matter how they mod also lose one .. given driver's skill is the same.



So what is there to argue on bloated egos ... why does one car cost 200k while the other cost 50k ? .. If can afford buy GTR liaoz .. why buy a cheapo SSS ? Cause no money right ? .. no money just keep quiet lah .. act egoitic also like that ..


I dare you to chiet a White color WRX with orange strips lor .. tailgate them then chiet win them i say u hero .. if cannot .. just keep it to yourself ... coward talk more useless ..

Edited by HengHeng88
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i beg to differ on this point..there is a significant difference between a 1.5swift & a 1.6 swift sport, the latter having a totally different gearbox and engine e.g forged internals, as comparing to a vios and a vios sport (*sport* badge, bodykits etc etc)..to me swift sport is more of a fun car rather den a true blue sport car although there's a certain sense of sportiness in it. peace peeps..


hahaha... ok ok.. how about this? SSS is sporty... but definately not a "sports car". Just like hyundai tuscon and lexus rx300... are they truly off-road capable?

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Personally, I feel that cars with a butt (a tail end or boot) loses out around bends and corners. They always get beaten around bends.

I think a few cars contends well with SSS now are; the VW Golf GT, Subaru's new STi hatchback, Audi TT, and of course the Mini Cooper.


I have seen the GTR, they are like a bullet on straight roads, around bends I think the WRX, Mini, & Golf GT is still tops.



SSS ???? dont waste time. slow like cow. ur car handling is only better than those family saloon.


SSS handling can compare to sti, TT, cooper? u damn stock car dont even have a LSD. haiz... continue dreaming lah.


1 question for u. regarding butt or no butt car. haa.


civic eg6 & eg9 both stock, which car has a better handling?


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And you drive a....i quote you "but the low low price of SSS got to me... got it at $50k now it's already $59,900"


I still thought you drive what car...now my toes are laughing out loud...wow...$50k "Outrun" and "ate him up for lunch"...


Okay now fingers are laughing too much i cannnntttttt tyy pe annnyymorreee [hur]



thats the thing about swift sports... a lot of SSS owner thinks that they are driving performance car...


haiizz.. sometimes can help laffing when i see them with the big big spoiler behind.... dun really understand whats the use of the big big spoiler on a hatchback .... only reason i can think of its to shelter the rear passenger from the sun, act like an umbrella..

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u comparing the SSS with STI? Audi TT? Cooper S??? [sweatdrop]


Seriously i don't feel the SSS fast at all.... and i am serious... to me it is slow... not much diff with normal car on the road leh...


I wonder why SSS driver's always think that their car is fast... I ever got Jio by a Black SSS at orchard traffic light.... i was shock... But once light turns green... in my 3rd gear... he was at least 10 car length behind.... and i am not driving a super fast car here.... only a humble type R....


Told my SSS friend and he don't believe.... so he challenge me to try... his was with illegal mods.... verdict still same...10 CAR LENGTH!!!


I was never shy when meeting WRX, Golf GTI not GT and Cooper S.... I should say my humble ride got no problem staying slightly in front of them....


To me GTR is damn freaking fast!!! I can't even keep up no matter how much i tried with my friend's GTR...be it straight or at corners.... So i don't think the GTR is that lousy as what u claim it to be at corners....


I wasn't trying to start any flaming.... but to me who is around 5 car length behind the GTR(he was not even at red line) feels that the GTR is freaking fast be it straight or at corners.... and you some one 10 car length behind my car claiming that it is not that fantastic and a hatchback(GT, STI and cooper) that loses or equal to me can be faster.... ??? Makes me wonder....


Are SSS drivers all like that??? My friend is...always claiming how fast his car is...how he win other cars on the road.... but i shut him down with only my 1st and 2nd gear..... his HATCHBACK SSS also cannot keep up with my BACKSIDE CTR at corners .... not even a chance. [lipsrsealed]


bro, no need for you to roll out your humble R... just get a old sch EG VTI... thats enough to make SSS drivers wake up their idea..


really dun understand why these owner like to see their cars as performance car.... really dun understand...


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I think most of you have got English Comrehension problems...

How does my statment: " I have seen the GTR, they are like a bullet on straight roads, around bends I think the WRX, Mini, & Golf GT is still tops" - equate to SSS faster than a GTR??


bro.. have you tried a GTR in sepang? have you seen how GTR run in the track?


do you know that even a newbie in a GTR can clock between 2.40 to 2.50 in sepang? and sepang only have 2 straights... rest is hairpin, tight corners with 2 high speed sweepers...

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I often hear about 'average' or 'sub-performance' car trying to outrun supercars. What are in these driver's mind?

Earlier i witness a BMW135Ci chasing/tailgating a lambo on a normal road. Funny thing is the lambo wasnt even trying; cant even hear the engine noise [lipsrsealed] previously, a copen tried to outrun my friend's F430 [sweatdrop]


Strange strange people [shocked]


mm... at least try to push F430 with VTEC lah..

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bro.. have you tried a GTR in sepang? have you seen how GTR run in the track?


do you know that even a newbie in a GTR can clock between 2.40 to 2.50 in sepang? and sepang only have 2 straights... rest is hairpin, tight corners with 2 high speed sweepers...



those sss SP timing is over 3min+. vios also can do 3min+


no need tell him so much. he cant understand 1. his car name is suzuki swift SPORT leh... GTR got the SPORT word or not? dont have right? go 1 corner n stand. [:p]

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those sss SP timing is over 3min+. vios also can do 3min+


no need tell him so much. he cant understand 1. his car name is suzuki swift SPORT leh... GTR got the SPORT word or not? dont have right? go 1 corner n stand. [:p]


i dun wanna comment SSS in sepang or PG but those pple in tracking knows the answer for themselves..


thats why everytime i go tracking, my fav is always SSS.... just love the see their face when overtake them on the straight after exiting from corner... [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]

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she is a [gorgeous] lah!!


maybe if she drive naked in her SSS, those lambo/farlalee will travel side by side and admire her ( . )( . ) if there is any [lipsrsealed][sly]



u sure or not?? i think those lambo/farlalee will most likely buang if they saw a such naked creature... [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop] .

Edited by Tigershark1976
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Hmm it seems the SSS is now seen as the beng car, after the old civics and imprezas.


It's no sports car, but it is quite fun to drive, despite being slow. Thus, it can be satisfying overtaking an obviously higher-performing machine in a corner, when the latter is driven by someone who doesn't have the skill to maximise its performance.


It'll never be as fast, whether modded or not, as a GTR, GTI, STI, CTR etc etc. But I don't think any other car can offer as much driving fun at such a small price. And that's the whole objective of its, and its spiritual predecessor.

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no sport but r stands for racing nia


I also got R logo on my gear leh

but everytime i engage the R and step on the gas, the other cars all go faster than me :(

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Neutral Newbie

I also got R logo on my gear leh

but everytime i engage the R and step on the gas, the other cars all go faster than me :(



Your dat "R" logo on ur gear is for Reverse isit? [drivingcar] LOL :D

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oh man.... the dealer tell me say R stands for Racing leh

And my car got "sports" word so confirm must be fast one what

Then i copy those F1 cars put many many stickers and u know what..... the car really got go faster leh


That day my friend told me to put this thing called the "handbrake" off... now the car goes A LOT faster and that terrible smell is gone....

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