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What is WRONG with Std Chart Bank S'pore?


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If I really need something, I would still apply for it even if there is no promotion.


Yea lo. I also dun bother abt the promo tho... if urgent case, then say

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Thsi is what I normally do...


Pick up the phone.


Telemarketer:" Hello Mr Vroomtattat, this is so and so from blah blah blah . .. . on behalf of blah blah blah"


Vroomtattat:" Your colleague called already, not keen, thanks.." put down phone.


Wah bro, you still can talk to them so much.... I will just say, not interested and hang up..... I use to be like you... "Thank for calling, but dont think I have a need for it right now, thank you...blah blah blah.... " .......... until one fine day, got a call from a gal telemarketeer....... "Hello, Mr nlatio, I am so so...blah blah.... and I just say, "thank you for calling, but I..........", before I can go on, she hang the phone on me.... CNLBCCB.... how farking rude can that be.......... [bounce1]

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Are they MAD or what?? Day in day out I keep getting calls on my mobile from their telemarketers promoting this and that!!


This week alone, I received 5 calls and everytime the same sing song manner "Hello Mr Vroomtattat, this is so and so from blah blah blah . .. . on behalf of blah blah blah . . . . would you like to have blah blah blah?"


I had enough of these nonsense calls!! I do not need "blah blah blah" so don't call me again! That's what I told the guy who just called me.


His sheepish reply? "Okay, sir. We'll put you on our no-call list"


Put me on no-call list? Why don't you just delete my records [furious]


Any brudders facing the same problem? What can I do? Sang nao jing orhh! [sweatdrop]





Ask her for a date ! [rolleyes]

Edited by Route88
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Wah bro, you still can talk to them so much.... I will just say, not interested and hang up..... I use to be like you... "Thank for calling, but dont think I have a need for it right now, thank you...blah blah blah.... " .......... until one fine day, got a call from a gal telemarketeer....... "Hello, Mr nlatio, I am so so...blah blah.... and I just say, "thank you for calling, but I..........", before I can go on, she hang the phone on me.... CNLBCCB.... how farking rude can that be.......... [bounce1]


wow...... [sweatdrop]

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same here.. i once applied for a X bank.. got rejected too... TL then got another 3 cards for free from another bank! [laugh]


can't rem which bank liow ... called me then talk me into applying their card .... ok lor, since got free gift somemore .... but then a few weeks later, got a letter from them saying I dun qualify ??!!


ah ... thk it was amex .... previously i had the blue card, then i cancelled, then after awhile they called me to apply again ....then they send letter to reject me !! waste ppl time only man.



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haha.. i also cant stand such people.

why so buay zi dong one.


makes me wanna go on and on and on about this fillipino bank girl keeps calling my house phone lookin for my dad on weekdays.

everytime call around 2pm when i'm sleeping make me damn angry ARGGGHHH!


first few times i reply in a rather pissed off tone: call his office he's not at home.

then she ask for his office number i gave la.

i'd do anything just to stop her from waking me up.

call his office at least disturb his office people not me.


then dont know why ar she stupid or what,



then i have to keep answering the damn questions.


last week she called, i was sleeping again and i was VERRRYYY tired and knocked out.

she damn suay to choose that day to call.

once i heard her damn voice i yelled at her saying that MY DAD IS NOT AT HOME CAN YOU FREAKIN CALL HIS OFFICE CAN OR NOT DONT ASK FOR THE NUMBER I GAVE IT TO YOU SO MANY EFFIN TIMES ALREADY then i slammed the phone.

i was so damn pissed!!! if she was infront of me i would have pissed on her manzzz.


my dad was also very irritated.

and what's worst is, everytime she stops calling for like 2 weeks.

BUT AFTER 2 WEEKS SHE start her pattern again.


JUST WHEN I THOUGHT SHE GAVE UP she have to come and irritate the shet outta me.


i think i gotta take anger management classes manz.


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I opened esaver sometime in 2006 and left in dormant. When I started putting money in it about 1 year later, I get all kinds of call from ppl representing standard chartered bank. Want to lend me money, want to give me credit cards etc. They even called me to ask whether I want to invest instead of leaving my money idle in the account. They have even assigned an officer to me without my knowledge. I found that out only when I could not make electronic payment of more than 20k unless I speak to the officer assigned to my account.

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