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Know of any retrenchment of civil servants?


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In times like this Govt has to recurit more people so as to keep the jobless rate low. Imagine if the civil service doesn't go on a recuritment drive, how many jobless people will there be?

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in govt service, its not the retrenchment they do.


so long as you do yr job and meet your KPIs, you will be safe and of course yr bosses must like you enough to let you stay.


its not about profit or loss.


i'm glad that i'm in govt service now..... so safe and well protected from the crisis. Money and budget is never a problem for us to use.


i think it also depends on your direct boss as well.


Some really sadist... know now is a "beat die dun want to run" situation...


some boss take this opportunity to tekan the worker jialat jialat... [sweatdrop]


But I would agree this happen to the private sector as well.

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they dont call it retrench more of forced to resign or leave


They will just pile up more work for you or delegate work to you that is well beyond your job scope.


It's basically a fault-finding exercise hinting you to f*ck off on your own.


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