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FT slams Pro-SG Policies! ZzZ


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Pro-S'porean policy in jobs, housing impractical


THE notion of a pro-Singaporean policy is noble but not practical. What many policymakers and many well-meaning citizens fail to recognise is that many Singaporeans are married to non-Singaporeans.


Non-Singaporeans may, for one reason or another, not be in a position to take up Singapore citizenship. This may be because they have elderly parents in their native country or they do not meet general requirements to take up citizenship.


As someone in this category, I find that this pro-Singaporean policy penalises this segment of the population. Over the years, we have contributed thousands of dollars to the Singapore economy, we pay taxes and levies and we have decided to setup of our family unit in Singapore. We have bought an HBD flat and look forward to being proud owners of a home in Singapore.


I am not in a position to take up citizenship, as it is my responsibility to take care of my parents in Malaysia. They have chosen their home and I cannot, in good conscience, force them to relocate here.


Imagine this. Our flat will be ready only in 2012. Of our two incomes, I earn more than my wife. My income pays for almost everything, including rent (which has increased astronomically). The cost of living has gone up, and even cooking at home is no cheaper then eating outside. Paying utility bills, insurance premiums, car loan, education loans and so on leaves us with just enough to make ends meet. In recent months, we have had to dip into our savings to pay for many things.


We used to consider ourselves slightly better off than middle class, but now we are not even in that category. If I lose my job, because I am not a Singaporean, where would that leave us?


Consider this as well. I pay goods and services tax (GST), income tax, Central Provident Fund (CPF) and every other payment as Singaporeans do, but I get few if any benefits. I do not get GST refunds; nor am I a beneficiary of any other monetary initiative to relieve the sufferings of Singaporeans, despite the fact that I am forming a family unit with a Singaporean in Singapore.


Adrian Gopal

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In the first place no one forced Mr Gopal to come to SG to work. Come SG to work a while liao develop elistist attitude, simi consider ourselves slightly better off than middle class... [shakehead]

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I don't understand his logic of unable to convert because parent is staying put in Msia. Worried that he's unable to inherit his parent's property?


Also, he thinks that he is PAYING CPF, not CONTRIBUTING... How self-righteous(Just learned this term from other thread hor... Hee Hee). Don't pay laa.. Boss also happy, gahmen also happy...

Edited by Tjkbeluga
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I want to tell the FT, not happy then go back to your own country.


The thing is, if the govt have to also take care of the FT, then no amount of resources will be enough. How many $20 billion do we have anyway? So of course have to prioritise. Granted FT's also pay GST and taxes. But they also remit their earnings back home, whch is an outflow of capital. FT's also fill many jobs that could otherwise be filled by a local.


And what's the big deal if they married a local? And by doing so they are entitled something? The country owe them something?


Please, just go back, get lost! This place is better off without parasites like the FT who wrote that letter.

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Mr Gopal is blinded by greed cos he thinks earning stronger sg dollar he can do better dan his peers back home. He should have seen it coming when standard of living here is unlike back there in M'sia.


Whether Mr. Gopal is working in M'sia or Sg the ,standard-of-living vs his pay, it's more or less the same in both countries if you dun look at the exchange rate. But he chose see the stronger sg dollar above all else. Now he wanna comprain? Muahahaha...........


Now he had realised he had made the biggest mistake by coming here to stay and he realised that he & his wife is not earning enough to keep up. He should learn what his peers are doing, earn sg dollar and dan bring home to spend. Dumbass.

Edited by Watwheels
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Leech, bite hard hard to the host then suck hard hard the blood when full will just dropped away lor . . .


Tourists also pay GST in lots of stuff they buy and some cannot claim back GST refunds when they depart . . . so are we going to expect tourists to say since they pay GST they should be entitled to GST credits? ? ?


he have a choice . . if he not happy . . . please go back . . . there is nothing wrong with protecting the locals as no forget the locals is the one who voted in the govt . . . the fact that he no wan to convert giving reason that his parents prefer to stay in msia show that he is also protective of his own interests too mah . . . just like when his house on fire . . . who will blame him if he choose to save his family first instead of his guests . . . which is more important . . . same here . . . the locals should be saved first . . . we do not owe him a living but he owe us a job . . . hope to see him go back to msia . . .

Edited by Seabass_sg
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am not in a position to take up citizenship, as it is my responsibility to take care of my parents in Malaysia. They have chosen their home and I cannot, in good conscience, force them to relocate here.


This Adrian Gopal is one solid clown.


How is his being here as a FT, as a PR or as a citizen affecting his ability to take care of his parents in Malaysia? No one or law requires his parents to relocate here ah... [hur]


wanna keep back door, just say so lah...

wanna prevent children from serving NS, just say so lah ...

wanna have free lunch, wait long long lah ...



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Ask Mr. Gopal if M'sia government will come up with some policies that not pro - Malaysian but pro - Singapore. In this time of crisis of coz the Government must take care of Singaporeans first. Not happy here? Mr Gopal you're welcome to move back to M'sia and enjoy your full rights as a citizen there.

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Ask Mr. Gopal if M'sia government will come up with some policies that not pro - Malaysian but pro - Singapore. In this time of crisis of coz the Government must take care of Singaporeans first. Not happy here? Mr Gopal you're welcome to move back to M'sia and enjoy your full rights as a citizen there.


Ahh... that's the problem ... he's not able to enjoy his 'rights' as a citizen there so he's trying to claim some here .... [sly]

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If Mr Gopal finds that Singapore is unfavorable for him, he could easily choose to go back to Malaysia anytime. I am sure his home country would embrace him and opportunities are aplenty back at home. Period.



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was this in the papers? wat a loser this so called FT [thumbsdown]


One thing to point out first: He's definitely a 'F' .... nothing says he is a 'T' wor...

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frankly he forgo his own benefits by not converting to be citizen.. what's wrong with being singaporean but parents in Msia?


he got a choice.. where got no choice..


anyway, good story for bed time.. at least we know non-singaporean are suffering..

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One thing to point out first: He's definitely a 'F' .... nothing says he is a 'T' wor...

He managed to marry a local leh... So it's some form of T too laa... [sweatdrop]

Also, his salary also must be at least SGD 4 to 5K laa... [sly]

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frankly he forgo his own benefits by not converting to be citizen.. what's wrong with being singaporean but parents in Msia?


he got a choice.. where got no choice..


anyway, good story for bed time.. at least we know non-singaporean are suffering..

I think he'll not be able to inherit his parent's property in Msia after converting. But this can be easily solved. Kuasa the property to him first before converting. A foreigner in Msia is still allowed to own a property....

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Neutral Newbie

he has given the choice to convert to citizen.

he chose not to. whatever reasons that he might have, he was given an option and he chose not too.

bending over to these kind of excuses is unfair to citizens.

he wants the best from both sides, utter rubbish.


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I want to tell the FT, not happy then go back to your own country.


The thing is, if the govt have to also take care of the FT, then no amount of resources will be enough. How many $20 billion do we have anyway? So of course have to prioritise. Granted FT's also pay GST and taxes. But they also remit their earnings back home, whch is an outflow of capital. FT's also fill many jobs that could otherwise be filled by a local.


And what's the big deal if they married a local? And by doing so they are entitled something? The country owe them something?


Please, just go back, get lost! This place is better off without parasites like the FT who wrote that letter.








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