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FT slams Pro-SG Policies! ZzZ


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no choice...


Singapore will never be the same again...


MRTs squeeze like hell

kopi tiam assistants can't understand my "teh si xiu dai" orders

local delights in food courts are cooked by non-local FTs (the taste is never the same again)


i miss the good old Singapore... of at least 10 years ago...


I already missed it 15 years ago.

More when they tore down the National Theater. [:(]

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im a [lipsrsealed]


pray tell, why should a pr take up citizenship when we all know that having an alternative place to retire is something that we all plan for? being a citizen, only batam and johor are options... as stated by our million dollar ministers.


why get angry with prs who started their family here, pay tax, etc? sore over ns? go look up ur minister. dun cry and cry but when erection come, all vote for 66.6%.


where do u draw the line between citizen and pr privileges? why no one tell sinkies working overseas to change their citizenship to that country?


Since when anyone was angry with PRs? It is thanx to Mr. Gopal who shot his mouth off w/o thinking or considering the consequences. Unfortunately this is not boleh land where after leaving the political arena, people still can talk bad about others and get away with it.

Edited by Latka
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Imagine this. Our flat will be ready only in 2012. Of our two incomes, I earn more than my wife. My income pays for almost everything, including rent (which has increased astronomically). The cost of living has gone up, and even cooking at home is no cheaper then eating outside. Paying utility bills, insurance premiums, car loan, education loans and so on leaves us with just enough to make ends meet. In recent months, we have had to dip into our savings to pay for many things.


We used to consider ourselves slightly better off than middle class, but now we are not even in that category. If I lose my job, because I am not a Singaporean, where would that leave us?



As many have mentioned, no one forces him to stay here. He could have jolly well joined the rest at the causeway every morning. But no, he chooses to buy a flat and a car. [sleeping]


Should I also write in to complaint that I'm worse than those in the middle-class even tot I AM a Singaporean!! <_<




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Aiya... argue so much also no use. You can talk till the cows come home and there is still a lot of dissatisfaction. The balance of privilidges between a citizen or a PR is not decided by you and me, why not just let others do their job. The world is already so full of chaos, we will end up destroying ourselves one day if we don't change our differences and unite as one.

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Speaking of these ppl everyday come here and work,can even critisize our way of living,our strict garmen etc...like face no full of shame come here and work.

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Speaking of these ppl everyday come here and work,can even critisize our way of living,our strict garmen etc...like face no full of shame come here and work.

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Speaking of these ppl everyday come here and work,can even critisize our way of living,our strict garmen etc...like face no full of shame come here and work.

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Kinda of like going to an exclusive club as guest, may have paid the entrance fee but refuse to join as member but demand membership treatment? And complain being treated like non members?

Edited by Twofouronenite
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I share the same sentiments as well... and hey, did we force them to come? Hell noooooooo......



it's a national pasttime to find things to whine and complain about.. maybe the FT are getting into our cultures..let them have some fun..


end of the say, we still need to protect the citizen's rights (or whatever there's left)

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I share the same sentiments as well... and hey, did we force them to come? Hell noooooooo......




We not forcing them to come,but the exchange rate does

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Only 1 sentence to say......


"You can do a million and 1 things, but as long as you never serve NS or not liable to bear arms in times of need, just shut the F**K up!"

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Ya hor, maybe pay them in their currency? 1 to 1. See if they still find it attractive. [rolleyes] .



I think the problem lies with this individual only... so far, I have not hear anything from the PRs I know.

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