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Neighbour owe Ah Long money, but my door was splashed with red paint


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is it illegal to 'rotan' (baseball bats) the runners ourselves, then hand them over to police?

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Neutral Newbie

i can tell u, the problem lies wif the society.


You are spot on but I would think no doubt some ppl might be resort to take loan from Ah Long even though they know they will kenna suck dry by them. You brought out 2 very good points that might be the root cause of this issue, let's look deeper into the causes:


- ppl not living within their means:

True but is it due to they expect too much (bear in mind these ppl stay in HDB) or they can't keep up the pace of the economy (eg inflation) some much so that they gamble to gain quick buck to bring bread to the table


- Police lack of resources:

One of the reasons that I could see from recent years is that the increase number of FT and thus more social issues and the police resources can't increase as fast as the FT numbers thus causing this Ah long to have "own time own target" mindset.


Lastly one thing I can't understand is that how come the immigration officers and police are soooooo good at cracking down illegal cigarettes (is a heavily taxed item) but this Ah Long issue (cost to 'company'?) is like no progress leh... Any thoughts?

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Lastly one thing I can't understand is that how come the immigration officers and police are soooooo good at cracking down illegal cigarettes (is a heavily taxed item) but this Ah Long issue (cost to 'company'?) is like no progress leh... Any thoughts?


Got thoughts, but cannot say here, unless you have a death wish... [lipsrsealed]

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Neutral Newbie

same Home Team lah....if custom officers so on the ball then police also must have some standard...

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Neutral Newbie

My front door has just been splashed with red paint. Nobody I know has any dealings with Ah Longs. Have lodged a police report but read on the internet that others have similar experiences and making a report usually doesn't stop the attacks.


Something new I've learnt is that borrowers are now falsifying their addresses on their ICs! Intend to fix a CCTV, motion sensor and a very loud alarm..... damn pissed.



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Most people who get into ah long troubles starts with gambling, then getting into debt. Then somewhere along the line they loose their job, gamble more, then get deeper.


I think getting german shepherds, dobblermans, bloodhounds etc to patrol the corridors is much better than calling our poodle forces. As least real dogs have no fear.

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Neutral Newbie

My front door has just been splashed with red paint. Nobody I know has any dealings with Ah Longs. Have lodged a police report but read on the internet that others have similar experiences and making a report usually doesn't stop the attacks.


Something new I've learnt is that borrowers are now falsifying their addresses on their ICs! Intend to fix a CCTV, motion sensor and a very loud alarm..... damn pissed.



Bro, saw on Youtube even with CCTV, they also dare to hoot....serious...read newspaper these runners are as young as 12 years old...so kenna caught go to rehab centers only cannot cane or go jail...so Ah Long knows how to use 'Talents'...


I can only say the inefficiency of police and the pressure of keeping up the cost of living is the root of the issues...if can't clamp down now...if IR opens...siao liao.... [sweatdrop][sweatdrop]


I would think Town Council should install CCTV on all exits and also engaged retirees to monitor it...in this way retirees got jobs so keep them out of gambling and put the TC funds in good use instead of losing them in whatever investments....


(PS: also give them good reasons to increase TC charges... [lipsrsealed][lipsrsealed] )

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Neutral Newbie

Up to date for 4 months, no more harassment anymore... [thumbsup]



Actually thinking of installing real CCTV, but after looking at some video clips on the cctv, doesn't really stop the acts as most of the runners under 18 years old and can't cane or jail them....



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is this thing happen to me....u can be sure my kali stick is ready near the door or my 8kg slegdhammer....

i will stay awake, install a CCTv....


he will be a DEAD man! [rifle]

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Neutral Newbie

[pirate] Get ur affected neighbour togather n create a night watch becos they are bound to come again

catch them and slash them with the same color of paint then call the police.


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Neutral Newbie

[pirate] Get ur affected neighbour togather n create a night watch becos they are bound to come again

catch them and slash them with the same color of paint then call the police.



They do not come often, sometime once in a few months...quite difficult...to standby every nights and days...

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Most people who get into ah long troubles starts with gambling, then getting into debt. Then somewhere along the line they loose their job, gamble more, then get deeper.


I think getting german shepherds, dobblermans, bloodhounds etc to patrol the corridors is much better than calling our poodle forces. As least real dogs have no fear.


HDB cannot keep such big dogs, with our "fine" country, likely the owner made to pay the biggest ahlong in our country before the small-time ahlong is captured... [dizzy]


and for young hotblooded people who suggested to kill the ahlong runner. Then you better make sure he's dead, else his lackeys will wait for you to come out. how many do you think you can fight? watch too much IP Man? [smash]

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Neutral Newbie

HDB cannot keep such big dogs, with our "fine" country, likely the owner made to pay the biggest ahlong in our country before the small-time ahlong is captured... [dizzy]


and for young hotblooded people who suggested to kill the ahlong runner. Then you better make sure he's dead, else his lackeys will wait for you to come out. how many do you think you can fight? watch too much IP Man? [smash]



That's pretty sum up the victim's feeling (like me)...is like LP kenna stuck kinda of fustration...

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