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Are we done with Road Courtesy?


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  On 4/8/2009 at 5:03 PM, Friendstar said:

for me, unwinding window to show a "thank you" sign is a daily routine.


my colleague actually told me that it'll spoil the window faster.

heck la.



eh.. what car u have? still do winding? don't have power window? [laugh]

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There's good drivers and bad drivers.. but in singapore, due to the close proximity, we encounter more of those give way, slow to let people cut in etc..


end of the day, it's the attitude.. what happen on the road, stay on the road.. sadly more peolpe like to visualise or verbalise their happenings in the internet.. thus it give people the feel that there's more and more people that don't show road courtesy..


giving way and being given plus a good wave always make u feel happy for the rest of the journey..

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Neutral Newbie

we are too stress on the road, watch out for speed cam, cop on top,hiding TP, rude drivers, lost drivers, self centered drivers, sudden filter cab drivers, protected public bus drivers, sudden road works ahead, sudden road diversion, how to practise courtesy???:)

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Courtesy isn't everything.


Just yesterday, I was turning out of a side lane and the guy beside me turning out (he was slightly in front) cut into my lane. I was pissed and then he stuck his hand out and waved, presumably to thank me for letting him cut in. I don't understand, why couldn't he signal first?

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Neutral Newbie
  On 4/8/2009 at 11:45 AM, Kelpie said:

I find most Singaporean drivers very reluctant to show the friendly hand, when others gave way to them. Most of the time, they like to show the middle finger instead.

Well, I am one as well who is quite sick to the point of numbness with regards our local motoring mannerisms. However, although MANY are uncouth, loud and rude, while driving, there are a handful of well cultured motorists who are still very human behind their wheels. Personally, when I give way, I don't expect any gestures of thanks from the other party, if he/she does wave in appreciation, I smile back. Otherwise, no harm to me because I give way out of safety for myself as well as others. Singapore's society in spite of all the progress in technology, education, and affluent lifestyles, sadly still have a VERY long way to go in terms of CULTURE and GRACES.


  On 4/8/2009 at 11:45 AM, Kelpie said:

It is like if I can squeeze in infront of you, I'm better and you're lousy. So much so that, drivers don't like to give way to protray that they are the weaker one on the road. Another observaton, I drive larger and more expensive car and you "must" give way to me when changing lane, if you don't, then I have all the "right" to horn you and show finger. I think most of us would agree that most Singaporean drivers are egoists on the road.

This kind of mentality in my opinion is instilled by the very system that governs living and growing up in Singapore. It is all about Self Preservation, Being First, and basically caring for one's selfish needs before anyone else. Why? Because there are NO FREE LUNCHES. You die, your business. In essence, a people of a country, is very much like the saying; "Like Father Like Son".


  On 4/8/2009 at 11:45 AM, Kelpie said:

I think the driving centre apart from teaching learners to drive, they should implement dermit point system such that if the learner don't show friendly hand when given way on the road, deduct points from their test. This may be a small move, at least to show support for road courtesy. After all, Singaporean response better to "punishment" [laugh].

Driving centers, are for revenue generating. Period.


  On 4/8/2009 at 11:45 AM, Kelpie said:

I wonder whether there is a survey to find out how courteous are the drivers in the developed countries/economy.

You don't need a survey to find out.. just ask anyone who has been to Europe, or anywhere else where Welfare exists in their government. People in such countries, are more ready to smile to strangers, and gives way while driving all because GRACES were given to them by their government, and hence GRACES gets passed on. Talk about 'Passing It On' - who's setting the example here first place???






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don want [sweatdrop]


to smash against those construction grade trucks and end up without damage on our end,


i will only feel safe in this: [pirate]



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  On 4/9/2009 at 8:04 AM, Mustank said:

don want [sweatdrop]


to smash against those construction grade trucks and end up without damage on our end,


i will only feel safe in this: [pirate]


Can be done... but no reactive armour, or turret :ph34r:

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  On 4/9/2009 at 8:46 AM, Elfenstar said:

Can be done... but no reactive armour, or turret :ph34r:


no need for both of those..as long as you're as big and look as mean as a tank..even a prime mover will siam ah.. [laugh]

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  On 4/9/2009 at 5:26 AM, Ndika13 said:

we are too stress on the road, watch out for speed cam, cop on top,hiding TP, rude drivers, lost drivers, self centered drivers, sudden filter cab drivers, protected public bus drivers, sudden road works ahead, sudden road diversion, how to practise courtesy???:)


it is just an lame excuse. Singaporean are not being educated in that way. All the lack of courtesy happens not only on the road. it appears everywhere. In fact, most of the city ppl behaves like that. just that Singaporean always comes out their own excuse to shift the blame cause they always think that they are right.

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  On 4/9/2009 at 4:35 AM, Seaweed said:

Yesterday on Farrer Rd...A car cut into my lane without signal(Very close, just on my left corner only)...It was dangerous so I give it a honk...Well he return me with a hand sign implying ""what the F!!!!""... This kind of senario is getting very common and normal to me these days...


Your situation exactly happened to me this Wednesday morning too. If the front part of my car needs spraying or some repairs, I would intentionally rammed into his car without applying e-brake. For sure his tomyam car body will have more damage than mine or even his passenger would get injured. My cam would prove my innocence as he just swerved into my lane without signal and due care despite my horning. [rifle][whip] :angry: Did not even have manner to wave sorry, such a bloody COWARD!


I am still thinking whether I should watch the video with TP....

Edited by Speedsun
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I observe more and more people acknowledging and waving thanks when I give way nowadays.


The theory is, if you give way more, then you'll see more people waving thanks to you too.


But I hate those who always cut queue!!! Esp slip roads. [rifle]

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  On 4/8/2009 at 5:03 PM, Friendstar said:

for me, unwinding window to show a "thank you" sign is a daily routine.


my colleague actually told me that it'll spoil the window faster.

heck la.


same here, but i dont wind down the window, i just wave my hand. but when i give way seldom got people wave thanks to me one.

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  On 4/13/2009 at 1:18 AM, Legan said:

I observe more and more people acknowledging and waving thanks when I give way nowadays.


The theory is, if you give way more, then you'll see more people waving thanks to you too.


But I hate those who always cut queue!!! Esp slip roads. [rifle]


on waving thanks and giving way, pay it forward :)

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  On 4/13/2009 at 1:38 AM, Vextan said:

same here, but i dont wind down the window, i just wave my hand. but when i give way seldom got people wave thanks to me one.


yah i get what u mean, i get that too. some drivers think they have right of way like that. but don't bother lah, just be cool and be considerate driver.


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  On 4/13/2009 at 1:18 AM, Legan said:

I observe more and more people acknowledging and waving thanks when I give way nowadays.


The theory is, if you give way more, then you'll see more people waving thanks to you too.


But I hate those who always cut queue!!! Esp slip roads. [rifle]


eh... i beg to differ i think lesser and lesser ppl give way ea day

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Well...it is just a very typical mindset of "me and myself" !!!! But you brought up something interesting...Do we all need to get video by someone in ordered to learn? I think it is a proven complete failure in our system should time really come when everyone need a cam to record the day to day driving...I was contemplating on whether to do the same as what you did to put a cam sometime back...However I just ask myself is the road really becoming that hopeless that we need visual evident every single second?? Maybe I will go for one in the very near future...



  On 4/9/2009 at 5:00 PM, Speedsun said:

Your situation exactly happened to me this Wednesday morning too. If the front part of my car needs spraying or some repairs, I would intentionally rammed into his car without applying e-brake. For sure his tomyam car body will have more damage than mine or even his passenger would get injured. My cam would prove my innocence as he just swerved into my lane without signal and due care despite my horning. [rifle][whip] :angry: Did not even have manner to wave sorry, such a bloody COWARD!


I am still thinking whether I should watch the video with TP....


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Neutral Newbie

In stresspore, I don't care, be it on the road or in public places, strangers thank me or not. Why I should care? There are better things more important to attend. If others show good mannerism, likewise, respond with one. Well but if everyone stressed and in a hurry, then I guess not much grace you can expect. That, I don't mean to be rude, also in words.

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