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For those of us struggling in life....


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Thought I'll just come in to correct you.


It's the system that moulded the attitude. From this, it creates the belief that our society has no place for 'clutch mentality'.


So everyone cares for themselves....which forms an 'uncaring' attitude from individuals subjected to such beliefs and from what they see around them.


This place might have progressed, with many having attained a well educated background but what it has as brains.... it has lacked in spirit and heart to help others.

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Thought I'll just come in to correct you.


It's the system that moulded the attitude. From this, it creates the belief that our society has no place for 'clutch mentality'.


So everyone cares for themselves....which forms an 'uncaring' attitude from individuals subjected to such beliefs and from what they see around them.


This place might have progressed, with many having attained a well educated background but what it has as brains.... it has lacked in spirit and heart to help others.

No problems.


Whether it is the system that cause people to be like that, or that people's attitude that limit what they can achieve in the system? It's a chicken and egg question. I rather change what can be changed, i.e. my own attitude, because we can't change a system, and we can't change the masses' mentality.


Those who rises above the rest, are those that have a healthy skepticism against the system, but yet know how to function effectively within the system to get to where they want.

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Agree we cannot change the system. It's good that you are doing well now. But could that 'wasted' time be saved?


My cousins are fortunate, cos they have parents who are well-off and most importantly, understand their disabilities and our system, and acted fast + did what is best for their kids. Not many people can give up all they have eg. career/biz, friends, etc....and move to another country and start all over again.

Edited by Silver_blade
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I came from a rather poor family, and there was no way at all we can afford to send me to UK to read law. So I wasted almost 10 years of my early working life trying to find my niche.


Then again, nowadays it takes more than just a good education to even survive.

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wow....he talks machaim like acting hollywood movies....touchy ^_^

There are many many people who get on well enough in live despite many limitations that they have to live with. It's nothing at all.


My point is, let's quite whinning about the "system" - whatever that is, and start doing what we are supposed to do.

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Then again, nowadays it takes more than just a good education to even survive.

I dont really agree with u. It is very evident a super education can bring to to very very high places. [scholar]

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I dont really agree with u. It is very evident a super education can bring to to very very high places. [scholar]


I don't disagree with you. There are indeed very well educated people in high places. But their achievements was not due to their education per se. Being at the right place at the right time, not making too many serious mistakes, knowing the right people, not offending the wrong people, etc etc etc....


I still believe whatever one's background or educational qualifications, it's the attitude that counts. A person with a looser's mentaility will always be one regardless of education. Generally those who excel in their studies at the first place have very good attitudes to start off. Those without the aptitude for academic pursuits (like me), just have good attitude to keep finding what my talents are and try to excel in those areas.

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Yes. attitude is important. But having attitude is not enough, esp if u are in the civil/public service. Like u, i am trying to find what my talents are and hopefully find a niche for myself. The only "talent" i found so far is that i am a impatient b------d [bigcry]

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I agree...I have a few cousins who have some disabilities...but they are doing very well now.




Cousin #3:- His case is similar to my cousin #2, but his problem is maths. Can never do well. His family also moved to England. He is now an established doctor.


All 3 of them would have been a 'failure' if they had stay behind. What a shame we lost some talents...cos of our system...which I believe is changing. Hope it will improve fast enough to retain some of our potentially good home-grown talents.


Studying medicine in local uni is very competitive, so must be good in all subjects including Math. But in actual fact, doctors don't need to be extremely good in math. They need to have good memory (to memorize all those terms) and good EQ (what's called "bedside manners", to communicate well with patients), that's all.


Unlike engineers, doctors don't need to use much logic or reasoning. But they need to have encyclopedic knowledge of symptoms, possible causes, and effective cures. Memory work...


In the old days, people used to go India to study medicine. Don't need very good grades, also can graduate to become doctor and have a successful career as GP.

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That is a very simple video. I believe the TS and the star in that video is hoping that we can lead our life on the positive side of it. But it seems we are discussing about the opposite.

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Neutral Newbie

Why compare with others?


If you think the dude in the youtube clip is pitiful (which I don't deny), there are thousands out there in the world worse off than him, right? Where does the comparison end?


Just be yourself, be true to yourself.. cos there's really no point in comparing.


If you want to compare why don't you compare with someone better off? At least (and hopefully) that will spur you to progressively improve yourself instead of reprimanding and belittling and pitying yourself.

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Why compare with others?


If you think the dude in the youtube clip is pitiful (which I don't deny), there are thousands out there in the world worse off than him, right? Where does the comparison end?


Just be yourself, be true to yourself.. cos there's really no point in comparing.


If you want to compare why don't you compare with someone better off? At least (and hopefully) that will spur you to progressively improve yourself instead of reprimanding and belittling and pitying yourself.




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