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Stuck between zaino and duragloss


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both are accelerator. difference only in brand and most importantly $-Eleven.

Looks and curing time are subjective.

Edited by Laukuikor
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ah... just met up and talked to Benny. Apparently they have the same functionality tho the website does not state this, and they are very different in packaging.

zfx does not come in such a big bottle, it comes in a small vial.


I have no idea how many coats of duragloss you can do in 1 day with 601 as an accelerator. probably best to ask benny about that.

Edited by Four4s
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Aiya, actually fans of Zaino will say it is different and will insist that it is more superior. (from some hardcore fans in some US forums)


And being different the website will not state it. tongue.giftongue.gif


Most important I believe is the difference in $$$ to pay for each product.



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