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CNY in Hanoi, Vietnam


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anyone knows what is the situation like during CNY, especially 年三十晚,初一 and 初二?Thinking of going there for holiday during that period.


All shops and attractions close or business as usual? Nowadays I realise even HK CNY all shops open.

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I happen to be going Ho Chi Minh 2 days before CNY and leaving on the 2nd day of CNY


It seems that from what I gather, Vietnamese celebrates CNY as much as we do.

So if you are there on the eve, you would expect to see how they usher in the new year.


As for CNY 1st and 2nd day. Quite a number of shops will be closed. I would expect moderate shops to be opened nearer to the city center as Vietnam is getting more touristy.


Probably the same thing will apply to Hanoi, I guessed.



no one live in Hanoi or viet expert?


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anyone knows what is the situation like during CNY, especially 年三十晚,初一 and 初二?Thinking of going there for holiday during that period.


All shops and attractions close or business as usual? Nowadays I realise even HK CNY all shops open.


During Tet it is like ghost town. I mean even though there will be some shops open and some people on the streets, you will not get to feel what real Hanoi (vietnam) will be like with the motorcycle traffic etc.


And Hanoi will be cold. I think you will end up eating at typical tourist spot or hotel. Like that might as well eat in SG heh heh.


Besides, Hanoi's night spots adhere strictly to the operating hours listed by the garmen. People will vacate disco and pubs around 10.45 pm. You will be better off in HCM where people will party through.

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Chisiang, so you have been to HCM city during TET?


Was it a ghost town on the 1st and 2nd day of CNY?


My staffs get 4 days off during Tet. Most Vietnamese work 6 FULL day week and only during Tet they get to take a decent break.


For the 1st day they will eat and sleep, watch TV at home. 2nd day they will vroom around to parks and country side (for the city dwellers). Nobody feels or want to work. So only a few hard core shops still open.


When you go Vietnam, you want to feel the atmosphere. You want to immense yourself in the non stop traffic at a typical road side cafe watching people and motorcycle. You want to see people going about their daily life.


During Tet, um... you can't get that experience. You are better off spending the time in some beach resort in Thailand ke ke ke.

Edited by Chisiang
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Damn... I guessed I am resigned to spending my time enjoying the hotel facilities during those 2 days. [:|]


aiya... if already bought ticket then no choice. it will still be quite an experience. on the way to the city from airport, you can see the road raised high just like those vietnam war movies [thumbsup]


Just walk around the vicinity of your hotel loh.


And remember, taxi uncles CAN'T speak England. Only some will converse in ultra broken England. And usually can't proceed after you reply him. Most of the time they are very good with "You want girlfriend?" "Where you from?" "I like Sink-ka-pour"


They don't understand "turn left" "turn right" "stop here". Addresses on most hotel name cards are in English style. Get the hotel staff to write the address in Vietnamese so the taxi driver will understand. Also, if your hotel is not those 4 or 5 star ones, then get them to write down the two intersection road name.


I think you can google for some basic useful Vietnamese conversation.


Waitresses - Em oi. (sounds like Am moi)

Thank you - Cam on (sounds like Cum Ern... speak faster becomes cumern heh heh... or Cam On Nhieu = thank you very much)

You're welcome - Khong Co Chi

Sorry - Xin loi

Good Afternoon (Hello) - xing cao <- use this most of the time

Bill please - Tern Ti

Waitress Can I have the bill - Em Oi Tern Ti (and show the universal hand sign) [thumbsup]


No or wrong = Khong


Turn Left - Why Zhai

Turn Right - Why Fai


IF they don't get what you are saying the first time, repeat again, but say 3 times louder and they usually will get it! ha ha... don't know why but if you shout at them they usually get it.



And enjoy!

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aiya... if already bought ticket then no choice. it will still be quite an experience. on the way to the city from airport, you can see the road raised high just like those vietnam war movies [thumbsup]


Just walk around the vicinity of your hotel loh.


And remember, taxi uncles CAN'T speak England. Only some will converse in ultra broken England. And usually can't proceed after you reply him. Most of the time they are very good with "You want girlfriend?" "Where you from?" "I like Sink-ka-pour"


They don't understand "turn left" "turn right" "stop here". Addresses on most hotel name cards are in English style. Get the hotel staff to write the address in Vietnamese so the taxi driver will understand. Also, if your hotel is not those 4 or 5 star ones, then get them to write down the two intersection road name.


I think you can google for some basic useful Vietnamese conversation.


Waitresses - Em oi. (sounds like Am moi)

Thank you - Cam on (sounds like Cum Ern... speak faster becomes cumern heh heh... or Cam On Nhieu = thank you very much)

You're welcome - Khong Co Chi

Sorry - Xin loi

Good Afternoon (Hello) - xing cao <- use this most of the time

Bill please - Tern Ti

Waitress Can I have the bill - Em Oi Tern Ti (and show the universal hand sign) [thumbsup]


No or wrong = Khong


Turn Left - Why Zhai

Turn Right - Why Fai


IF they don't get what you are saying the first time, repeat again, but say 3 times louder and they usually will get it! ha ha... don't know why but if you shout at them they usually get it.



And enjoy!



CS, how to say, I wanna sleep with you tonite????? hahahahaa




When u wanna bring me cheong in HCM???




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anyone knows what is the situation like during CNY, especially 年三十晚,初一 and 初二?Thinking of going there for holiday during that period.


All shops and attractions close or business as usual? Nowadays I realise even HK CNY all shops open.


Ask Sabian (the one with the Elmo with knife)... He's the resident Vietcong

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CS, how to say, I wanna sleep with you tonite????? hahahahaa




When u wanna bring me cheong in HCM???


very easy. say "How much for bang bang?" and show the universal hip movement or index finger through "ok" sign [:p]



Ju is there permanently. Must bring you to my latest favorite pub!!! The bar tender all super pretty ladies! All around 22 yrs!!!


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very easy. say "How much for bang bang?" and show the universal hip movement or index finger through "ok" sign [:p]



Ju is there permanently. Must bring you to my latest favorite pub!!! The bar tender all super pretty ladies! All around 22 yrs!!!


Give me a call to go to your new fave pub.... tonite party where?????





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Give me a call to go to your new fave pub.... tonite party where?????


tonight [sleeping]


need to save more money. This month over spent in HCM. Next month road tax due. Tyre botak liao need to change. sianz. [bigcry]

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10q everyone for the responses. have decided to can the trip, no point going when its gonna be dead town.


maybe worst case scenario go back to HK !!!


thnak you MCF, you save me money and time !!!!

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