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Air chargers, tornadoes, magnets and nanoballs = more bhp!


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aiyah, we all have been thru this stage lah .... when I was driving swift GL many moons back, I actually called the surbo guy [:p] but in the end never put cos not enough $$$ :D


then my brother let me try capsule + E68 + magnets ..... --> all rubbish except for the GUNIGONG, throttle feel improved slightly ....


Now I always laugh when see people put install such stuff, especially at mcwell [lipsrsealed]

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aiyah, we all have been thru this stage lah .... when I was driving swift GL many moons back, I actually called the surbo guy [:p] but in the end never put cos not enough $$$ :D


then my brother let me try capsule + E68 + magnets ..... --> all rubbish except for the GUNIGONG, throttle feel improved slightly ....


Now I always laugh when see people put install such stuff, especially at mcwell [lipsrsealed]


Eh, you should approach them and say "snake oil" Ssss.... [laugh]


Seems like skoda forum only left you 2 fellas posting mostly. Even chief moderator mia liao. Think when you old birds change ride, this section can close down liao. :D

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hv lah ... a few others also around .... in other threads ....


cannot change so soon, hv to top up the diff. if change. unless something irresistible comes up ..... [laugh]

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eh bro ... when free can come Tjg Pgr la kopi har ? <_<


Wah lau, we already meet up how many times there lah kopi liao. You never turn up once also. Cheh... [laugh]

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eh only the previous one cannot come niah ..... kena server down and burn a few days ..... u think fun ah ?


[grin] Ok you arrange, we come!! [thumbsup]


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