Esprit Neutral Newbie March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 While Steven Goh overtook slower vehicles traveling on lane 2, the tailgater shouldn ↡ Advertisement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Esprit Neutral Newbie March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 I think my spelling sala, should be rectum right? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mzrmazda3 6th Gear March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 I think his rectum itchy... Ha Ha Ha ... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waterh2o 4th Gear March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 While Steven Goh overtook slower vehicles traveling on lane 2, the tailgater shouldn Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invigorated Supercharged March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 While Steven Goh overtook slower vehicles traveling on lane 2, the tailgater shouldn Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Osiris 1st Gear March 25, 2009 Author Share March 25, 2009 The reason why Steven was on lane 1 is because there are slower veh on lane 2 which is pretty much common. Meaning to say lane 2 <90. Is steven cruising on lane 1 or overtaking is the question to ask. Just because you are going faster doesn't mean you are 'overtaking'. As mentioned by Jamessc for him to be able to speed up could mean there are enough space for him to. I have seen many "Steven Goh" types on the road, hogging lane 1 at 90 with no traffic in front of them but lane 2 is full & refusing to give way to faster car. I think these are the type of drivers we forumers dislike Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahgongwolve Clutched March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 Well said. There is always 2 sides to the story. The tailgater may also have the worng mentality that as long as I am faster than you, you got to give way to me, inregardless whether I am overtaking or not. Why need to travel more than 100 km/h to overtake truck travelling at 70-80km/h on Lane 2. Same Mr Goh could have let his ego down by just letting the car pass him. It needs 2 hands to clap. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waterh2o 4th Gear March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 That why I like Knight Rider KITT can " Turbo boost" over the road hogging car.. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
RadX Moderator March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 The reason why Steven was on lane 1 is because there are slower veh on lane 2 which is pretty much common. Meaning to say lane 2 <90. Is steven cruising on lane 1 or overtaking is the question to ask. Just because you are going faster doesn't mean you are 'overtaking'. As mentioned by Jamessc for him to be able to speed up could mean there are enough space for him to. I have seen many "Steven Goh" types on the road, hogging lane 1 at 90 with no traffic in front of them but lane 2 is full & refusing to give way to faster car. I think these are the type of drivers we forumers dislike I have given up trying to rationalise with these types of clowns...... Life too short to have to deal w them....let others do the dirty job Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windchoco 1st Gear March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 While Steven Goh overtook slower vehicles traveling on lane 2, the tailgater shouldn Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Esprit Neutral Newbie March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 From one end to the other other only takes 30 mins, not as if it double the time if traveling a little slower right? It won't shorten the time by half if lane 1 is clear unless one travels at constant 120+ but is there a real need for them? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rncw 5th Gear March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 do not tailgate do not road hog travel within road or vehicle (commercial) speed limits slow moving vehicles keep left overtake within road speed limit keep left unless overtaking NO SPEEDING Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windchoco 1st Gear March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 Too few drivers in Singapore is giving the other driver the benefit of the doubt and showing courtesy. When something out of the ordinary happens on the road, usually 1st reaction is not about "understanding why the other driver did that", but about the self-centered Singaporean mentality "I am not wrong what, u idiot, i will horn and flash u till u die, #^%@#$" Horn is not used to warn ppl but to scold them. Anybody disagree? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waterh2o 4th Gear March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waterh2o 4th Gear March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 Maybe can set up a SOP for horning on Spore Road add into highway code theory.Example 1 horn with a "clown" tune maybe to indicate friendly gesture and thank you. 1 shot horn means please give way. so on.... Oh 1 more thing when taking practical driving test tester must make the driver demonstarte to him if he knows how to horn.... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Esprit Neutral Newbie March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 Exactly the buses, trucks and goods van are to blame for traveling on lane 2 on highway. Don't pinpoint on decent sedan on lane 1 over speed limit. If he can, overtake from lane 2, if got balls, go lane 2 and high beam continuously at all the slower vehichles. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Esprit Neutral Newbie March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 I guess both could be in the wrong. But we can't be sure unless we were there. No one owns the roads. Steven should have given way as the lane is strictly for overtaking. He should have given the driver behind the benefit of doubt just in case it's something urgent. It just takes a couple of seconds to filter to 2nd lane and back to first again. Then again, the tailgater should have not being so insistent since he already knows that Steven refuses to give way. Tailgating is dangerous as there is insufficient space for safe braking. He should have switched lanes and overtook him, without all the high-beaming and tailgating. I am always on the lookout for faster drivers driving behind and will give way whenever possible. However, there were times when the 2nd lane and 1st lane is already packed and these tailgaters will tailgate to the point that they can smell my rear and not give me leeway to filter to the 2nd lane. Such behaviour can really be baffling. Tailgating is one thing. Continuous high beam . Of course if there is significant chance to give way to speeding vehicles from the back (not talking about emergency vehicle), one would do so, otherwise he could overtake from the left but Steven is already going at 90+ so is no point. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robo 2nd Gear March 25, 2009 Share March 25, 2009 should be shot! but den again such idiots are getting more and more common everyday! ↡ Advertisement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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