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Road Hogging and he doesn't know


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I understand the rationale that gives way to a faster vehicle.


Steven is being safe that's all, CONTINUOUS HIGH BEAM is totally wrong, pay attention to the words in bold. If one travels at 110 surely there will be someone slower at 100 that 'hogs' him. If he travels at 105 and Steven at 100, just what is the f* difference?


The highway here is so short, curvy and congested, if one likes to cruise at 110, better to do at nearest NSH, can go up to 160 all the way, that I fully agree traveling at 120 on lane 1 is considered hogging. Pleasure driving here? Can forget about it, vehicles suppose to be a transportation in city driving.


The tailgater is the bigger devil in this case!


Not to find out whether Choo or Gog did the right thing since we are not there to withness the incident. The fundemental is, lane 1 is for overtaking, if we've no business in lane 1, we should not be driving on it in the 1st place. If someone want to overtake me at a higher speed on lane 1, I will just give way and switch to lane 2. This is basic courtesy to me, at least.


These days, if someone is found hogging lane one, I just find an opportunity to overtake from the left. No need to boil blood making me unhappy by honking, hight beaming and tailgating to frustrate the hogger infront.


The problem is some hoggers are opportunists. When they see that you're overtaking them from the left, they will start to step on their accelerator in an attempt to deter you from cutting in [sweatdrop].



Edited by Kelpie
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This is how i feel.

if steven feels that he is in danger, shouldn't he move out of that lane?

I am sure if forumers here being tailgate by a trailer, we would filter out of the lane instead of turning on hazard lights and slowing down.


The thing is he simply refuse to give way. to me he's more like "I am in front, I am at speed limit, what else you want?"

High beam blind him thus hazard lights??

who he kidding? adjust the mirror and highbeam is gone.


I've withnessed one occasion where a bike was tailgating a car infront on lane one. He kept his right signal lamp switched on trying to "inform" the one infront to give way.


To me, he is just making a "fruitless" attempt. Again, this will be another topic of whether a bike should be found on lane 1. i.e. a toxicating topic.



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theres this practice in the states that signalling is to inform the driver infront to let you overtake. Quite courteous i would say rather than high beaming or horning people. But most singaporean drivers give no s--t about other people.

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This is how i feel.

if steven feels that he is in danger, shouldn't he move out of that lane?

I am sure if forumers here being tailgate by a trailer, we would filter out of the lane instead of turning on hazard lights and slowing down.


The thing is he simply refuse to give way. to me he's more like "I am in front, I am at speed limit, what else you want?"

High beam blind him thus hazard lights??

who he kidding? adjust the mirror and highbeam is gone.


My sentiments exactly..

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Say if Steven Choo sees a fast car from behind and prepares to give way and the car behind also slow down a bit to maintain a proper distance, problem solved. A wonderful world. [sunny]

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Everyone has their right; roadhogging, hazard light, highbeaming, overtaking from the left etc..


Why is there a need to complain and start judging?


Just drive as you like la, accident claim insurance, if die then gameover lor.


Not happy? Dun drive lor.

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Neutral Newbie

2 theories.


Lane 1 belongs to faster moving vehicles. As long as the front driver is slower, just move out of the way.


Lane 1 belongs to overtaking vehciles. As long as the lane 1 driver is overtaking lane 2 vehicles regardless the speed, it has the right to remain in lane 1.

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i think the first theory is more appropriate, especially in a traffic jam as the slower vehicles start to move to the extreme right lane. but when speed picks up, they just fail to move back to the left lanes.

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Neutral Newbie

Not to find out whether Choo or Gog did the right thing since we are not there to withness the incident. The fundemental is, lane 1 is for overtaking, if we've no business in lane 1, we should not be driving on it in the 1st place. If someone want to overtake me at a higher speed on lane 1, I will just give way and switch to lane 2. This is basic courtesy to me, at least.


These days, if someone is found hogging lane one, I just find an opportunity to overtake from the left. No need to boil blood making me unhappy by honking, hight beaming and tailgating to frustrate the hogger infront.


The problem is some hoggers are opportunists. When they see that you're overtaking them from the left, they will start to step on their accelerator in an attempt to deter you from cutting in [sweatdrop].




My exact sentiments. More often than not, I will make sure they need to jam brake as well, thus making them unhappy and in turn they are the ones who honk, high beam and become the tailgaters instead of me!

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Why am I not surprised at the replies here? [confused]


Somehow a lot of people here take it that speeding beyond the limit is OK. But when it appears in the papers of a car hitting others whilst doing so and they KPKB. Then complain father/mother why TP never enforce the limit.


I think a correction is in order:


Overtake on the Right! [thumbsup]




Right Lane for Overtaking [thumbsdown]


There is a diff people!


Anyway, Steven Goh, I think you're OK......just don't slow down on an expressway! [thumbsup]

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Why am I not surprised at the replies here? [confused]


Somehow a lot of people here take it that speeding beyond the limit is OK. But when it appears in the papers of a car hitting others whilst doing so and they KPKB. Then complain father/mother why TP never enforce the limit.


I think a correction is in order:


Overtake on the Right! [thumbsup]




Right Lane for Overtaking [thumbsdown]


There is a diff people!


Anyway, Steven Goh, I think you're OK......just don't slow down on an expressway! [thumbsup]


Car hitting others while speeding on a highway did not happen at all leh... Who crossed the road there?? Its illegal to cross the highway. The recent siao eh who did that also nvr die, only cause the poor biker to die.

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If someone is high beaming you from the back making it dangerous for you, what is the best way to stop this?


Let them pass!


Once the other car is in front he cannot possibly high beam you!


To speed up and then switch on the hazard lights and purposely slow down,

Mr Steven Goh is clearly looking for trouble.


He is just lucky the car behind can slow down in time, if the car behind really was tailgating

he would not be able to slow down in time and would have smashed into Mr Goh.


To many in the forum anyone behind trying to pass them is a tailgater and these same people

never admit that they are hoggers. Its always the other guy that is at fault. Never them.


At the end of the day the most important thing is to arrive home safely to your loved ones.


So if someone wants to pass you no matter whether you are doing 90kmh or 190kmh what is the big deal

about just moving left and letting them pass? Yes you may lose a few seconds but I promise you its safer than

speeding up and then switching on your hazrd and jamming your brakes.


You might "win" a point but you may lose a limb or your life.


I always say - Its better to have the idiot in front of you where you can see him and you can safely avoid him if he does anything stupid

like trying to kill himself than an idiot behind you where you cannot control if he rams into you.


And the only possible way to have the idiot in front of you is - to let him pass.


Your life, your limbs, your car. I am not sure which is the most important to you but

I prefer not to have ANY of the above broken or even scratched! Not even a little scratch.



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Well said. There is always 2 sides to the story. The tailgater may also have the worng mentality that as long as I am faster than you, you got to give way to me, inregardless whether I am overtaking or not. Why need to travel more than 100 km/h to overtake truck travelling at 70-80km/h on Lane 2.


Same Mr Goh could have let his ego down by just letting the car pass him. It needs 2 hands to clap.


bro, dont mind but i totally disagree with you


the sole fact that a vehicle is travelling faster behind you is reason enough for you to filter left and give way..


it's one of the most impt(but seldom followed) highway code..


you try this stunt on NSH..get pwned..

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all cars on expressway supposed to travel within speed limit, regardless which lanes

slow moving vehicles to keep to the left most lane

on a 3 lane expressway, lane 2 and 1 for overtaking purposes


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