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Supernatural Makcik terrorizing HDB Heartlanders


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Neutral Newbie

They say " Nature adnors a Vacuum". When something is left unexplained, it is very natural and easy to use faith and beings of the supernatural to fill up the gap.


You mean like early men when they could not explain why volcanoes erupted, and how thunderstorms occured. They blamed it on Angry Gods and use humans to try to appease these Gods? Fast forward to present day, all these would be so irrational and ridiculous.

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believing in supernatural is a way of coping with unknown. also quite fun to believe in ghosts. that is the only explanation why ppl don't move to the back of the bus and always got space there altho everyone trying to board the bus. coz the space is actually got ghosts.


:D I remember my days of taking public transport, sometimes the last bus home where I get the whole upper deck to myself... Creepy!! :D :D


I suppose we can't discount supernatural phenomena, but at the same time, got to admit that when it's pitch dark and quiet, your mind tends to play tricks on you...


We human beings have senses that are used to stimulation. When there's absolutely no stimulation, e.g. very dark and quiet, our overactive mind will start to make things up. Just try a simple experiment: look at a bright object or light, then go to a dark room and keep your eyes tightly shut... you'll "see" faint images of the bright object even with your eyes closed!!


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This is eerie. Apparently these kind of things very common in Phil and Indo. My bro used to travel to Phil and indo and he has encountered quite a number of these things.


To Gendut: nobody forces you to believe in these kind of things, so dun go ard putting pple down and attacking them just because they believe. So fark you.


If my brother were to say those things, I'd get him some help.......like the IMH? Better still, the whole family.


You may not believe it but a ghost is coming to haunt you this coming Thursday night [lipsrsealed]:o

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Neutral Newbie

If my brother were to say those things, I'd get him some help.......like the IMH? Better still, the whole family.


You may not believe it but a ghost is coming to haunt you this coming Thursday night [lipsrsealed]:o


I see that you are a regular there. [rolleyes]

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Neutral Newbie

Sometimes these stories are funny and entertaining but when it is believed then its another issue altogether.


Excuse me for having a strong stand on these things as I feel that the poeple who believe in this, would similarly in the past have killed to make sure everybody understands that the world is flat or the earth is the centre of the universe. [hur]


having a strong stand does not mean that you can go around saying pple are crazy etc. Your sense of logic is really [scholar] . You must be doing very well in your O or A level this year.


So similarly judging from your response, you would kill to have pple not believe in these.

Edited by Kongbapao
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Just because Science cannot explain everything, one does not have to resort to plain old supersitition. In this day and age, everything is about evidence. Hearsay and old wives tales are things of the past.


Might as well say tooth fairies, dragons and Santa Claus are real. But no need to produce any evidence. Being rational and logical would be good.



what i meant was obviously not believe wholesale what was told, superstitions, etc but give some allowances for the supernatural -that's the scientific definition so to speak (the filipino ghost a few posts up could very well be some nocturnal primates which the mind imagines to be something else in total darkness). Anyway on the subject of evidence, shouldn't the 'sceptics' give evidence that apart from organisms, there is none, absolutely no chance that other living entities exist in this universe, or otherwise to accept the contrary.

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It is true that 85% of the world's smartest people do not believe in the supernatural, nor do they believe that God exists. I'm talking about the true smart alecs of this world, people like Steven Hawking, Brain Cox, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Carolyn Porco and many others...these guys & gals got their degrees at the age when most of their contemporaries were still in high school! But these are the same guys that believe in extra-dimensions, string theory and that our whole universe exists on a thin membrane! That there are other universes parallel to this one on other membranes all floating around in cosmic debauchery! How you expect me to believe this type of science??


Science has in so many ways disproved that the supernatural exists, yet the beliefs persist. Look at all the things happening during the 7th month right here at our very doorstep! What is the belief? That the spirits of our ancestors are released from hell for a month long escapade in the realm of the living?? Now what kind of logic is that?? Seems ridiculous when you really sit back and take a look at it doesn't it? But then again, what proof do we have that all this does NOT exist? Maybe the supernatural does not exist in the ways the stories tell, but there's probably a modicum of truth behind the tales. Or maybe it's the 'other' universes crossing over into ours? Who the hell knows?! So until enlightenment is attained, why fight over it? PEACE Y'ALL!!

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Not say believe in ghost or wat not but there are certain superstition which i am still pantang of like peeing on tree, or crossing over graves.


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It is true that 85% of the world's smartest people do not believe in the supernatural, nor do they believe that God exists. I'm talking about the true smart alecs of this world, people like Steven Hawking, Brain Cox, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Carolyn Porco and many others...these guys & gals got their degrees at the age when most of their contemporaries were still in high school! But these are the same guys that believe in extra-dimensions, string theory and that our whole universe exists on a thin membrane! That there are other universes parallel to this one on other membranes all floating around in cosmic debauchery! How you expect me to believe this type of science??


Science has in so many ways disproved that the supernatural exists, yet the beliefs persist. Look at all the things happening during the 7th month right here at our very doorstep! What is the belief? That the spirits of our ancestors are released from hell for a month long escapade in the realm of the living?? Now what kind of logic is that?? Seems ridiculous when you really sit back and take a look at it doesn't it? But then again, what proof do we have that all this does NOT exist? Maybe the supernatural does not exist in the ways the stories tell, but there's probably a modicum of truth behind the tales. Or maybe it's the 'other' universes crossing over into ours? Who the hell knows?! So until enlightenment is attained, why fight over it? PEACE Y'ALL!!


I agree with u.... bottomline is no one KNOWS!!!!! So everyone is entitled to their own opinion.... no need call others names....Peace [thumbsup]

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Might as well say tooth fairies, dragons and Santa Claus are real. But no need to produce any evidence. Being rational and logical would be good.



[shocked] Tooth fairies, dragons and Santa Claus arent real !?!? [bigcry]

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Neutral Newbie

Science has in so many ways disproved that the supernatural exists, yet the beliefs persist. Look at all the things happening during the 7th month right here at our very doorstep! What is the belief? That the spirits of our ancestors are released from hell for a month long escapade in the realm of the living?? Now what kind of logic is that?? Seems ridiculous when you really sit back and take a look at it doesn't it? But then again, what proof do we have that all this does NOT exist? Maybe the supernatural does not exist in the ways the stories tell, but there's probably a modicum of truth behind the tales. Or maybe it's the 'other' universes crossing over into ours? Who the hell knows?! So until enlightenment is attained, why fight over it? PEACE Y'ALL!!


Since when did 'Science ..disproved that the supernatural exist'? How to disprove something that does not exist in the first place? Try disproving tooth fairy, Santa Claus, mermaids, pink unicorn or even the Merlion. It is the believers who have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, what they say exists, else it does not. The world will be a very crazy place if anyone and everyone can make any claim without any justifications. Say antyhing you want, and we will believe you. No evidence needed.


And we are not fighting. We are arguing in a very civil manner.


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