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Haiz...retrenchment letter? :(


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Funny, they dun follow what they preach. Always saying that we only have manpower resources but nv doing enuff to protect these resources....

Ah well... thanks for all the wishes, bros... I'll look on the positive side...

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my bro company carried out retrenchment exercise recently and there was zero compensation for those retrenched...kns.. [shakehead]

Singapore employee is not protected when comes to retrenchment, so there are no confirmed package or benefit. I think MOL should do something on this, otherwise employer suka suka retrench ppl. Even our neighbour Bolek Land also got protection for their ppl when come to retrenchment.

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You are rite, bro. It has been announced. What makes me fed up are alot of those who are saved are foreigners. Job credit? Ya rite [thumbsdown]


Frankly, MNCs do not care much about job credit thingy. Once the re-organization is out, those have go must leave due to you/division/department no longer "useful", whether local or non-local. Another consideration is also non performers have to go, local or non-local applies too. Job credit has a very minimal impact to MNCs.

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Neutral Newbie

My Story, I was with ex-company( foreign Bank) for few years and with different bosses.


Year 2006, I had a new ang-mo boss and he is new to banking industial, call us to help him to manage the team as he did not know most of the people in the bank and the process. And at the same time, he recruited his ex-colleagues into the the bank.


So after 1 year in 2007, he wrote us a email thank you everyone that help him during the last year.


In 2008, when he is so familiar with the jobs, he recruited another few new colleagues before terminate my service and mention is company restructure.


Don't even shake hand and say anything to me !!!




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Neutral Newbie

Hmm.....Think we should meet up! lol This is exactly what I tell my family members when I m complaining. I don't believe company owe me anything nor do I owe the company anything. We just try to do our job, work hard and perform. If he believe in me and trust my performance, I will be rewarded. If not, then I will be very realistic to seek a better life somewhere else. The boss wants to earn more money, so do I! So the bosses are NOT in a position to tell me I have no loyalty. If I don't perform, will they perform charity and keep me?? :) Highly unlikely. That's why I will f--k my boss if I catch him badmouthing about me having a lack of loyalty if I leave the company to seek a better future elsewhere. And I do not know why bosses have this common thinking I GIVE the employee money, therefore he OWE me. Ideally, nobody owes anybody. It is just a barter. (money for capability) (I know I m being very pragmatic) In fact, if you look at it, a smart boss will tend to reward those whom helped the company to grow and therefore, it is the boss that OWES these employees. Would anyone logically pay $200,000 a year to a Sales Director OUT OF CHARITY? NO, the boss gives because this same sales director is going to help him earn $2 million worth of sales a year. Otherwise why would the boss loathe to pay $12,000 a year to a production operator? Because this same production operator is going to help him perhaps with $60,000 annual worth of services overall. My apologies if my remarks seem a little insensitive. Offhand, I could not think of a better example to relate.


Very sorry for the outburst, but I feel most bosses behave this way. That will always be the minority of nice reasonable bosses but I will categorize them in the 20%.



Well said! But most of asian bosses have this thinking...I pay you, you better listen to me mentality. Anyway, what you said is very true for corp nowsaday...NPNT....No Performance No Talk....



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& the Lim Sia Suay say he backed the Jobs credit scheme. ...

Job Credit Scheme will help the situation....just like most scheme. But I fidn it will have a long-term positive effect.


I was in support of the Job Credit Scheme when it was 1st announced. My initial tots was that it was a win-win situation for the employer and employee. But after some tots, I find it a very 'unfocused' scheme....it neither really help the employer nor the employee. I feel, for employer, what we need is easier access to credit (if your credit history has been good).


For employee, it would be more effective to have that money credited into their CPF directly instead of leaving it to the control of the company which may not neccessary used it on the worker. In any case, the 'saving' is still not attractive enough...cos FT s are still cheaper and are more willing to work longer hours without complaint....compared to locals.


It was a scheme that 'wowed' everyone with the huge figure at the beginning...but in the end, I doubt much of that budget will be used....cos many would have been retrenched or companies would have folded before they could enjoyed it.


While I agree that no scheme can prevent retrenchment/company going bust....cos at the end of the day, if there is no demand....production will have to stop. But I believe our gov could have had a more focus approach in tackling the problems many businesses faced eg. unable to get credit, high overheads like rental, utilities, loan to service, etc... They should also focus on the inevitability of locals being jobless....what kind of help will be made available for them?


I still believe there will be off-budget measures to look into this later in the year.


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My wife juz got retrenched half hour ago [bigcry][bigcry][bigcry] ....

Big HD company in north side.... [furious]


so what package did the company give your wife?


last time, got free taxi to drive them off somemore

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Should have some remuneration package.... haven talked to her yet coz she sms in..... we juz got our new house:(



pls avoid telling MCF what house you have got coz people will tell you to plan before buying.. they will tell you a lot of "what if ", blab blab blab [sweatdrop]

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actually the job credits will ENCOURAGE employers to retrench.


Retrench the expensive senior singaporean worker payed at $5k and hire TWO cheaper PRs at $2.5k... and get DOUBLE job credits!!!!!

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dun despair bro....


i'm in the same situation. Wife also got retrenched recently. got a full year's severance package


look at positive side


actually the job market is not tat bad after all.


wife already gotten calls for interviews already from headhunters and direct employer.


tell yr wife to focus to searching jobs and send CVs to as many position as possible. take it as a full time job, do it from morning to end of day.

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