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Share how you prevent feline friend from zz on your ride


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Neutral Newbie

I love pussies, the 4-legged kind. And of course, I like the 2-legged kind too. [laugh]


To prevent them from scuttling and thus, maybe leave a couple of light scratches on your car top (depends on how scared they are), maybe you can do the following:

1. Make some noise (like whistle, play with car keys) 20m away while you walk towards the car. The cat should be sensitive enough to pick up that sound, and then do their yawn, lazy feline back arch stretch and slowly saunter off your car. [laugh]




2. invest some time to befriend the cat esp when it is not sleeping on your car. approach slowly, squat down, speak softly to it, sayang it if it allows. basically how you will approach a young baby who will cry at the sight of a stranger. Then you will find your BP go down a little everytime you sayang it. Then once you have befriended it, it will always recognise your footstep, keychain sound etc and will not scuttle everytime you approach the car. However, they will still do the yawn, lazy feline back stretch and slowly saunter off your car. [laugh]


Actually, the worst is if the cat likes to sleep under cars. My block cat does that often and I always have to check under the car before I get in. [dead] I am a good friend of her though. My fav pussy downstairs. [laugh]



very true! cats are just so lovely.. [laugh] but regarding cats under cars, some times they just don't want to move off.. i wonder why eh..

Edited by Holysniper
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