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Are we too protective over our FT


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Australia likely to cut immigration

Posted: 23 February 2009 1547 hrs









SYDNEY : Australia will likely cut the number of skilled immigrants allowed into the country next year, following the global economic downturn, the government said Monday.


"I expect the numbers of our programme to drop next year as a reaction to the economic circumstances," Immigration Minister Chris Evans told reporters.


He gave no indication of the size of the cut, but said the government would also reconsider which occupations should be on the critical skills list.


"We will probably have a formal look at that in the next couple of weeks," Evans said.


Around 190,300 migrants were projected to arrive over 2008/09, with skilled workers accounting for most places in a programme designed when the forecast was for rapid economic growth and a skills crisis.


But projections for growth have been slashed as the global economy slows, and some industries have already started cutting jobs.


Asian immigration has grown rapidly in recent years while the number of new arrivals from traditional source countries such as Britain and Italy has fallen, the latest census showed last month.


"Country-of-birth groups which increased the most between 1996 and 2006 were New Zealand (by around 98,000 people), China (96,000) and India (70,000)," according to the census.


"In contrast, European country-of-birth groups declined sharply over the same period -- Italy by 39,000 people, the United Kingdom by 35,000 and Greece by 17,000."


However, while the ratio of Asian immigration to European arrivals changed -- with six of the 10 most common birthplaces of migrants being Asian countries -- 92,000 Britons still accounted for most new residents.


Apart from China and India, countries providing increasing numbers of immigrants included Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea and South Africa.



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FYI, I know there r many China workers been retrenched in the 4Q 08 & 1Q 09.


1. 200++ China workers been retrenched from CSM in Dec 08 & many of them arrived just Jan 08. They have paid est. S$8K agent fee to come & their pay is only $1k monthly for 12 hrs shift.


2. 9 China workers (Beauty Consultant) will be terminated from Watson in End March 09. They just arrived in May 08. They have a option to go back China or become Sales Asst but the new pay will be adjusted from $1200 to $800.


3. Many foreign workers (China, Msian, Pinoy) from Expression who arrived less than 1 yrs ago have been told to take a pay cut (20%) if they don want any major retrenchment.


I don't know how many more cases out there but i'm don think it is fair to blame FT cos they r also suffering like the rest of us.

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I don't know how many more cases out there but i'm don think it is fair to blame FT cos they r also suffering like the rest of us.


Nobody is blaming anyone other than the TS himself ... because he's not living in SG ... [lipsrsealed]




Frankly speaking .... 60-70% of the FTs arriving here are working jobs which are really undesirable.



You wana work for one of the following:-


- general construction/ shipyard worker

- cleaners

- beer/ coffee maid (New name came up by me)

- Gayland walker

- maids


Maybe only a 10-15% are staying here for good. These are also those much higher educated group.

Much as we hate them, I suppose who like/desire us going over to their Countries and taking good position?



Let's all contribute to the society positively ...






KNN .... farking stupid waste of personal time, no wonder we're struggling now ......



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Actually I think hv to differentiate between FT and FW. FT are those that got high salary that can cover their rental expenses in condo.

However, FW are those that taking jobs Sgreans dont want.

I think the FW are also hit quite hard during this slowdown but FT relatively unscathed.

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well..differentiating the FWs and FTs..i have no qualms about FWs..in fact, i have one working 'part time' washing car under my block for $40 per mth..

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Actually I think hv to differentiate between FT and FW. FT are those that got high salary that can cover their rental expenses in condo.

However, FW are those that taking jobs Sgreans dont want.

I think the FW are also hit quite hard during this slowdown but FT relatively unscathed.


There is no such thing as a job that Singaporeans do not want. Singaporeans will do any job if it pays decently, able to support a family and live with dignity. I will clean toilets if it pays what I get currently.


Its a fallacy that the media has portrayed and the real cause of it all is the greed of those business owners wanting more and more profits instaed of sharing it with their workers.


Wake up and think.

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There is no such thing as a job that Singaporeans do not want. Singaporeans will do any job if it pays decently, able to support a family and live with dignity. I will clean toilets if it pays what I get currently.


Its a fallacy that the media has portrayed and the real cause of it all is the greed of those business owners wanting more and more profits instaed of sharing it with their workers.


Wake up and think.


Correct the co would rather get young FT than use old singaporean....


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Neutral Newbie

and when an employer hires a local male, then he probably needs to pay more CPF $, and give the local time to go for his reservists.

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FYI, I know there r many China workers been retrenched in the 4Q 08 & 1Q 09.


1. 200++ China workers been retrenched from CSM in Dec 08 & many of them arrived just Jan 08. They have paid est. S$8K agent fee to come & their pay is only $1k monthly for 12 hrs shift.


2. 9 China workers (Beauty Consultant) will be terminated from Watson in End March 09. They just arrived in May 08. They have a option to go back China or become Sales Asst but the new pay will be adjusted from $1200 to $800.


3. Many foreign workers (China, Msian, Pinoy) from Expression who arrived less than 1 yrs ago have been told to take a pay cut (20%) if they don want any major retrenchment.


I don't know how many more cases out there but i'm don think it is fair to blame FT cos they r also suffering like the rest of us.


dont be simple minded la, in the 1st place how these FTs got their employment here wtih such unbelievable wages [furious] or shd these empolyments go to sinkie (with average wages) instead.

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There is no such thing as a job that Singaporeans do not want. Singaporeans will do any job if it pays decently, able to support a family and live with dignity. I will clean toilets if it pays what I get currently.


Its a fallacy that the media has portrayed and the real cause of it all is the greed of those business owners wanting more and more profits instaed of sharing it with their workers.


Wake up and think.


Unfortunately, jobs like cleaning toilets/tables or construction work for that matter cant command high enuff salary for a decent living or to care for family committments.


Not all business owners are philanthropists. Even if they are, they are giving or sharing out of their ridiculous surplus.

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the truth is the government is showing a positive stance towards FTs. Reason? So that we will always be in good light and in the good books of those home countries. If the govt comes out criticizing and stop the inflow of FTs, then it will be a case of shooting oneself in the foot cos it will be tough to renew the supply lines when the economy rebounds.

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you are right


because I have seen it with my own eyes


my company has a local that does the same job as the FT


but the FT got a housing package of $6000 plus other benefits such as children education and etc


not surprising the FT is an ang moh


the FT really knows how to sell himself


every tiny bit of improvement , quickly tell bossy


local wait and accumulate then tell bossy


at the end the impression the FT do so many wonderful and productive things for the company


so i believe in part it is to do with our packaging



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A FT typically comes here for a short term. Hence, he is more able to endure the hardships and is willing to stay in a cramp rented room (as he comes here alone and has no family concerns). Once 2 years are up, he could put an end to it and enjoy the money saved back at home. Then another FT takes over, looking forward to the same thing again and the cycle continues.


For our local folks, we have to compete with this cycle with no break.






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In 2004, the PAP Govt assured Singaporeans that foreign workers will act as buffer for the local workforce during downturn as they will bear the brunt of job losses




Foreign workers an important buffer during lean years: govt


FOREIGN workers have played an important buffering role in Singapore, meeting manpower shortages during boom years and bearing the brunt of job losses during lean times, the government said Monday, May 31. "The inflow of foreign workers into the economy has proved to be a buffer for the local workforce," the Ministry of Manpower said in a report.


In Dec 2008, the Govt reiterated this stance as NTUC chief urges companies to retrench foreign workers first.




Labour chief urges employers to give priority to local workers


SINGAPORE: It may make more business sense to let go of foreign rank-and-file workers rather than Singaporean workers if retrenchment is unavoidable, said Labour chief Lim Swee Say at the Singapore Tripartism Forum on Thursday.

The secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) said: "We're talking about rank-and-file workers who are, by and large, replaceable. Our message is

Edited by Johorat
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