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Fast and Furious kena Jam Brake!


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Ban VIOS, avante also. Ban all china cars also. They are ZERO NCAP ratings. Everything ban... ban yourself from driving also. Keep yourself at home.


Oh ya, oxygen kills too.

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Neutral Newbie

Not that I think positively of those OG wannabe racers, but that post above this on the proposed regulation and ban on the sale of performance vehicles is just preposterous. There're more dangerous people out there than drivers of performance cars. The root cause of such things is not turbocharged vehicles or vehicles with high horsepower. It's drivers who're jerks with a total lack of responsibility. Just yesterday this red Estima signaled right and barged her way into my lane when she was just beside me as if my car were transparent, despite my horn. Do we now call for a ban on MPVs? Or a ban on lady drivers?


Believe me, even if you ban the performance cars from being sold, these jerks will just resort to racing in their QQs, which is no less dangerous. Heck, it's even MORE dangerous since those things were never made to handle speed.


What a short-sighted letter you've written.


Chewing Gum was banned - has anyone resorted to chewing erasors?

No guns are allowed in SG, so how many resorted to knives, and other blunt implements and are we over run by thugs with poles and parangs?


Obviously any car can become a dangerous and deadly machine in the hands of a mindless motorist, but allowing supercharged performance cars to be easily affordable will only encourage more of such acts, and increase in road fatalities CAUSED by their MISUSE. Would you prefer being hit by a QQ or a Mit EVO which is well over 1 tonne and barrelling down at you well over 150Kmh? Which one do you think survival is higher?


These suggestions I sent to the authorities may not completely stop those who are hell bent on shortening their lives and others, but, it WILL LIMIT

and OBSTRUCT these deadly ambitions of these mindless youths.


Who is short sighted?

In the end, WHO actually is/are the LOSER/S?

Singaporeans always whine about FREEDOM, but are people behaving like they CAN HANDLE freedom if given?


You go figure it...

Edited by Cjgoh
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Chewing Gum was banned - has anyone resorted to chewing erasors?

No guns are allowed in SG, so how many resorted to knives, and other blunt implements and are we over run by thugs with poles and parangs?


Obviously any car can become a dangerous and deadly machine in the hands of a mindless motorist, but allowing supercharged performance cars to be easily affordable will only encourage more of such acts, and increase in road fatalities CAUSED by their MISUSE. Would you prefer being hit by a QQ or a Mit EVO which is well over 1 tonne and barrelling down at you well over 150Kmh? Which one do you think survival is higher?


These suggestions I sent to the authorities may not completely stop those who are hell bent on shortening their lives and others, but, it WILL LIMIT

and OBSTRUCT these deadly ambitions of these mindless youths.


Who is short sighted?

In the end, WHO actually is/are the LOSER/S?

Singaporeans always whine about FREEDOM, but are people behaving like they CAN HANDLE freedom if given?


You go figure it...


Some of your proposed ideas and solutions are a too extreme, to the point where it implies the bulk of road fatalities are caused by young drivers + performance cars.


Which really isn't quite the reality...TNP, Straits Times typically like to sensationalise accidents if they involve tiong chias and youngsters.


Taking your comparison on QQ & EVO, which do you think you can survive after being hit by a QQ at 90km/h and an Evo at 20km/h on a 50km/h road?


The reality is the attitude of the driver plays a big part, and this has nothing to do with age, experience etc.






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Neutral Newbie

My views in blue...


It is good that you pointed out these invaluable LOOPHOLES.

I am sure the authorities would be amused to know about it - which I am sure by now they are viewing this thread.


The letter was via email, and was sent 4am.

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Neutral Newbie

Some of your proposed ideas and solutions are a too extreme, to the point where it implies the bulk of road fatalities are caused by young drivers + performance cars.


Which really isn't quite the reality...TNP, Straits Times typically like to sensationalise accidents if they involve tiong chias and youngsters.


Taking your comparison on QQ & EVO, which do you think you can survive after being hit by a QQ at 90km/h and an Evo at 20km/h on a 50km/h road?


The reality is the attitude of the driver plays a big part, and this has nothing to do with age, experience etc.


The frequency and upward trend is sufficient to curb the accessibilty of such cars.

Besides, WHY the need for Turbo Chargers? Why must there be EXCESSIVE SPEED when speeding is ILLEGAL?

So since people CANNOT regulate themselves, TAKE IT AWAY. Afterall, a normal car still gets you from point to point.


There is NO NEED for POWER to race, or show off. Do that, in Malaysia - die there too, and alone. Not along with other innocent road users.

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Ban VIOS, avante also. Ban all china cars also. They are ZERO NCAP ratings. Everything ban... ban yourself from driving also. Keep yourself at home.


Oh ya, oxygen kills too.



avante ZERO NCAP ratings.... better check your facts right [:/]

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The frequency and upward trend is sufficient to curb the accessibilty of such cars.

Besides, WHY the need for Turbo Chargers? Why must there be EXCESSIVE SPEED when speeding is ILLEGAL?

So since people CANNOT regulate themselves, TAKE IT AWAY. Afterall, a normal car still gets you from point to point.


There is NO NEED for POWER to race, or show off. Do that, in Malaysia - die there too, and alone. Not along with other innocent road users.


Instead of condemning all young drivers, i would rather the laws be made harsher to those caught racing illegally.


The thing about illegal racing is that it is very hard for the authorities to find proof that one is indeed racing on public roads unless caught red-handed (very seldom as the groups have look-outs, even on OG) and someone got killed when an accident occured.


At the most, they are slapped with a fine and deduction of points for dangerous driving, illegal mods etc. Serving a jail term is the worse that can happen to them. You jailed one, there will always be another to take his place.




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Neutral Newbie

The frequency and upward trend is sufficient to curb the accessibilty of such cars.

Besides, WHY the need for Turbo Chargers? Why must there be EXCESSIVE SPEED when speeding is ILLEGAL?

So since people CANNOT regulate themselves, TAKE IT AWAY. Afterall, a normal car still gets you from point to point.


There is NO NEED for POWER to race, or show off. Do that, in Malaysia - die there too, and alone. Not along with other innocent road users.


Eh Bro, "NORMAL" car cannot speed issit? Cannot kill issit? U put one idiot behind the wheel result still the same.


Its better to train the person than CHANGE THE CAR. The person is good, NO MATTER WHAT CAR HE DRIVE WILL BE CONSIDERATE.


Why must so extreme go to ban the turbo car? Mitsubishi-i 900cc engine also got turbo mah! BAN THAT LOR!




Oh wait...like that those idiot will take bus and cause c--k up. BAN PUBLIC TRANSPORT PLEASE


Oh wait... the idiots will now walk and cause road kill. BAN WALKING PLEASE!


For goodness sake...

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The frequency and upward trend is sufficient to curb the accessibilty of such cars.

Besides, WHY the need for Turbo Chargers? Why must there be EXCESSIVE SPEED when speeding is ILLEGAL?

So since people CANNOT regulate themselves, TAKE IT AWAY. Afterall, a normal car still gets you from point to point.


There is NO NEED for POWER to race, or show off. Do that, in Malaysia - die there too, and alone. Not along with other innocent road users.


You have some rather ill-thought out views. Let me just throw your line of reasoning right back at you - why four wheels when obviously two is enough? Why 100bhp in a family sedan when 1 is enough? After all, even a horse can get from point to point. Btw, give up your car now. Sell it off. Or scrap it. Public transport works, so there is NO NEED for a car. Have a family? Tough. Many families are making do with public transport, so why not you too?


Your counter-example of chewing gum and chewing erasers is, sorry to say, dumb as hell. Dude, I'm sure you can construct a better analogy than that. Heck, I'll settle for responding to an analogy that just works. If not, don't even bother.


You claim that turbocharged cars encourage reckless driving. How about the Mitsubishi I? Or the Volvos? What sort of silly rule are you trying to apply here? FYI, a reckless driver at 20km/h in Corbin Sparrow is any time more dangerous and a far bigger menace on the roads than someone speeding at 150km/h in a GT-R on a clear expressway. Too bad for you that if you disagree with that last statement, it isn't a difference in opinion. It's just plain wrong.


You want more rules and regulations, claiming that Singaporeans cannot handle freedom, basing your opinion on observations of a miniscule fraction of the motoring population. What sort of assinine argument is that? Did you learn that from the army and tried to apply it here? Did you seriously suggest making everyone's lives more miserable because of a small group of people? Oh wait, of course it won't make YOUR life more miserable will it? You were specifically targeting all young drivers as well as motoring enthusiasts just so that YOU can feel more at ease. Here's a hint - there're reckless motorists out there, but in this case the problem is not with them.


Suffice it to say, you're not going to find support for that moronic letter here in MCF and I'd wager even at LTA. It simply boggles the mind that an adult can think like that. No freakin' wonder the censorship laws in this country are so tight.

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Neutral Newbie

You have some rather ill-thought out views. Let me just throw your line of reasoning right back at you - why four wheels when obviously two is enough? Why 100bhp in a family sedan when 1 is enough? After all, even a horse can get from point to point. Btw, give up your car now. Sell it off. Or scrap it. Public transport works, so there is NO NEED for a car. Have a family? Tough. Many families are making do with public transport, so why not you too?


Your counter-example of chewing gum and chewing erasers is, sorry to say, dumb as hell. Dude, I'm sure you can construct a better analogy than that. Heck, I'll settle for responding to an analogy that just works. If not, don't even bother.


You claim that turbocharged cars encourage reckless driving. How about the Mitsubishi I? Or the Volvos? What sort of silly rule are you trying to apply here? FYI, a reckless driver at 20km/h in Corbin Sparrow is any time more dangerous and a far bigger menace on the roads than someone speeding at 150km/h in a GT-R on a clear expressway. Too bad for you that if you disagree with that last statement, it isn't a difference in opinion. It's just plain wrong.


You want more rules and regulations, claiming that Singaporeans cannot handle freedom, basing your opinion on observations of a miniscule fraction of the motoring population. What sort of assinine argument is that? Did you learn that from the army and tried to apply it here? Did you seriously suggest making everyone's lives more miserable because of a small group of people? Oh wait, of course it won't make YOUR life more miserable will it? You were specifically targeting all young drivers as well as motoring enthusiasts just so that YOU can feel more at ease. Here's a hint - there're reckless motorists out there, but in this case the problem is not with them.


Suffice it to say, you're not going to find support for that moronic letter here in MCF and I'd wager even at LTA. It simply boggles the mind that an adult can think like that. No freakin' wonder the censorship laws in this country are so tight.


Very simple, no funky cars no funky drivers.

You sound like you are some funky car dealer or agent..


Anyway, what about Italian super cars? Didn't hear you raise this point? I'd like to hear more...

Perhaps, tell me how beneficial are such powerful speed machines on our short little expressways?

Or perhaps how we can all speed in some legal fashion in such cars?


Singapore is unique, people don't learn without taking away what they cannot learn to use properly.

Sad but true... unfortunately. And yes, we are too small for self-correction to take place SLOWLY.

People have been tolerating LONG ENOUGH of such drivers in souped muscle cars.


It is eversince the introduction of cars like WRX that such races and road hazards escalated. Before that it was merely souped up cars, now cars are coming prepped to break sound barriers! What the hell for?


Are you a speed addict yourself? Fearing the worse out of my letter?

Personally I WILL see to it that this appeal and concern, gets heard and looked into.

So you people with over inflated egos can say goodbye to your pride machines.



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Neutral Newbie

Instead of condemning all young drivers, i would rather the laws be made harsher to those caught racing illegally.


The thing about illegal racing is that it is very hard for the authorities to find proof that one is indeed racing on public roads unless caught red-handed (very seldom as the groups have look-outs, even on OG) and someone got killed when an accident occured.


At the most, they are slapped with a fine and deduction of points for dangerous driving, illegal mods etc. Serving a jail term is the worse that can happen to them. You jailed one, there will always be another to take his place.


Nothing is HARD for our government if they REALLY want to do things. Characteristically they often wait till the situation gets out of hand, and then they will step in with a Big Long Stick.


This is time, for them to step in with their Big Long Stick.

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Neutral Newbie

[sleeping] Thank goodness you are a mere letter writer/whiner...chances of your wish coming true is slim at most....at least you aren't the one making decisions in gahmen...



Oh yeah, if you really are running for parliament, can update us here? sure most guys would like to vote for "the other guy"...





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Neutral Newbie

Here's Further Testimonial that REGULATIONS are STILL needed:




Thu, Apr 23, 2009






Jackie Chan: Singaporeans have no self-respect


Action star Jackie Chan did not only offend the Chinese living in Hong Kong and Taiwan, his "speech of freedom" that drew widespread ire recently also spoke badly about Singaporeans.


He had apparently said that Singaporeans have no sense of self-respect.


Chan, who spoke last Saturday at the Boao Forum for Asia, said that the Chinese have to be controlled or society would be "chaotic" like that of Taiwan and Hong Kong.





Local Chinese evening daily Shin Min Daily News reported that in the action star's speech, Singaporeans too, were not spared.


During the forum's question and answer session, Chan said in his reply to a question from the media, "When I go to Singapore, I realize that chewing gum is not allowed there. Why is this so?


"I found out later that if (Singaporeans) chew gum, they will dispose of the used gum on tabletops, on chairs, and (they) have no sense of self-respect."


According to the Shin Min report, he also pointed out that unlike the Americans and the Japanese, "they" do not have that sense of self-respect. And when this is lacking, the government will have to step in.


Should one be sensitive, the action star's words might be interpreted as him saying that Singaporeans are not as orderly as the Americans or the Japanese. Compared to the people in these two countries, Singaporeans thus have less self-respect and in turn, are not allowed to chew gum.


This was not Chan's only comment about Singapore in his speech. The actor also spoke about the country's laws.


"When you reach Singapore, you must obey its laws, if you are caught littering, you will go to jail right away."


These words, according to the Shin Min report, seem to have exaggerated the severity of Singapore's penal code.


Shin Min spoke to members of the public, who thought that Jackie Chan did not have an in-depth understanding of Singapore's law and culture, and should thus not make such sweeping comments about the country and its people.


Miss Wang, 29, told Shin Min, "He is not a political figure, and should not make comments that are political in nature. The problem about chewing gum being inappropriately disposed of is not confined to Singapore alone, and he should not single out one country in his comments.


Real estate agent, Mr Lim, 30, said, "I think that he had gone a little overboard in his comments about Singapore."


The actor's close friend and publicist however, told Shin Min that Chan's words were misunderstood. "Every time Jackie visits Singapore, he will speak about how nice and clean the country is. He speaks very quickly, and because of this, people might interpret his words in a different way."



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Very simple, no funky cars no funky drivers.

You sound like you are some funky car dealer or agent..


Anyway, what about Italian super cars? Didn't hear you raise this point? I'd like to hear more...

Perhaps, tell me how beneficial are such powerful speed machines on our short little expressways?

Or perhaps how we can all speed in some legal fashion in such cars?


Singapore is unique, people don't learn without taking away what they cannot learn to use properly.

Sad but true... unfortunately. And yes, we are too small for self-correction to take place SLOWLY.

People have been tolerating LONG ENOUGH of such drivers in souped muscle cars.


It is eversince the introduction of cars like WRX that such races and road hazards escalated. Before that it was merely souped up cars, now cars are coming prepped to break sound barriers! What the hell for?


Are you a speed addict yourself? Fearing the worse out of my letter?

Personally I WILL see to it that this appeal and concern, gets heard and looked into.

So you people with over inflated egos can say goodbye to your pride machines.


So much rubbish. Resorting to possible ad hominem attacks now are we? Making completely baseless and erroneous assumptions? Unable to address the counter-arguments and simply repeating your same old spiel like it's the only thing you know how to type? Bring it. Here, I'll quote out the gem of bullcrap for you again.


"Very simple, no funky cars no funky drivers."


That's the sort of simple-minded reasoning that can be disproven by taking a simple ride down any expressway. The only fear I have is of meeting people such as you in real life for I may not have the self-control to tolerate the sheer amount of rubbish that your kind spews. Us bickering here is useless. Do post LTA's first reply IN FULL. I know they have standards when it comes to replying to the public so we're waiting.

Edited by Requiemdk
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i wouldn't laugh at a proton that is carrying a license plate from up north. Ever you ever seen what lies beneath the bonnet of Protons up north? Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever saw even kancils pulling away effortlessly in NSH from a WRX. [sweatdrop]



those are not proton... its evo (usually EV3) with proton logo outside... [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]


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Neutral Newbie
[lipsrsealed] Ppl who think 2 dimensionally usually try to whine to some higher authority about their gripes...Dun worry bro...sometimes, you have to let them vent...if this guy was a scholar or policy decision maker, we would have NO performance cars on the roads.... [laugh]
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bro..they did it middle of the night lah..so not much traffic....and it is like a F1 circuit...quite exciting...i must say... [:p]


Accident that happens during the middle of the nite or early morning are usually fatal, despite low traffic...

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